Knightly News
March 9, 2025
Parent Council Information
Bottle Drive Fundraiser
The Clover Bar Parent Fundraising Society is hosting a bottle drive during Parent Teacher Conferences on Thursday. The money will go towards paying our account fees to maintain our fundraising society status, and for some student experiences that we facilitate, such as the ornament painting at Christmas.
The money will help us to keep our Casino fundraising event during this coming calendar year. The money from that goes towards large item purchases that will have a positive impact for our entire school community.
Who: CLB Parent Council Fundraiser
What: Bottle Drive Fundraiser
When: Thursday, March 13 from 4pm to 8pm
How: There will be a Bottle Depot Trailer parked at the front of Clover Bar. Just bring your bag of bottles and drop them off.
Thanks in advance for your donation!
CLB Parent Council
It's Survey Season!
EIPS Annual Feedback Survey - All Grade Levels
Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) wants to hear from you. Every year, EIPS conducts a feedback survey to gauge its progress toward meeting the goals and priorities outlined in its Four-Year Education Plan. Collectively, the Division uses the survey feedback to help guide future planning, decision-making and strategies—all aimed at enhancing student learning and better serving the wider community.
Complete the 2024-25 EIPS Annual Feedback Survey: For Parents and Caregivers by March 21.
Alberta Education Assurance Survey - Grade 7 Families Only
Alberta Education Assurance Survey
The Alberta Education Assurance survey gathers feedback on the quality of education provided by school authorities and their schools. Schools and school authorities use this information to understand how they are doing and plan for the future. Grade 7 parents and caregivers have received information directly from the school on how to complete the survey. Complete the Alberta Education Assurance survey by March 21—learn more. For questions or concerns, contact the school.
Clover Bar Information
Parent Student Teacher Conferences
We have our last Parent Student Teacher Conference on Thursday, March 13. We will have bookings available for families to sign up from 4pm to 7pm, and from 7pm to 8pm it will be drop in.
When: Thursday, March 13
Where: Clover Bar gym
When: 4pm to 8pm
How: Bookings from 4pm to 7pm and Drop-In from 7pm to 8pm
Who: Students and Parents/Guardians
To sign up go to https://www.cloverbar.ca/bookings.
Looking for Team Handball Coaches
Clover Bar is looking for some Team Handball coaches for our Junior and Senior Girls teams. If you are interested, please reach out to our Athletic Directors:
Braden Kuny at braden.kuny@eips.ca
Tristan Gerrie at tristan.gerrie@eips.ca
Get Your Yearbook!
Yearbooks for the 2024-25 school year are now available to be ordered. They will be delivered in the fall of 2025. To order a yearbook, you can pay the fee through the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Yearbooks must be ordered in advanced and aren't available for purchase in the fall.
The deadline to place your order is April 25, 2025.
2025-26 Course Selection Process
With the Returning Student Registration now closed, we are now focusing on supporting students to choose their options for next year, both here at Clover Bar and at their chosen high school!
Students Returning to Clover Bar
A School Messenger will be sent out this week with specific details, but here is some information:
March 3
- School Messenger sent out with:
- Links to planning sheet, option guide, Student Request and Programming Information Form
- Information on how to choose option courses through Parent Portal of PowerSchool
- Information on how to submit the Student Request and Programming Information Form
- Timelines for this process
March 4
- Presentation from Administration on choosing options
- Option Fair
- Planning sheet handed out
- PowerSchool Parent Portal open for Class Registration for Option Courses
Students Transitioning to High School
March 11
- Salisbury and Bev Facey will come to CLB to share information on high school, different streams and options, and the Course Selection process.
- Registration sheets handed out
- These forms need to be returned to Clover Bar before students register
March 18
- Salisbury Parent Q & A Session from 4:30pm to 6:30pm for registration questions
- Salisbury and Bev Facey will come to support students to choose their high school courses!
Clover Bar This Week
Monday, March 10 - Day 5
9:00am and 10:30am - Mills Haven and Woodbridge Elementary Visits
1:00pm - Leadership Cohort Presentation - Mr. Shudra away
U of A IFX Student Teachers start
Tuesday, March 11 - Day 6
10:00am - CLB Finance Meeting - Mr. Shudra and Mrs. McElheran
12:20 - U of A Student Teacher Facilitator Meeting - Mrs. Orr
Block 6 - Salisbury and Bev Facey visits to Grade 9's
Mrs. Sorel away
Wednesday, March 12 - Day 1
10:00am - Educational Assistant Initiative Meeting
10:00am - Front Office Stand Up Meeting
4:30pm - ATA Leadership Session - Mr. Shudra and Mrs. Orr
Thursday, March 13 - Day 2
7:30am - EIPS Jr. High Principals Breakfast Meeting - Mr. Shudra away
7:30am - EIPS Leadership Cohort Breakfast Meeting - Mrs. Orr away
1:00pm to 3:30pm - SFS Consultant Visit
1:30pm to 2:30pm - Glen Allen Elementary Visit - Mr. Shudra and Mrs. Orr
4:00pm to 8:00pm - Parent Student Teacher Conferences
Friday, March 14 - Day 3
It's Friday!
