Paw Power Press
Butler Elementary School - Volume 5 - November 2024
Butler's Pledge: Be Respectful, Responsible, & Kind
Happy Halloween - 2024!
Important Information
Welcome to Our New Butler Staff
Butler recently welcomed several new teaching and professional staff to our school. We would like to introduce them to the Butler Community as additional friendly faces to our staff! Please welcome:
- Dr. Ro Foote (Footay) - School Psychologist
- Mrs. Sarah Mohr - Learning Support Teacher
- Ms. Stephanie Bardell - Physical Education
Dr. Foote
School Psychologist
Mrs. Mohr
Learning Support
Ms. Bardell
Physical Education
Butler Cell Phone/SMART Watch/Personal Device Policy
At Butler, the use of student cell phone/SMART Watch/personal device usage in school is prohibited. As a reminder, these devices are to be silenced and remain in backpacks during the school day. Should there be a need for communication, that would take place with the support of the school office during the school day. Please be sure to share these expectations with your child as this policy will be enforced by teachers/staff in coordination with District policy.
CB and Butler Handbooks
Additionally, Butler has a Parent/Student Handbook that applies these district policies specific to our school.
Please familiarize to both important documents as we continue throughout the school year.
Student 1:1 Device Assistance
District Messages & Announcements
CB Education Foundation Accepting Applications for Scholarship Up to $50,000/Year
The Central Bucks Education Foundation is proud to offer a needs-based "Holicong Road Scholarship" of up to $50,000 annually to a current senior at CB South, CB East, or CB West who is graduating in June 2025 and plans to attend a 4-year college or university in summer or fall 2025. The scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student with demonstrated financial need who has a strong academic history and is actively involved in school activities or within the community. Applications are being accepted now through Jan. 15, 2025. Learn more and apply.
"Flexible Instructional Days" - After First District Closure for Weather or Other Emergency
A Flexible Instructional Day (FID) is designed for situations where school buildings need to close due to weather or other emergencies, but learning can still continue at home. CBSD will not use a FID until after the first day schools are closed due to weather or another emergency. We will only use the FID plan if the entire district is closed, not for closures affecting just one school. Families and students will have a plan and expectations to follow should a FID be called. Learn more.
CBSD Thanks Volunteer Emergency Responders with Tax Rebate
If you are a volunteer with a local fire company or nonprofit emergency medical service agency, CBSD wants to thank you for your service by helping reduce your property taxes as a result of a newly enacted Volunteer Service Tax Credit Program passed by the School Board in Sept. 2024. To qualify for the tax credit, volunteers must be active members of an eligible fire or emergency medical services agency and earn points based on their service. Learn more
Submissions for December's CBSD Lock Screen Contest (Due 11/20)
Congrats to CB West junior Kayla Sanocki for winning the second round of CBSD's lock screen contest! Her original artwork will be featured on CBSD devices in November. The district now invites students to try their hand in the December contest, inspired by CBSD's "Portrait of a Graduate" Resilient Learners attribute. Submissions are due Nov. 20. More details and how to submit.
Join the CBSD Team: Various Open Positions Available
CBSD welcomes qualified candidates to apply for a range of full-time career opportunities with benefits. From head and assistant coaches to a middle school Special Education teacher to a high school Biology teacher to a secondary school counselor to staff nurses to education assistants (and more!), there may be a perfect place for you to make a positive impact in CB. View available positions and apply now!
Have You Changed Addresses?
If you have moved, please make sure you update your address with Central Registration. The office can be reached at 267-893-2111 or centralregistration@cbsd.org.
Butler Department Updates
The Library Corner - News from Mrs. Hanna
Third graders have been practicing and using the 'Goldisocks’ Five Finger Test to choose “just right” chapter books in the library during self-selection. “Just right” books are books students can read independently, at their reading level, that support their interests and preferred genres.
In Tune - Music News
Each year, Butler Elementary hosts a variety of concert/choir performing arts events that showcase the talents of our students. For the 2024-2025 school year, Butler will host a series of "concerts" featuring each grade level with Mrs. Griffin (Music), Mrs. LaRose (Strings), and Mr. Robinson (Band). Please be sure to "Save the Dates" for this year's spring concerts - grades 1-6!
Enriching Updates - PEN
Updates from the PEN Room
- 2nd grade - Junior animators have learned about early animation while creating their own thaumatropes, zoetropes and flipbooks. Soon they will be moving on to cel animation.
- 3rd grade - To highlight all students have been learning, we visited Doylestown to go on an architectural walking tour. Students had the chance to observe and identify all the features and styles they have been learning about.
- 4th grade - Our creative problem-solving unit is well underway as students have learned about and applied the practice of fluent idea generation. We will be moving on to flexibility as students are challenged to think in a variety of new ways.
- 5th and 6th grade - What a sense of humor these students have! For our portfolios, students have created original examples of memes, caricatures, perspective, and irony. Next up, they will be generating their own unique analogies.
