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Week of January 27-31, 2025
Principal's Message
Dear ORCA Families,
We are thrilled to share that our 100th Day of School celebration was a fantastic success! 🎉 It was wonderful to see so many students and staff join in the fun with their creative “100-year-old” costumes. Thank you for helping make this milestone such a memorable and joyful event!
Now, as we look ahead, we have less than 80 school days remaining in this academic year. Every day counts, and regular attendance continues to be key in ensuring your child’s academic growth, building good habits, and staying connected with their classmates. Let’s finish this school year strong by coming to school on time and ready to learn each day!
Thank you for your continued support in making this year amazing for our ORCA community.
Best regards,
Mrs. Herrera
School Start and End Times
Breakfast: 7:40 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. All meals are free to all students.
School Starts: 8:10 a.m.
Kinder: 11:50 a.m. Minimum Day: 11:50 a.m.
1st-2nd: 2:15 p.m. Minimum Day: 12:11 p.m. (Front Gate)
3rd: 2:15 p.m. Minimum Day: 12:11 p.m. (Waudman Gate)
4th-6th: 2:21 p.m. Minimum Day 12:20 p.m. (Waudman Gate)
Upcoming Events
Minimum Day: Wednesday, February 5, 2025
No School: Friday, February 7, 2025 (Lincoln's Birthday Observed)
No School: Monday, February 17, 2025 (President's Day Observed)
School Wide Behavioral Expectations: Restroom
Dear Parents and Guardians,
This week, we are focusing on ORCA Expectations in the Restroom to encourage responsible, respectful, and safe behaviors. Please review these guidelines with your child to support their understanding of proper restroom conduct.
ORCA Expectations for Restrooms
- Use the assigned restroom.
- Use the restroom for its intended purposes only.
Responsible & Respectful
- Use equipment properly.
- Keep voices quiet.
- Clean up after yourself and always flush.
- Wash, rinse, and dry your hands.
- Place paper towels in the trash can.
Engaged Community Members
- Respect the privacy of others and your own.
- Maintain sanitary restrooms by using them only as intended.
By reinforcing these expectations, we can ensure that our restrooms remain clean, safe, and welcoming for everyone. Thank you for your continued partnership in building a positive school community!
Everyday Counts Attendance
Every school day is a chance for your child to grow, learn, and shine! 🎉 Each day is packed with fun lessons and activities that help build important skills and knowledge. When they’re in class, they’re making big strides toward success and staying on track in their learning journey.
Let’s keep teaming up to make every day an amazing one for our students! Thank you for being such a fantastic part of their educational adventure—we couldn’t do it without you! 😊✨
District Approved Information
i-Ready Diagnostic Results: A Pathway to Your Child's Success
We are excited to inform you that your children have recently completed reading and math diagnostics through i-Ready, an adaptive assessment program by Curriculum Associates. These diagnostics are designed to identify your child's strengths and areas for growth in these crucial subjects. We believe that this valuable data will help us tailor our instructional approach to better support your child's academic journey.
To review your child's data and gain insights into their performance, we invite you to access the flyer provided at the following link:
Click on the link below for the English flyer:
Click on the link below for the Spanish flyer:
This flyer will provide you with detailed instructions on how to navigate and interpret the i-Ready diagnostic results. Your active involvement in this process is greatly appreciated and will contribute to your child's educational success.
California's Daylighting Law (K-12)
Lodi Unified is excited to announce their collaboration with the City of Lodi to help raise awareness about California’s new traffic law, AB 413. This legislation introduces important changes at improving road safety and ensuring responsible driving practices across the state.
As a community, it’s vital that we stay informed about laws that impact our daily lives. AB 413 prohibits the stopping, standing, or parking of a vehicle within 20 feet of the vehicle approach side of any marked or unmarked crosswalk or within 15 feet of any crosswalk where a curb extension/bulbout is present, whether or not the curb is painted red. This is a safety measure known as “Daylighting”. Effective January 2025, the rules will be applied whether or not the curb is painted red.
Please use the link below to learn more about California’s new Daylighting Law AB 413.
Special Education Parent Training Series (PS-Adult Parents)
Click on the link below for the flyer:
Use this link to register:
Jump Into English
Attention Lodi USD parents! This week’s Parent Pulse Newsletter highlights the Jump Into English program, designed specifically for our English Language Learner (ELL) community. This free program provides a welcoming space for parents to improve their English through practical, real-life conversations. Whether online or in person, you’ll connect with others, gain confidence, and build valuable language skills. Classes begin right after the two-week fall break—don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to learn and grow together!
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