Plants & Pests with Nicole
June 2024
Upcoming Events
- Office Closed June 19th in Observance of Juneteenth
- Office Closed July 4th in Observance of Independence Day
- Nicole out July 4-5
- GroBigRed Programming
- June 12 - Summer Lawncare
- July 10 - Vegetable Garden Diseases
- Yard and Garden - Continues through July 26
- Pawnee County Fair - July 20th 9-11am - Garden Q&A
If you miss any of the GroBigRed Programs, the recordings are available on this website too. Visit
Storm Damaged Plants
View the full list of Questions and Answers from every show on my blog.
Vegetable Gardens
Most people already have their vegetable gardens planted for the summer. But, don’t worry, there is still time to get one planted, but do so quickly to provide plants enough time to grow and produce prior to frost in fall. Continue Reading...
Ticks are out already this spring. Ticks live in grassy areas near the ground level clinging to grass and other plant materials waiting for a person or animal to walk by so they can grab onto the animal as it moves by. Ticks are common in wooded areas or in tall grass. If you go outdoors in areas where ticks are commonly found, wear light-colored, long-sleeved shirts and long pants and closed toe shoes to reduce exposed areas where ticks can attach to your skin. Also, use insect repellents any time you are outdoors where ticks are found, the repellents with DEET have the highest efficacy.
Tree Dieback
Annual and Perennial Plantings
About Nicole
Location: 1115 West Scott Street, Beatrice, NE, USA
Phone: 402-223-1384
Twitter: @nikki_Stoner