Saint Maria Goretti Catholic School
November 28- December 2
Mission Statement
Upcoming Events
Monday, November 28
Welcome Back!
Tuesday, November 29
Christmas Store Shopping for Classes 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 6A, 6B, 7A, 7B
Wednesday, November 30
Christmas Store Shopping for Classes 3A, 3B, 5A, 5B, 4A, 4B
Thursday, December 1
Glamourcraft Make-up Pictures
Christmas Store Shopping for Classes PK3, KA, KB, PK4, 8A, 8B
2:00-2:45 Christmas Store open to parents and siblings for shopping
Parent Night - IOWA and Assessments at 6:30 in the Cafetorium
Friday, December 2
Spirit Wear
Duke Tip Scholars Information Session 3:30-4:00 in Library
Parent Night
Strategic Plan: Meeting December 6th at 6:30PM in the Library
Mission and Catholic Identity - Need two to three participants to work with Advisory Council chair, principal, and pastor to help set goals
Governance and Leadership - Need one to two participants to work with Advisory Council chair, principal, and pastor to help set goals
Academic Excellence - Need two participants to gain understanding of current practices and work forward to set goals for campus needs
Operational Vitality - Need two to three participants to help with research and development to set goals for advancement, enrollment, fundraising, and budgeting needs.
Technology - Need two to three participants to work with Advisory Council chair, Technology Director, Business Manager, and Principal to set a five year plan for technology
Facilities - Need three to four people to work with the principal and pastor to help research and develop a comprehensive master five year facility plan for the entire school campus
We would appreciate any time, expertise, and support from our community and parents in working through the strategic planning process with the intentions of growing Saint Maria Goretti Catholic School forward in forming students closer to Christ. If interested in any of the categories, please join us for the meeting on December 6th at 6:30 in the school library.
Please keep all our school families in your prayers as we continue to work through the challenges our Lord places before us.
Continue to pray for our Bishop, priests, administrators, educators, and parents as we continue to guide these young disciples closer to Christ.
Saint Maria Goretti Catholic School
Email: lrios@smgschool.org
Website: www.smgschool.org
Location: 1200 South Davis Drive, Arlington, TX, United States
Phone: 817-275-5081