Deer Canyon Echoes
August 23, 2024
To Do
- Order DCES Spirit Wear.
Save the Date
- 8/28 - PSO (Parent Staff Organization) meeting @ 4 pm (agenda)
- 8/29 - Back to School Night @ 5-7pm
- 8/30 - Spirit Day - Summer Vibes
- 9/2 - Labor Day - No School
- 9/16 - DC Dining @ Panda Express in Carmel Mountain
- 9/25 - PSO meeting @ 4 pm
- 9/30 - Staff Professional Day – No School for Students
Principal's Message 📚
Welcome back to the 2024-25 school year, Deer Canyon!
It's been a wonderful kick-off to what is sure to be a terrific year! A big thank you to the Deer Canyon PSO and the 5th grade students for organizing such welcoming events earlier this week, including campus tours, popsicles, a Club Fair, music, and more! It was exciting to see staff, parents, and students enjoying themselves back on campus. That, coupled with parents walking their students on campus on the first day of school, taking photos at the photo booth and in clouds of bubbles, and gathering over coffee and cookies in the MPR, truly set the tone for a positive and high-energy school year. Coming up, we will have many opportunities to connect — stay tuned!
Please be sure to bookmark the Deer Canyon school calendar, and follow us on Instagram (@DeerCanyonPUSD) for event information, reminders, and celebrations!
Thursday, August 29: Back to School Night (see below)
Friday, August 30: “Summer Vibes” Spirit Day! Wear your favorite summer shirt, shades, or anything that brings you back to summer days! *School dress code applies, including close-toed shoes.
This year, the last Friday of every month will be a Spirit Day. Join us for the fun and camaraderie that dress-up can bring!
Our learning and fun on campus is already in full swing, and we’re off to a great start! Students are settling into new classroom routines, making new and enhancing established connections, and learning or revisiting Deer Canyon expectations in a variety of locations on campus. On the first day of school, students were welcomed with a brief video from me, reintroducing myself, reminding students of the helpful adults on campus (including an introduction to our new counselor, Mr. Higgins), and re-establishing our three school expectations: Respect Yourself, Respect Others, and Respect the Environment.
This year, our students are stamping their “Passports to Success” by visiting multiple destinations on campus and discussing what our Deer Canyon Expectations look and feel like in each location. Mr. Pete (Custodian), Mr. Higgins (Counselor), Ms. Lewis (Library Media Tech), Ms. Tish, Ms. Valerie, Ms. Irene (Character Coaches), and I have partnered with teachers to schedule class travel across campus for discussions about Respecting Ourselves, Respecting Others, and Respecting the Environment in our bathrooms, hallways, library, lunch tables, and on the playground. Be sure to ask your student about this activity and our commitment to the Three R’s. Our students are making us proud!
Next week, I will be visiting classrooms to further discuss school expectations and commitment to creating and cultivating a culture of belonging at Deer Canyon. I look forward to continued conversations next week and beyond!
Back to School Night (BTSN) is next week: Thursday, August 29. Our teachers are eager to meet their families and share important information for the 2024-25 school year. Teachers will be presenting in their classrooms and general playground supervision will be available for Deer Canyon students with prior registration (more information regarding supervision will come from the PSO).
On Monday, a detailed BTSN email will be sent to all TK-5th grade families
Teacher presentations for Grades TK-2, 5 to 5:35 pm
Town Hall in the MPR with Ms. Bendix and the Deer Canyon PSO, 5:40 to 6 pm
Teacher presentations for Grades 3-5, 6:05 to 6:40pm
Have a TK-2nd grade student? Please join us from 5 to 6 pm for your teacher’s session, then head straight to the Town Hall!
Have a 3rd-5th grade student? Please join us from 5:40-6:40 pm for the Town Hall, then head straight into your teacher’s session!
Have students in both grade ranges? Join for the whole night! 5 to 6:40pm
Parent opportunities for involvement on campus committees:
Interested in being a member of Deer Canyon’s Safety Committee? The safety committee will meet four times per year to discuss physical campus safety, digital/online safety, and mental health and wellness, in addition to alternating member participation in four district-wide safety summits. Email mastanley@powayusd.com if you are interested in being part of this committee.
We need THREE parent representatives to serve (or continue serving) on our School Site Council. The role of the SSC is to be a vehicle for parent and community input in the process of needs assessment and the setting and monitoring of goals and objectives. The SSC reviews and recommends the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA).
Please email nominations for parent representatives to mastanley@powayusd.com by Wednesday at 3 pm. If we have more than three parents interested, elections will take place at Back to School Night.
Returning members still actively serving their term will receive communication in the coming weeks, scheduling our first meeting in late September.
In addition to these opportunities to join campus committees and councils, I encourage you to get connected through the Deer Canyon PSO. There are myriad ways to give your time, talent, or treasure through this organization and enhance the school experience for each and every Deer Canyon student!
Follow us on Instagram @deercanyonpusd for updates, reminders, and pictures of the joyful learning taking place on campus!
I look forward to another great year with our special school community. Please reach out or stop me at pick-up/drop-off with any questions or needs.
Katie Bendix
Back to School Night Childcare Available
We are looking forward to Back to School Night on Thursday, August 29. This is an adult-only event.
Childcare will be provided on the playground while teachers give their presentations. Childcare pre-registration is required and must be completed by noon on Wednesday August 28.
To pre-register for childcare, please fill out this form → Childcare Pre-Registration
Please check your email on Wednesday night; your family will be assigned a number that you will need for check in. Authorized pick up person must have their ID with me for pick up
If you have any questions, please reach out to Razan Lin (vpprograms@deercanyonpso.org).