"Do the Hustle" - News from Physical Education
We are working on cooperative games - which consist of teamwork, good communication, and personal responsibility.
Over the next month, the children will also work on their listening and collaboration - with students assigned specific roles to support the entire team.
- Kindergarten played "Hungry Caterpillar" where two students acted as the head and belly - eating food as the supporting students created the body to stay connected.
- Grades 1-2 played "Cross the River" where the leader placed the stones so all the students could cross without touching the water - and the last person picking them up along their way.
- Grades 3-6 played "Castle Ball" where teams needed Defenders, Attackers, and Rebuilders of the castle. Teams determined roles and focused strategies on how to best knock the other team's castle down following the rules of the game.
All classes have been great working on their kindness to each other as we continue our focus on teamwork and sportsmanship!
School Calendar & Updates
School Calendar
Nov. 1 - School Holiday (Closed for Diwali) - Offices Open 9:00 - 3:30
Nov. 5 - No School for Students (Election Day) - Offices Open 9:00-3:30
Nov. 7 - CB STEAM Activity Night - 6:30-8:30 PM (CB EAST HS)
Nov. 11-14 - Butler PTO Book Fair - Class Sign-Ups
Nov. 11 - Veterans Day
Nov. 13 - Spirit Day - World Kindness Day - Kind Like Joey (Wear Black and Gold)
Nov. 18-22 - American Education Week - Schedule TBD
Nov. 21 - PM Kdg. Conferences (No PM KDG)
Nov. 22 - AM Kdg. Conferences (No AM KDG)
Nov. 25&26 - Early Dismissal Days (12:25 PM) - Parent/Teacher Conferences (PM)
Nov. 27-29 - Thanksgiving Holiday Break
Veterans Day Posters - Wall of Honor - Due 11/8
Each year, our school community honors veterans and service members of our students and staff. We proudly display posters for our entire school community to see along our WALL OF HONOR!
If your family has a loved one who has served or is currently serving our country, we ask that you complete a poster that was shared in a class and school-wide email. Please be sure to submit the completed poster by Friday, November 8th.
CB South Ice Hockey - November
The middle school teams (grades 5 - 8) have started their respective season. This year we have a "B" level team and an "AA" level team. The teams usually play on Sunday evenings. Here is this week's update!
Save the Date: Free STE(A)M Activity Night for all CBSD Students - Nov. 7
Get ready for an exciting evening of Science, Technology, Engineering, (Art) and Math at CB East! All CBSD students and families are invited to a STE(A)M Activity Night on Thurs., Nov. 7 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. featuring a range of hands-on activities for all ages such as robotics, 3D printing, laser engraving, TV and video, and more. More details about the sessions to come. No pre-registration is required. The vent is hosted by CBSD Technology & Engineering Education and QUEST. We hope to see you there!
American Education Week - Nov. 18-22
During the week of November 18 - 22, Central Bucks School District will be celebrating American Education Week, where parents are invited into your child's classroom for a set-time to experience a part of the "school day" at Butler! Please review the below schedule for your child's grade-level - as we coordinate efforts across our school to accommodate the numbers and limited parking throughout portions of the week. If you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher or the main office.
**Please do not use cell phones or bring small children during the time in classrooms. This is a parent-/grandparent-/guardian-only event.
Parent/Teacher Conferences - Save the Dates
This week, an email was shared about our upcoming Parent Teacher Conferences. Please note that conference days are scheduled for November 21-22 for Kindergarten and November 25-26 for Kindergarten through 6th grades. These 20-minute meetings provide a valuable opportunity for the school to connect and collaborate on your child’s progress and well-being. Expect a holistic conversation that focuses on your child’s academic progress, behavior, and social-emotional development. Report cards will not be shared or discussed during conferences (but RC's will be posted on Parent Portal 12/16).
When planning, we believe in-person meetings are best in discussing the progress of your student(s), but a virtual meeting upon a parent's request may be determined to best support a unique scheduling/need of the family.
An email from your classroom teacher will arrive this week in scheduling a convenient time to meet. We look forward to partnering with you to support your child’s success!
Butler Holiday Vendor Fair - 12/6 (Sign-Up Now)
Calling all Vendors for our December 6th Vendor Fair!
We're looking for small businesses to join us for a vendor fair on December 6th! If you're a local business or student-run business, this is a great opportunity to showcase your products. The cost is only $20 per table! Space is limited and registration closes November 18 or once spots are filled. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to connect with the community!
Click here for the registration form. For more information or any questions, contact Jordan Maisch.
School Happenings
Red Ribbon Week - 10/28-10/31
Throughout Red Ribbon Week (10/28-10/31), Butler Elementary staff and students recognized the importance of making good choices by celebrating the announced spirit days dressing in the themes of living drug-free! Each day, students chose to:
Monday, Oct 28 | Make Good Choices! - Wear all RED
Tuesday, Oct 29 | Smile for the Paparazzi - You make a difference! - Dress Fancy for the RED Carpet
Wednesday, Oct 30 | Be a Celebrity by Choosing a Healthy Lifestyle - Dress Like your Favorite Athlete/Movie/Music Star
Thursday, Oct 31 | Say Boo! to Bad Choices - It's a Scream to Live Healthy! - Wear Your Halloween Costume!
