SMS Weekly Newsletter
Week of January 27th
Badge Policy
All students are required to wear their badges front and center at all times. If you do not have your badge upon arrival at school you will be asked to 1. call a parent to bring your badge from home, 2. purchase a new badge, or 3. receive consequences including d-hall. If a student chooses to remove their badge throughout the day they are subject to the same consequences as above.
Dress Code
While we encourage you to be comfortable, please remember that wearing pajamas, house shoes, and headwear is not permitted under our dress code. Be mindful of your attire choices to avoid any dress code violations.
Cell Phone
All electronic devices including cell phones and earbuds must be powered down and put in backpacks away from your person upon arrival at SMS. These devices must stay put away for the duration of the school day.
This opportunity is open to any 8th grade girl interested in science, technology, engineering, arts and math in Arkansas. Students will explore various STEAM careers through hands-on activities, learning new skills, and meet women mentors excelling in their fields.
If you are interested, see Mrs. Melton or Mrs. Dunn. The application deadline is February 14th.
Every school day counts! Regular attendance helps students stay on track academically, build important habits for the future, and feel connected to their school community. Missing just a few days can lead to learning gaps and make it harder to catch up. Together, let’s ensure our students have every opportunity to succeed—let’s make every day count!
During December and January, students have been participating in several activities from the SMS Library. In December, students engaged in an Off the Shelf Challenge where they read and reviewed or gave book talks for books that they have read so far this year. Each book talk and review submitted gave students an opportunity to win some free goodies.
In January, students tested their book and dragon knowledge by participating in a few fun activities on Appreciate a Dragon Day (January 16th). Congratulations to these winners!
Click on the link below to fill out a Google Form about a staff member at SMS that you want to give a shout out to.
The Arkansas Council for Military Children surveys military families in Arkansas annually to assess areas of need and to determine the general level of awareness of resources available to military families. The survey is completely anonymous; no personally identifiable information will be collected. The survey will be open to receive responses through February 14, 2025.
What is Respect?
Respect is the willingness and ability to act professionally and thoughtfully with ourselves and others. Leaders can deal respectfully with opposition and provide space for both dignity and differences to coexist.
Our CKH Reception for Responsibility was postponed last week due to the weather and will now be held Friday, January 31st. Nominated students and their parents will be notified soon.
Why focus on Respect?
- Respect encourages empathy. Respect helps us to understand each other and put ourselves in someone else shoes.
Friday, January 31st
- CKH Reception for December
- Reward Day for 2nd 9 Weeks
Friday, February 7th
- Grant County Spelling Bee
- Valentine's Day Dance
Monday, February 10th
- Early Dismissal
Thursday, February 13th
- Spring Pictures
- Early Dismissal
- Parent Teacher Conferences
Friday, February 14th
- Make-up Day for snow
February 10th - 14th
- Kindness Week
Tuesday, February 18th
- ATLAS Interim ELA Test
Thursday, February 20th
- ATLAS Interim Writing Test
Tuesday, February 25th
- 6th Grade Chess Tournament
Thursday, February 27th
- 7th/8th Grade Chess Tournament
Wednesday, March 12th
- Last day of 3rd 9 Weeks