From the Desk of Mrs. Larned...
September 13th, 2024
Upcoming Dates to Remember
Beginning the second week of school, homework began getting sent home with your student each afternoon (*Monday-Thursday). Many students have done a great job of getting their daily homework placed into their yellow folder and completed at home, before returning it the next morning. Thank you so much for your help with ensuring that work is getting done and returned on a regular basis! I do realize that life gets very busy and it may be tricky to find the opportunity to squeeze in extra study time. Although, establishing this foundation of responsibility now will most definitely help to set your student up for success in years to come as they enter middle school and high school. Not to mention, it will help to reinforce the skills being taught in our classroom each week. 🙂
Language Arts
Over the past several weeks, we have been reading various texts pertaining to natural disasters, including how people react to/prepare for them. In addition to these reading lessons, we have also been working to build our reading stamina and strengthen our predicting, inferring, and overall comprehension skills. Each day, students also have the opportunity to participate in a silent reading period, individualized IXL Language Arts activity, and participate in a small group Reading lesson.
In the area of writing, we have begun generating possible ideas for personal narrative stories and are heading into the initial stages of drafting our own personal narratives using a small, "seed" moment/memory from our lives. I am looking forward to seeing all of the students' creativity, effort, and ideas come together in their writings!
Our first Science unit of the school year has focused on the study of rocks. So far, we have been learning about patterns of Earth's features and how volcanoes form (in addition to why some explode, while others lay dormant). Other interesting topics within our unit include weathering and erosion, natural hazards, and the creation of fossils. I have loved watching the students' excitement as we dive into each of our daily science activities!
Class Dojo App
This year, I’ll be using ClassDojo to share fun moments from the classroom and keep you up-to-date with info and events. You can use the QR code below to get signed up, if you haven't already. See you on the ClassDojo app! 🙂