Updates from the PSO
Welcome back, Deer Canyon families! It was wonderful to see so many of you at our Welcome Back events this week. We are so excited for the year ahead.
We hope you joined us at our popsicle party and Clubs Fair, where we previewed all the events for the upcoming school year. In case you missed it, check out the Clubs page of our PSO website to read about what you can sign up for.
Our first PSO meeting of the year is this coming Wednesday, August 28, from 4 to 5:30 pm in Room 14, or on Zoom. The Agenda is here.
We’re looking forward to launching our Fall Fundraisers at Back to School Night next week…stay tuned! The PSO is so excited about all that is to come in the 2024-2025 school year!
If you have any questions, concerns, or want to get involved in your school, please feel free to email me at any time.
In partnership,
Eve Ardell Lanham
DCPSO President 2024-2025
P.s. Want to see all the fun we’re having putting on events for the Deer Canyon community? Follow us on Instagram: @deercanyonpso.
We Need Your Help: PSO Open Positions
We're seeking volunteers for a few key POS positions this year:
- Financial Secretary - This person would be responsible for deposits, withdrawing petty cash, and working closely with our treasurer on financial matters for our PSO. This is an Executive Board position.
- Deer Dash Chair - For our annual “fun run” fundraiser. This event will take place on Thursday, May 1, 2025. This person will lead a committee that works together to put on the event for the school. This position is a voting chair on the PSO.
- Help with the Deer Canyon website - This would be a wonderful opportunity for someone with website experience who would like to help intermittently (only a few hours a month at most).
If you are interested in any of those roles, please contact the PSO president at president@deercanyonpso.org.
Upcoming Events
Get Ready for DC Dining - Sept. 16 at Panda Express
We are so excited to invite our Deer Canyon family to join us at Panda Express (12330 Carmel Mountain Road, San Diego) on September 16 for a fundraising event.
20% of all event sales will be donated to our PSO to help support our school. You can order on the app or at PandaExpress.com and enter 377058 in the fundraiser code box or bring in the attached flyer.
This year, we are reviving our esteemed DC Dining Trophy. The class with the most attendance at Panda Express will get the DC Dining Trophy for September. When you go to Panda, please fill out this simple google form (also on the attached flyer) so that we know that you attended. https://forms.gle/KPB5frsAnr1a7Gmd9
Also, we have a couple other DC Dining events on the horizon. Rubio's in Carmel Mountain will be on October 9 and CPK in Carmel Mountain will be November 18-19. More information to come soon!
Thank you for your help!
Clubs and Activities
Interested in Science Olympiad?
Attention 3rd, 4th and 5th grade parents:
We're working to start Science Olympiad at Deer Canyon and would like to assess interest. Please take a minute to answer this survey, which will help us in planning.
Science Olympiad is designed to increase a student’s interest in STEM fields and provide recognition for outstanding achievement in team events. Science topics include earth science, biology, chemistry, physics, and engineering.
Is Your Child 'Science Minded'?
Have a 3rd-5th grader who can't get enough science?
Science Minded is offering classes on Tuesday afternoons at Deer Canyon with Mrs. Irene Lerner, a science teacher with over two decades of experience. Classes teach the scientific method and involve hands-on experiments.
Click here to sign up before classes start on September 3!
Important Updates
DCES Office Hours
In order to effectively and efficiently serve our students and families, Deer Canyon office staff want to communicate our office hours for the upcoming school year. We look forward to seeing you and supporting your needs! Please call us or reach out by email to schedule an appointment.
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays:
8 to 8:20 am, by appointment
8:20 am to 3:30 pm, OPEN
3:30 to 4 pm, by appointment
8 to 8:20am, by appointment
8:20 am to 2:10pm, OPEN
2:10 pm to 4 pm, by appointment
Interested in Volunteering?
Interested in volunteering at Deer Canyon on a semi-regular basis? 2024-25 Level 1 Volunteer forms are available in the office. Anyone interested in starting the process for volunteer clearance can and should start now! Remember, everyone has to reapply for volunteer clearance every year.
Level 1 Volunteer: Regular and semi-consistent volunteering on campus. Level 1 Volunteers are always required to have certificated staff present when working with students. Application is linked above, and includes requirements and criteria. If you were a Level 1 volunteer last year, you need to reapply this year!
Level 2 Volunteer: Regular and semi-consistent volunteering on campus. Level 2 Volunteers are able to supervise groups of students without direct PUSD staff supervision. Level 2 clearance is required of club advisors and to chaperone most field trips.
To become a Level 2 Volunteer, you must first complete a Level 1 clearance.
If you were a Level 2 volunteer last year, you'll complete the attached Level 1 form and when you come to campus to submit your form, please let our office staff know that you are interested in a Level 2 renewal (they'll check a box for you and get that ball rolling).
We look forward to having you on campus as frequently as you are able! *If you are planning to volunteer irregularly or at a singular event(s), volunteer clearance is not required — irregular guests can sign in as Visitors.
Reminders from ESS
Hello and welcome back to another amazing year!
We would like to remind families (new & current) that ESS is now centralized for enrollment. Please use this link to register for the Interest List. For questions on enrollment, please email enrollment-ess@powayusd.com.
- Hours of operation:
- Mornings: 6:30-8:20 am, Monday through Friday
- Afternoons: 3-6 pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
- Thursday Afternoons: 1-6 pm (TK), 1:25-6 pm (K-5th) (K with TK through 9/27)
- PM snack provided daily
- Time provided to complete unfinished class work
- Daily games and activities
- Friendship & fun
- Coming soon: BAM enrichments
~Jennifer DeRosier
Deer Canyon ESS Supervisor