Weekly Wrap Up
Maple Place Middle School 10/20/23
Principal's Message - Week 7
Good Afternoon, Maple Place & Happy FriYay!
It is hard to believe that we are half way through October already, and Halloween is right around the corner. This was another jam-packed week here at Maple Place. On Wednesday we celebrated Breast Cancer Awareness month by wearing our pink. At Wednesday's Board of Education meeting we recognized Dr. Godlesky presented the State of the District address, and Mrs. Martinez presented the Spring NJSLA Data presentation. We also recognized our students who received a perfect score on any of the NJSLA assessments last year. The Maple Place students who were recognized are all graduates from the class of 2023 and all scored a perfect score on the ELA NJSLA last spring. Congratulations to Audrey Bova, Grayden Peto, Adan Said, and Addison Vincelli!
We also had our first visit from the Read-to-Dogs program through our partnership with the Monmouth County SPCA. Jake and his handler came to visit Mrs. Dunn's sixth grade ELA class this week. Students read their personal narratives and got to shower Jake with lots of pets and affection.
On the sports field, our Lady Chargers continue to dominate in both Field Hockey and Soccer with winning season records thus far and no losses for either team. Both boys and girls soccer and field hockey have additional regular season games this week. Field Hockey is on to the playoffs on Friday. Soccer playoffs should start the following week. We wish our Chargers the best of luck in post-season play!
Next week, Maple Place is observing Red Ribbon and School Violence Awareness Week. We will be holding a spirit week to raise awareness. Please see below for more information.
Lastly, please be sure to take a look at the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act letter from Dr. Godlesky.
Wishing you a great weekend,
Melissa Keiser
NJHS Interest Meeting 10/25
Fall Sports:
Monday, October 23rd: Boys Soccer - Away - Rumson - 3:45pm
Monday, October 23rd: Girls Soccer - Home - Rumson - 3:30pm
Monday, October 23rd: Field Hockey - Home - Fair Haven - 3:30pm
Thursday, October 26th: Boys Soccer - Away - Fair Have - 3:30pm
Thursday, October 26th: Field Hockey - Home - Forrestdale - 3:30pm
Friday, October 27th: Field Hockey - Playoffs - TBD
Clubs & Activities:
Maple Place Clubs are up and running. Please see the schedule below for upcoming club meetings before or after school.
Monday, October 16th:
Charger Band - 7:15m - Band Room
Chimes - 2:45-4:00pm - Cafeteria
Running Club - 2:45-4:00pm
Tuesday, October 17th:
Wednesday, October 18th:
Charger Band - 7:15m - Band Room
Chorus - 2:45 - 4:00pm - Band Room
Running Club -- 2:45 - 4:00pm
Creative Writing Club - 2:45-3:45
Thursday, October 19th:
Cadet Band - 7:15am - Band Room
Running Club -- 2:45 - 4:00pm
Friday, October 20th:
Charger Band - 7:15am - Band Room
Yearbook (8th grade only) - 7:30am - Room 108
Student Leadership Collection:
Please see the below for the items that are needed for donation.
Thank you for your support with this project.
Halloween Guidelines:
Students may come to school in costume on Tuesday, the 31st. Keep in mind that costumes should be able to be managed by the students and should be appropriate for school. The students will be wearing their costumes all day, and therefore, please keep in mind the comfort level of your child’s costume. There are several guidelines that must be followed to ensure the safety and security of all students:
No masks or face coverings can be worn to school.
No realistic weapon accessories are allowed in the building (for example – guns, knives, swords, etc.)
Excessive make-up or face paint is prohibited. The school must be able to identify the students. (Keep in mind, students will be in costume all day and excessive make-up becomes itchy and irritating.)
Costumes that prohibit normal school routines are not allowed (Blow up costumes, stuffed costumes, anything that will not allow the students to sit in a seat and complete assigned work should not be worn).
Student Leadership is sponsoring a Costume Contest. In order to enter, the students are asked to bring in a non-perishable food item to their homeroom teacher by Monday, October 30th. The teachers and staff will conduct the contest throughout the school day and the winners will be announced. Winners will receive a Halloween gift pack from Enzo's!
Attention 8th Grade Parents:
Mrs. Bonett met with the students this week to share the high school options with them. She also provided the 8th graders with handouts of all the options and dates of open house, placement tests, etc. As you are aware, there are many high school opportunities for our 8th graders. This section of the Weekly Wrap Up will provide you with information on upcoming high school open houses in our area.
Academy of Allied Health & Science
Saturday, October 28th - 10:00am
Thursday, November 16th - 6:30pm
Marine Academy of Science & Technology
Thursday, October 26th - 6:30 pm
Saturday, November 4th - 10:00am
Wednesday, November 15th - 6:30pm
Communications High School
Saturday, October 28th - 10:00am
Wednesday, November 15th - 6:30pm
High Technology High School
Saturday, November 4th - 10:00am
Thursday, November 16th - 6:30pm
Biotechnology High School
Saturday, October 21st - 10:00 am
Thursday, November 2nd - 6:30pm
Saturday, November 4th - 10:00am
Academy of Law and Public Safety
Sunday, November 18th - 10:00am
Saturday, October 21st - Campus Tour 9 am- 1 pm
Wednesday, October 25th - Open House - 4:30-6:30pm
Saturday, October 28th - Entrance Exam - 8:00am-12:00pm
Saturday, November 18th - Entrance Exam - 8:00am-12:00pm
Saturday, December 2nd - Campus Tour 9am-1pm
Wednesday, October 25th - Athletics, Arts & Activities Session - 7:00-8:30pm
Trinity Hall
Wednesday, November 8th - Open House - 6:00-8:00pm
Dates to Remember:
Wednesday, October 25th - NJHS Interest Meeting (online) - See flyer above for times
Thursday, October 26th - Title 1 Parent Meeting - Wolf Hill School - 5:00pm
Thursday & Friday, November 8th & 9th - No School! Teachers' Convention
PTO News:
5th Grade Fun Night
Come hang out with your classmates for an exciting night of games, music, pizza, and more!
All students who attend must purchase a ticket and complete a permission slip by October 27, 2023.
Flyers and permissions slips coming home with the students this week
Mike's Crumb Cake
Purchase to enjoy now or for the holidays!
The crumb cakes can be frozen for up to 6 months
Order by October 25, 2023
Local deliver on November 6, 2023, to Oceanport or Sea Bright
Look out for the flyers coming home with the students this week.
Half Day Bagels
Seven more half days this school year!
To order a bagel for the remaining days, click the link below.
This will be the last chance to order for the remainder of the school year.
Click the link below for the Membership Toolkit for more information on the items mentioned above:
Social Media:
Maple Place Middle School
Email: mkeiser@oceanportschools.org
Website: https://www.oceanportschools.org/Domain/8
Location: 2 Maple Place, Oceanport, NJ, USA
Phone: (732) 229-0267
Twitter: @MaplePlaceMS