Weston Elementary Newsletter
October 2024
Mark your calendars...
- October 11 Early Release Day-Dismissal at 12:15 PM (Childcare open)
- October 14 Borland/Weston PTO meeting 4:00 PM @ Weston library
- October 18 PTO Trunk or Treat 6:00-7:30 PM
- October 25 End of First Marking Period
- October 31 Halloween Parade 2:30 PM start (see more info. below)
- November 1 Professional Development Day (No students-Childcare is open)
- November 4 Report Cards go home
- November 6 Picture Retake day
- November 11 Parent/Teacher Conferences 5:00-8:00 PM
- November 13 Parent/Teacher Conferences 5:00-8:00 PM
- November 14 Early Release at 12:15 PM for Parent/Teacher Conferences from 12:45-3:45 (Childcare open)
- November 15 No School Students or Staff (Childcare open)
- November 25th Borland/Weston PTO Meeting 4:00 PM @ Weston library
- November 27-29 No School Thanksgiving break (Childcare open 11/27 ONLY)
Halloween Parade
- Parking: Parents who are going to watch the parade are asked to park in the north parking lot located on the north side of the building near the Middle School, or along any of the side streets. The Weston parking lot will be blocked off prior to the start of the parade.
- After the parade: Children will be going back to their classrooms after the parade. Parents who will be picking their child up should sign the child out with the classroom teacher.
- Costumes: Please make sure that your child's costume allows for a coat or other warm clothing to be worn underneath. Your child should be able to walk comfortably in his/her costume. Parents are encouraged to use their best discretion in helping their child select a costume that is appropriate and does not reflect a violent theme. Swords, weapons, and other objects are NOT allowed. Costumes can be worn to school.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Pick up at the end of the day will occur outside in front of the cafeteria. Weston's doors remain locked during this time. Please stand on the sidewalk and wait for your child's teacher to arrive with the students. It is unsafe to have people standing in the parking lot when cars are pulling out. We ask that you make eye contact or speak to the teacher before taking your child. Additionally, we cannot allow students to walk or run to a parked car. An adult must come to the child.
We appreciate you following our policies and procedures to endure the safety of everyone!
School Day Hours
Super Sparty Winners
Congratulations to our S.P.A.R.T.Y winners of the month.
Kindergarten- Theo D.
1st grade- Evelyn G.
2nd grade- Kinsley S.
Childcare and Latchkey Services
Childcare will be be throughout the entire year. We will remain open on staff professional development days, early release days, and throughout the summer. We will be open on snow days unless the district determines the weather too unsafe for our staff to travel to work. We will be closed on holidays; however, depending on enrollment, may stay open during portion of holiday breaks. It is important to note that children must be registered in order to attend on those days. Please be sure to register your child if you believe he/she will attend our childcare or latchkey services at some point during the year. Call (810) 721-9453.
LEAF information
LEAF website https://lapeercountycf.org/leaf/
LEAF video https://youtu.be/V2Mn5WaQW1U
Parent portal link https://www.vistashare.com/p/lapeer_county/leaf-parent-portal/login.html
Watch D.O.G.S. program
Fathers and Father-figures,
WATCH D.O.G.S.® is an innovative program being used by schools across America which helps them to be positively impacted by the committed involvement of fathers and father-figures in their student’s life. Our goal is to have you spend at least one day this year at the school to be a positive male role model and to provide an extra set of eyes and ears.
Dads, granddads, uncles, step-dads and adult brothers we would love to have you volunteer at Weston. Give our office at call at (810) 724-9812 for more information and to schedule a date to come in and be a Watch D.O.G.!
A few reminders...
- School hours are 8:50 AM through 3:45 PM. No early releases between 3:15-3:45 PM unless prior arrangement is made.
- When your child is absent from school, please notify the office at (810) 724-9812.
- Please be sure to have an extra set of clothing in your child’s backpack should he/she have an accident. We try to keep extra clothes in the office should your child need them.
Weston Elementary
(810) 724-9812