École Hillgrove
Year End Newsletter June 28th, 2024
A Note from Mrs. Bruinsma
Thank you to all our students, families, and staff for a wonderful 2023-2024 school year. As we reflect on the year, there is much to celebrate and be grateful for.
As we enter the summer months, we wish everyone quality time to rest and rejuvenate while enjoying the warmth of the sun. Whether you are staying nearby or traveling afar, may your days be memorable and full of joy. Just as the school year went by quickly, so too will summer. We look forward to welcoming everyone back at the end of August for the new school year.
Staff News
As the school year draws to a close, we bid farewell and express our deepest gratitude to the teaching and support staff who are transitioning to new adventures in their careers: Sean Bulger, Coral Ferrari, Mya Baumle, Kim Lampron, Koren Cromwell, Devika Tiseera, Ben Schepens, and Jarod Wilhelms. Their dedication and contributions have left a memorable mark on our school community, and we wish them continued success in their journey ahead!
We extend our best wishes to Mme. Dickie and Mrs. Ralph as they continue to enjoy their maternity leaves.
Amidst these farewells and temporary absences, we would also like to welcome the following staff who will be joining our Hillgrove family for the 2024-2025 school year: Grace Haney, Sine Aboughoche, Taylor Good, Kerri Clarke, and Natalie Hansen who is returning from maternity leave.
Please join us in celebrating these transitions and in extending our heartfelt appreciation to all members of the school staff for their commitment to our student's growth and success!
Report Cards
The June 2024 student report cards are available for viewing through your PowerSchool Parent Portal accounts. Please log in to your account to review your child's academic progress. Parent Portal access: spschools.powerschool.com/public. Please see instructions below.
Click on the report titled "Junior High-S2-2023-2024" or "Elementary-S2-2023-2024" as appropriate.
Important 2024-2025 Dates
- 19th - Office Opens
- 28th - Staggered Entry Last Name A-L
- 29th - Staggered Entry Last Name M-Z
- 29th - Meet the staff evening 6:30-7:30pm
- 30th - First day of regular classes for all students
- 2nd - Labour Day, No School
- 9th - School Picture Day
- 17th - Parent Council & Fundraising Committee meetings 7:00pm
- 20th - Staff PD Day, No School
- 26th - Parent Engagement Opportunity, Presentation from Internet Child Exploitation Unit, 7:00pm in the Hill Lunch Room
- 30th - National Day for Truth & Reconciliation, No School
Staggered Entry Information
On August 27th, please check in the PowerSchool Parent Portal for your child's Homeroom for the 2024-2025 school year. Students will attend on one of our Staggered Entry dates (see above).
During the summer break, the Parent Portal may be adjusted so you will see a temporary message on the My Schedule page that your child is not enrolled in any courses at our school. Please don't worry, your child is still enrolled. On August 27th the schedule will be available for viewing.
Students will be at school for the full day (8:25am-2:59pm). Please bring a lunch and student school supplies. Buses will be running each day starting on August 28th.
2024-2025 School Division Calendars
2024-2025 School Supplies
The 2024-2025 Supply Lists for Grades 5-9 students can be found on the school website here.
Write-On Stationery is once again offering parents the opportunity to order school supply packages for students enrolling into Grades 5 & 6. Parents can select to have orders delivered to the school for the end of August or to your home address. Deadline to order is August 1st, 2024.
To Order Online:
- Go to www.write-on.ca
- Click on ’PARENTS – Order Here’
- Type in and Select your School Name (Ecole Hillgrove School- St. Albert)
- Choose your grade(s) and select package and/or items
- Complete your order by clicking ’PLACE ORDER’
- You will receive an automatic email confirmation to confirm your order has been received
- Write-On accepts: VISA, Mastercard, and American Express
2024-2025 Bell Schedule
School Development
Get ready for a big change coming to our campus this summer! Starting July 2nd, construction will begin on a new pedway that will connect the Grove and Hill buildings. This exciting addition will enhance accessibility and convenience for all students, staff, and school visitors. Stay tuned for updates as we embark on this transformative project together!
Bus Pass Application
The 2024-2025 Bus Pass: Application and Kindergarten Bus Pass Application 2024-2025 are available on the BusPlanner Portal. Bus routes and stop locations are set based on applications received before June 1, 2024.
A few factors that come into play when assigning a stop include:
- central location in relation to students in the area (based on applications received by June 1st)
- transit stop location
- accessibility to neighbourhoods (new and established)
- traffic pattern/congestion
- direction of bus path (side of road)
Please ensure that all transportation fees are paid or a payment plan has been established with Transportation Services before submitting your application.
If you have any questions please contact Transportation Services at 780-460-3712.
SIGIS Summer Calendar
Letter from Alberta Education
School Division Information
Community Information
Summer Camp Programs
Talking TikTok: A Family Guide
Important School Reminders
Morning Routine
School doors will open at 8:15am. Please ensure students dress appropriately for the weather if you plan to arrive early. The first bell rings at 8:22. Registration and attendance begins promptly at 8:25. Please arrive on time.
Student Attendance
Regular attendance at school plays a key role in student learning, achievement and social-emotional health. Should your child be absent from school, please contact the office by:
- Phoning (780)459-4456
- Submitting an online absence report here
- Emailing hillgroveattend@spschools.org
Automated phone messages will be sent out to notify families of any unexcused absences.
If your child is late or is being picked up early, please ensure they sign in or out at the office. The office must receive notice from a parent/guardian before a student can be dismissed early during school hours.
Student Cell Phones
Students are encouraged to leave cell phones at home. During instructional blocks and transitions between blocks, student cell phones are required to remain secured in their locker. Students may choose to use their cell phone during their scheduled lunch break. We appreciate the ongoing parent support to help ensure our students are adhering to cell phone policies. The school is not responsible for lost, broken or stolen cell phones.
Zero Tolerance of Illegal Substances
Our school has a zero tolerance policy for being in possession or using illegal substances on or off school property during school hours or school sponsored events. As all Hillgrove students are under the age of 18, these substances include:
- drugs of any kind including alcohol or marijuana
- vaping or vape supplies
- cigarettes
Inclusive School Environment
Non-Perishable Food Items for Families
We have non-perishable food items available for families that could benefit. If you are interested, please email jacqueline.brown@spschools.org or call Jacqueline at school, (780)459-4456 to connect.
Hillgrove Student Services
Referrals can be made to outside agencies where families and students need access to more intensive support.
Please get in touch by phone at (780)459-4456 or email; jacqueline.brown@spschools.org
Parent Parking Reminder
To ensure the safety of the students:
- Do not drive through the staff parking lot to drop off and pick up students during peak times (8:00am-8:30am and 2:45pm-3:15pm) unless an arrangement has been made with the school administration.
- Do not park in the school bus lanes during peak times (8:00am-8:30am and 2:45pm-3:15pm)
- Do not park in the school's designated accessible parking stalls unless you have a valid provincial parking placard.
- Please keep residential driveways clear in our school community. Do not park within 1.5 meters of the neighbourhood driveways or garage entrances.
Contact Us
50 Grosvenor Boulevard, St. Albert, AB, Canada, T8N 0X6