Friday, Nov. 1 | No School - Holiday!
Students learned about a healthy lifestyle while making good choices in friendships, behaviors, decisions, and more! (CBSD Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs Curriculum Map)
Tuesday 10/29
Thursday 10/31
Welcome to the Red Carpet!
Superintendent - Dr. Yanni
6th Grade Ropes - 10/24 & 10/25
On October 24th and 25th, Butler 6th Graders participated in the Ropes Course - one of the most anticipated elementary-level events for all students across Central Bucks schools! It was a fun-filled trip to Elbow Lane - with perfect weather and excitement. Wearing harnesses and helmets, they gathered around instructors who explained the day’s challenges, from high-flying zip lines to tricky balance beams suspended among the trees. Laughter and encouragement filled the air as friends cheered each other on, overcoming their fears and pushing beyond their limits. The experience fostered teamwork and resilience, allowing students to discover their strengths while creating unforgettable memories. As the day came to a close, their smiles reflected a sense of accomplishment and newfound confidence. "Thank you" to our teachers for organizing the field trip and to the Butler PTO for providing monetary support to help with lower costs.
Butler Presents - 6th Grade Haunted Gym - 10/18
On Friday, October 18th, the Butler 6th Grade (with the support from our PTO) hosted Haunted Gym - a spirited event where student teams created 23-themed tents for grade 3-5 children and families to walk and experience! Each was staged in a way that tingled our senses in a frightening way that made us a bit jumpy! The children and families worked so well at entertaining all our guests and visitors. It was a really fun event - Thanks to all of the parents for their support throughout the week and into the big event!
Kindergarten Visits Merry Mead Farm - 10/27
on October 29th, Kindergarteners had their very first Butler field trip visiting Merry Mead Farm! As part of their science unit on the Seasons and Fall. On a hayride, they saw many signs of Fall, like corn fields and hay bale statues. We met farm animals, navigated our way through a corn maze, jumped on a giant pumpkin trampoline, and picked a pumpkin to take home. When it was time for a rest, the students enjoyed a seasonal treat of apple cider donuts. Memories were made while learning about all the seasonal fun that can be had!
3rd Grade PEN Architecture Trip
The third grade PEN class had the opportunity to put their architectural knowledge into practice during a walking tour of Doylestown. Students served as tour guides as they identified and explained the design elements they have been studying. Seeing the features in an authentic setting allowed them to apply their learning.
Around the School
Photographs from around Simon Butler Elementary School!
Student Showcase
Paw Power Winners - 10/18 & 10/25
Simon Butler's students and staff embrace the Butler Pledge, the foundation of our school's positive behavior program. Our Butler Community promises to:
Be Respectful * Be Responsible * Be Kind
This pledge to all Butler Bears upholds our traditional Pillars: B.U.T.L.E.R.
Butler (at its Best!); Understanding; Teamwork; Leadership; Educational Excellence; Respect
Each week, students earn Positive Paw Power Coupons for their good deeds and honorable actions as recognition. Children enter them into our collection bins where names are drawn to earn a special "Breakfast with the Principals".
10/18 Winners: Maddie M. (Kdg), Bella U. (Gr.1), Rogan C. (Gr.2), William B. (Gr.3), Emma S. (Gr.4), Jaydyn H. (Gr.5), Bryce D. (Gr.6), Teacher: Mr. Goodyear
10/25 Winners: Parker S. (Kdg.), Alora R. (Gr.1), Lucy E. (Gr.2), Anshika P. (Gr.3), Maddie W. (Gr.4), Gracie Mc. (Gr.5), Porter Di. (Gr.6), Teacher:
Mr. Goodyear - 10/18
Individual student winners choose a special activity from the "Choice Board" - where they identify a special event in which they will participate.
From the Butler PTO
The Butler PTO Newsletter
Butler PTO Spirit Wear Sale - Ends 11/10
Butler PTO is launching a new spirit wear sale so items are received before the Holiday Season! Please click this link to check it out! Sale closes on November 10th.
District Details
Central Bucks School District
Superintendent: Steven Yanni, Ed. D.
Assistant Superintendent-Secondary: Charles Malone, Ed. D.
Assistant Superintendent-Elementary: Nadine Garvin, Ed. D.
Website: cbsd.org
Location: 20 Welden Drive, Doylestown, PA, USA
Phone: 267-893-2000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cbschools/
Twitter: @CBSDSchools
Simon Butler Elementary School
Principal: Karl Funseth
Principal's Secretary: Peggy Bernabei
Assistant Principal: Lauren Dowd
Assistant Principal's Secretary: Michele Droxler
Website: https://www.cbsd.org/butler
Location: 200 Brittany Drive, Chalfont, PA, USA
Phone: 267-894-4250
Twitter: @CBButlerElem