March 11 - Salisbury Composite HS and Bev Facey visit
March 13 - Parent Student Teacher Conferences
March 18 - Salisbury Composite HS Registration Drop in
March 18 - CLB Parent Council
March 21 to March 30 - Spring Break
March 31 - School Returns
Parent Council Information
To send a Knightly Kudos, you can click on the image above or the link below. Thank you!
Division News
EIPS Summer School: Registration opens March 17
Mark your calendars! Registration for EIPS Summer School opens March 17.
Make the most of your summer with more than 40 senior high courses where students can earn credits, upgrade marks, lighten their workloads or finish needed prerequisites.
Summer School Dates and times:
July 7th – 31st (5 credit) 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
July 7th – 18th (Session 1) 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
July 21st – 31st (Session 2) 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
August 5th – 13th Diploma Exams
Summer School Locations:
Bev Facey (most classes), Salisbury (gymnasiums), F.R. Haythorne (gymnasiums)
For more information, see the Summer School page on Next Step’s website: https://www.eipsnextstep.ca/summer-school
Update to EIPS Administrative Procedure 146: Social Media
Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) has updated EIPS Administrative Procedure 146: Social Media, as per the new legislation from the provincial government. The procedure includes rules for using personal devices at school and banned social media platforms. Learn more
Watch for Thin Ice
Remember, be aware of thin ice this time of year. Depending on changing temperatures, ice can form and melt to varying degrees on outdoor bodies of water. Try to remind your child about the dangers of thin ice, obey all posted signs, take proper care and remain a safe distance from the ice.
For more information about ice safety, visit the Canadian Red Cross.
Did you know?
The colour of ice may be an indication of its strength. Clear blue ice is the strongest. White opaque is half as strong as blue ice. And, grey ice is unsafe—greyness indicates the presence of water.
Did you know?
EIPS is seeking two volunteer community members to serve on its Audit Committee. The Audit Committee reports to the Board of Trustees and is comprised of three elected trustees and two volunteers residing within EIPS boundaries. This opportunity provides valuable experience in the financial oversight of one of Alberta’s largest school divisions with an operating budget of approximately $210 million. The committee keeps EIPS accountable for every dollar spent to enhance student success. The closing date for this opportunity is March 7, 2025. For more information and to apply, visit the EIPS website.
EIPS Annual Education Results Report
Every year, Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) publishes an Annual Education Results Report, which outlines the Division’s Four-Year Education Plan, growth opportunities, and how it supports students in achieving the best possible outcomes. Read through this year’s EIPS Annual Education Results Report 2023-24 and discover how EIPS fosters learning environments for all students to learn, grow and thrive—and why it matters.
March Spotlight: Student Growth and Success
· Early Learning: Ensuring early learners reach developmental milestones
· Culture of Literacy: Dive deep into the data and learn how students are developing strong literacy skills
· Math Matters: Enhancing reasoning, understanding and achievement through numeracy-rich classrooms
· Boosting Educational Outcomes: How EIPS supports the growth and achievement of self-identified First Nations, Métis or Inuit students.
· Beyond High School: Supports and strategies that are creating real-life career pathways for learners
EIPS Four-Year Education Plan: 2022-26
EIPS Three-Year Capital Plan: 2025-28
Did you know?
If your child misses just two days a month for any reason for ten of their school years, they’ll have missed the equivalent of one entire year of school. Students who frequently miss school, even as early as kindergarten, are also more likely to have difficulty in school, at post-secondary and in their career. As every family has unique circumstances, EIPS uses a multi-tiered approach to re-engage students with chronic absenteeism. In addition, the Division promotes strategies to support and encourage regular attendance for all students. If you’re concerned about consistent student attendance for your child or youth, contact the school for support. An informative video is also available.
Community and Mental Health Supports
Caregiver Newsletter
The Caregiver Newsletter provides resources, sessions, and support to families on a variety of topics. Click on the link below to access to latest Newsletter.
Alberta Health Services Newsletter
Health Services
EIPS has a partnership with Alberta Health Services to support students and families with coordinated health services. This includes immunizations, but also goes beyond that. Below is a resource page so that you are informed of what that partnership brings.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us at general.clb@eips.ca or 780-467-2295.
Resources for Families
Community Supports
Family and Community Service
(FCS) call-in hours 780-464-4044
Monday, Fridays: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-6868
The Distress Line 780-482-4357
Strathcona Food Bank - 780-449-6413