West Genesee School District
September 27, 2024
Administration Updates
Message from the Superintendent
Dear West Genesee Families,
In a very short amount of time, the students, staff, parents, and community seem to be in full operation and well into the 2024-2025 school year. We are settling into habits of classroom schedules, transportation, practices, and events in many areas. The level of involvement and energy is palpable!
Over the past few weeks, there have been instances of messaging and use of social media that has resulted in concern. When the District is made aware of threatening social media posts, it is treated the same as would occur with a direct verbal threat.
An investigation begins immediately and involves emergency procedures, if appropriate, and notice to personnel within the District and with local law officials. We need to dissect the message, search for connections (author, other posts, and witnesses), and interview participants or leads that result from interviews.
During this early phase of an investigation, the District will communicate with families the knowledge of the concern brought to us with as much detail as is appropriate. An investigation is fluid and in real time often with changing circumstances. Updates are provided, but only when information does not interfere with an investigation and only when there are determined facts.
It is natural and expected that such communication from the District may lead to feelings of concern, anxiousness, and even fear. It is important to note that a communication only occurs when the priority of an established safety procedure is in place. If a building or all buildings were experiencing an emergency, communication can be difficult due to the procedures taking place. The notice is to inform you of the concern, assure you we know of the matter (that you may have heard about separately), and to provide updates. This is only done when we have already assured students’ and staff safety. The goal is to keep you informed and help if you receive communication of concern directly from your child. Rest assured, at that point, we are actively investigating the matter.
We often use the expression “see something, say something” and will continue to do so. The “… say something” is intended to promote sharing a concern with a source that can help to resolve the issue. It is often a trusted adult. It may start with a friend that helps to lead to seeking a person of authority. It never means to share and re-share the original message of concern. That action amplifies the issue, spreads fear, and adds confusion, particularly if the message is not factual. Social media can quickly cause confusion, even fear, due to misinformation, individual interpretation, and manipulation of the original messaging. We must emphasize the potential dangers of messages and the best ways to react to an upsetting post. Telling an adult as soon as possible is the best way to work toward resolving the situation.
In a recent case, students agreed to seek an administrator without resending or further amplifying the issue. They went to a trusted adult. This helped the situation tremendously and it was brought to resolution (it was deemed not credible) within a very short time period. Kudos to those students for following a productive path! Well done, Wildcats.
We have been holding assemblies about the topic of safety and the negative role that instant communication can create through Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, X/Twitter, and other forums. Similarly, we will be creating lessons that are age appropriate that will be delivered to small groups very soon.
Thank you for our work together as we face challenges and support our children.
David C. Bills, Superintendent of Schools
Student Recognitions
Commended Student is Announced
Congratulations to West Genesee High School senior Evan Powers who has been named a Commended Student in the 2025 National Merit Scholarship Program.
About 34,000 Commended Students throughout the nation are being recognized for their exceptional academic promise. Although they will not continue in the 2025 competition for National Merit Scholarship awards, Commended Students placed among the top 50,000 students who enter the 2025 competition by taking the 2023 Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test (PSAT).
Powers will be recognized at a Board of Education meeting in November.
Mark Your Calendars for the Tournament of Bands!
The West Genesee Wildcat Marching Band will host their annual Tournament of Bands on Saturday, September 28, 2024 with bands from:
- LeRoy
- Jordan-Elbridge
- Syracuse
- Mohonasen
- Webster
- Liverpool
- Baldwinsville
- Cicero-North Syracuse
- West Genesee (will perform in exhibition)
The show will be held in our Turf Field Stadium and will begin at 6:00 p.m. #CarnEVIL
Staff Recognition
Meet our School Nurses: This Week...Abigail Falconer
We would like to introduce you to Registered Nurse Abigail Falconer, who is the School Nurse at East Hill Elementary School.
She is a St. Joseph’s College of Nursing graduate, where she received her Associates of Science degree in Nursing in 2017. She also received her Bachelors of Arts degree in English Literature/Education from Le Moyne College in 2012.
She started her nursing career at Upstate Golisano’s Children’s Hospital in the pediatric medical-surgical unit for a few years. She then transferred to the Pediatric Ambulatory Hematology/Oncology clinic, working as an infusion nurse.
Falconer grew up in the Fairmount area and now lives in Camillus with her husband, Sean, and their three kids: Myles (6), George (5) and Maggie (3).
