Note Taking Strategies
Six Quick Note-Taking Strategies to Help You Succeed
How to take efficient and neat notes - 10 note taking tips | studytee
REMEMBER: You can often use your notes for your evaluations in your language class so it pays to take or print good ones. Use the notes given by your teacher rather than just searching on the Internet.
Start a new page for each new lesson:
Put the date on the top of the first page. This way you will know where the notes for each class begin, which will help you keep the material organized. Consider keeping your notes organized in their own binder.
Write down the big ideas:
Look for facts, connections, main ideas, key words, definitions, examples and hints and tips from your teacher!
Use abbreviations for commonly occurring names and words.
You can develop your own abbreviations, as long as you don’t forget what they stand for. For example, while taking notes on grammar, you might write "verb" out the first time, and then abbreviate it as "v" throughout the rest of your notes. Long words such as adjective can become "adj" and negation can become a simple sign " - " Develop your own system and stick to it!
Leave lots of room on the page.
When writing, leave ample space between ideas. This is like pausing before you begin a new sentence. Your notes will much easier to read, and you’ll have space to add information later on, if needed. Don’t try to cram everything onto one piece of paper.
Use diagrams and pictures where necessary.
Sometimes it is helpful to draw pictures that illustrate the connections between ideas, sequences, or events. Don’t be afraid to draw pictures and use arrows that will help you understand the material and make connections!
Review your notes for accuracy.
It’s a good idea to look over your notes sometime after class for accuracy and completeness. Consider doing this just before doing your homework and especially before taking an evaluation to get yourself back in the mindset of the material.
How to study efficiently: The Cornell Notes Method
What is sketchnoting?
Find a method that works well for you and stick to it! Cornell Notes is one of the simplest and most effective methods for taking notes, organizing notes, and studying.