Mustang Memo
A Newsletter for Saint Ann School Families
November 24, 2024
Table of Contents
- Spiritual Reflection
- Notes from the Admissions Office
- Home & School Association Notes
- Student Life Notes
- Mark Your Calendars!
Our Spiritual Theme
Our Spiritual Theme: We Walk by Faith
November & December Focus: We Walk by Faith... in Counsel
Spiritual Reflection by Miss Sheila O'Callaghan
On Sunday, November 24, we celebrate the feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.
Monday, November 25, begins the last and 34th week in Ordinary Time.
Thanksgiving Day will be celebrated on Thursday of this coming week. What blessings will we thank God for? There are many blessings in our lives. Walk by Faith and express gratitude to God who loves you. Make Thanksgiving a very special holiday by helping our at home and be considerate and respectful.
Advent Season begins the Liturgical Year of the Church. December 1, is the first Sunday of Advent. It is a time to prepare for a new coming of Jesus our Savior. It is also a special time to live simply and pray often.
We celebrate the feast of St. Andrew the Apostle on November 30. Andrew and his brother Peter were followers of John the Baptizer. Through St. John they met Jesus. There is a legend that Andrew died on a cross shaped like the letter “X”. That is now called a “Saint Andrew’s Cross”. Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland.
During these days of celebration at Thanksgiving time, let us pray for those who need God’s help. The poor, the sick, the lonely, the homeless, and those who have no one to care for them.
Please pray for the sick, especially Fr. Mink, Mrs. Miriam Harris, Oliver Conaty, and all the sick of our parish. Please continue to pray for Maureen Engelbert. Pray also for our Armed Forces and First Responders.
Notes from the Admissions Office
REMINDER: Vision for the Future financial assistance applications and St. Ann School financial assistance applications for the 2025-2026 school year must be submitted by January 31, 2025. Please scroll to the bottom of our tuition and fees page for application details.
Home & School Association Notes
Reminder: Pie Pick-Up
When: Monday at 2:45 PM
Where: Church parking lot
Details: Be sure to pick up your pie(s) starting at 2:45 PM.
Thank you for supporting SAS with your holiday pie purchase!
Volunteer Opportunity: Grandparents Day!
We’re looking for volunteers to help make Grandparents Day special! If you’re available on November 26th please consider lending a hand from 9:00 AM - 11:45 AM.
Volunteer tasks will include:
Helping with setup
Restocking refreshments
Assisting with cleanup
If you’re interested, please sign up here!!!
Your help will make a big difference, and we’d love to have you join us!
Join us for a delicious way to support St. Ann School!
When: December 8th & 9th
Where: Cafe Riviera (located in the Concord mall)
Dine in, take out, or enjoy delivery—every bite benefits the HSA at St. Ann School!
Bring your family and friends to enjoy great food while helping our school community.
🎄✨ Save the Date! ✨🎄
Christmas Shop for Students
🎁 When: December 12th & 13th
🎅 What: A special shopping event where students can pick out perfect gifts for their families!
🗓️ Mark your calendars – it’s going to be magical!
***We will be looking for Volunteers***
Student Life Notes
Catholic Charities hosted its annual Bishop's 5K at St. Mark's High School this weekend, and St. Ann's Team set the pace!
Congratulations to our three student runners, who swept the medals in the Girls' 13 & Under Age Bracket:
- Audrey Burris, 1st Place
- Lucy DeMaio, 2nd Place
- Madeline Kempista, 3rd Place (St. Ann's CYM Cross Country team member)
Congratulations as well to Mrs. Pat Walker, the St. Ann Safe Environment Coordinator, who placed 2nd in her age bracket!
St. Ann 8th graders who serve on the leadership team of NJHS and Student Council attended the Fr. Trainor Memorial Scholarship Luncheon held at the Chase Center on the Riverfront this week as representatives of our city Catholic school. They joined Bishop Koenig, Bishop Emeritus Malooly, Superintendent De Angelo, fellow diocesan city schools, and several city and state representatives to recognize the impact of Catholic school students on the greater community and thank donors who make scholarships for Catholic high school possible. They enjoyed a delicious meal and a keynote speech from Phil Martelli, former head coach of the St. Joseph's Hawks and fellow Catholic school graduate.
Special Band Announcement:
All members of the SAS Band will have two full Christmas Concert rehearsals prior to the concert date of Sunday, December 8.
Students will work with Mrs. Wilson on Friday 11/22 and Friday 12/6 from 1:45 -2:30 pm.
8th Grade Friendsgiving Tomorrow!
The 8th grade class will enjoy a special "Friendsgiving" celebration on Monday, November 25 from 3:00-4:00 pm. Light Thanksgiving-themed fare will be served and students can complete a holiday reflection project. Parents can plan to pick up students at the main school entrance on Shallcross Ave. at 4:00 pm. We look forward to sharing in this special moment of gratitude for all these students have enjoyed and contributed in this, their final, year at St. Ann School!
Grandparents (& Special Friends) Day on Tuesday!
Please remind visitors for Grandparents Day that doors will open at 9:45 am. We ask guests to use the Gym entrance unless mobility issues require entry at the Main Office (using the ramp). All guests should report to the gym to meet their grandchildren and visit classroom stations.
From there, the student body and their guests will break into 2 groups at 10:30 am:
- Students with last names A-L should first report to the Social Hall for a reception & fellowship.
- Students with last names M-Z should first report to Church for a prayer service.
- Both groups will swap places at 11:00 am!
- Any student dismissing with guests prior to 11:45 am must sign out in the Social Hall.
Register to Attend a Middle School Dance
St. Edmond's Academy is hosting a dance for 6th-8th graders. Students from SEA, UA, IHM, SMM & St. Ann are invited to attend on Friday, Dec. 6, 7-9:30pm. Here's the Link to register!
Mark Your Calendars!
November 25: $1 Casual Day to Support the Missions
November 26: Half-Day for Students, Grandparents Day
December 1: First Sunday in Advent
November 27-December 2: Thanksgiving Holiday, School Closed
November 28: SAS Choir performs at the Thanksgiving Day Parade
December 3: First Reconciliation, 6:30 pm (Doors open at 5:30 pm)
December 4: School Mass with Bishop Koenig
December 7: Breakfast with Santa, 9-11 am
December 8: School & Parish Christmas Concert, 2 pm
Week of December 9: T1 Report Cards & STAR Reports sent home
December 9: School Mass for the Immaculate Conception & Reconciliation for Grades 6-8
December 12-13: HSA Christmas Shop
December 13: $1 Casual Day to Support the Missions & MS Movie Night, 7-9 pm
December 14: HSA Christmas Caroling, 5-7 pm
December 16: Reconciliation for Grades 3-5
December 20: Half-Day for Students & "Hark! The Mustangs Sing" Performance
December 23- January 3: Christmas Vacation, No School
School Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 7:30 am -3:30 pm