In her spare time, she loves being outdoors with her family, either finding local hikes or new playgrounds to explore. Having always loved running, she is now training for her first triathlon, scheduled for June 2025.
ParentSquare: Attendance Info and Tips
ParentSquare Attendance Absence Submission Started on September 16!
SInce Monday, September 16, 2024, you have been able to submit your child’s absence reason through ParentSquare. You must wait for a notification from ParentSquare (via text, app notification or email) confirming your child’s absence before providing the reason.
You have until the end of the school day to submit the reason via ParentSquare. If you miss this deadline, please contact the school directly or send a note with your child.
From the Website:
Click “Send Note to School”
Enter the reason for the absence
Click submit to send it directly to your school’s attendance office
From the App:
Click “Send Note to School”
Enter the reason for the absence
Click submit to send it directly to your school’s attendance office
*Please note the notifications times:
Grades 5 - 12 - 8:45 - 9:00 AM
Grades K - 4 - 10:30 - 10:45 AM
Click here for a printable version (PDF) from the website.
To respond to an attendance notification and submit a note, you need to be logged into ParentSquare as a registered user.
ParentSquare Tip: How to Access SchoolTool from ParentSquare
TIP: Did you know? You can access SchoolTool from ParentSquare from:
*’District website’
*then select ‘SchoolTool’ from the website homepage (you can do that from your phone or a computer!)
FYI…This tip is also posted to ParentSquare in the feed area of all schools! Check it out!
Coat Drive/Talk with the Supt./Adult Education/Winter Sports Registration
West Genesee PTA/PTO District Council is Hosting a Coat Drive!
The District Council is having a coat drive the month of October.
On November 2, 2024 there will be a "shopping" event for West Genesee families who need winter gear.
West Genesee District PTA/PTO is Hosting a Talk with the Superintendent
Please join the West Genesee PTA/PTO District Council for a Talk with the Superintendent on Tuesday, October 23, 2024 starting at 7:00 p.m. in the West Genesee High School LGI room.
Register now for Adult Education Classes!!
Visit https://westgeneseecsdny.sites.thrillshare.com/page/adult-education now for complete course descriptions and to register online. Don't wait to register, class space is limited.
You will receive the Adult Education brochure in the September edition of The Communicator in your mailboxes the week of September 16.....but don't wait, register today!
Check out the return of your favorites as well as a few new and exciting classes!
Mark Your Calendars! WINTER 2024 – 2025 Sports Start Dates
- Modified 7/8/9 Girls Volleyball- 11/4/24 (Winter 1)
- Modified 7/8/9 Boys Basketball- 11/4/24 (Winter 1)
- JV & Varsity Winter Sports- 11/18/24
- Modified: Boys 7/8 Swimming, Girls 7/8/9 Basketball, 7/8 Wrestling, 7/8 Boys Volleyball. - 1/21/25 (Winter 2)
A parent/guardian can register by clicking on this link: https://students.arbitersports.com/organizations/west-genesee-central-school-district
Sign-ups on ArbiterSports are 30 days prior to the start date.
West Genesee is Hiring
WGCSD is Hiring an Account Clerk I / Deputy Treasurer
WGCSD is Looking to Hire an Account Clerk I / Deputy Treasurer.
Inquiries can be made to Dylan Lawless at dlawless@westgenesee.org or 315-487-4693.
WGCSD is Looking to Hire Full-time and Substitute Custodians
West Genesee CSD is hiring full-time custodians on all shifts and substitute custodians for the 2nd shift.
Inquiries can be made to Buildings and Grounds at (315) 487-4630.
Upcoming Events
- October 2, 2024 Board of Education Audit Committee Meeting-WGHS Library Classroom-5:30 p.m.
- October 2, 2024 Board of Education Meeting-WGHS Library-6:00 p.m.
- October 7, 2024 Board of Education Policies and Bylaws Committee Meeting-District Office-4:00 p.m.
- October 14, 2024 No School- Columbus/Indigenous Peoples' Day
- October 16, 2024 Board of Education Claims Audit Sub-Committee-Split Rock Elementary School-5:30 p.m.
- October 16, 2024 Board of Education Meeting-Split Rock Elementary School Cafeteria-6:00 p.m.
- October 23, 2024 Talk with the Superintendent-WGHS Library-7:00 p.m.