Sabre Scene
March 20, 2025
Message from the Principal
Dear Parents and Students,
As we approach Spring Break, we want to thank you for your hard work and dedication throughout the term. This is a great time to rest, recharge, and spend quality time with family and friends.
If there are any outstanding assignments or tasks, please take a moment to check in and ensure everything is up to date. We look forward to welcoming everyone back refreshed and ready for the final stretch of the school year!
Wishing you all a safe and enjoyable Spring Break!
Curtis Starko
Scholarship Information
Salisbury Composite High School offers a number of in-house scholarships and awards through community partners. Please read through the award descriptions and criteria thoroughly to determine which awards you should apply for.
To complete the application, you will be required to attach a one page letter that shares more about you and why you would be a good candidate for the award(s) you are applying for. You will also need the name of one staff member that you have spoken to in advance that would be willing to be a reference for you.
Deadline to apply is 11:59 p.m. April 3, 2025.
CLICK HERE to fill out the 2024- 2025 Scholarship Application.
Junior Forest Rangers
Junior Forest Ranger (JFR) program offers a unique and exciting opportunity to Alberta high school students ages 16 to 18. This 7-week paid summer work experience exposes you to a wide variety of careers in forestry, wildfire, ecology, conservation and more! For more information Google JFR, applications close April 1.
Fire Cadet High School Career Fair Wednesday, March 27 at 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Applications accepted April 1 - 30.
Students interested in attending the Sherwood Park Job Fair April 11 in block 2 can sign up with Ms. Entrup and Mr. Caldwell.
Legacy Project Presentation on March 27, 2025.
This will be a great source of information to young artists. We will cover the topics of Juried Shows and Critiques. We have lined up 3-4 paintings to be critiqued and there is nothing better than seeing someone else's perspective on your creation. Knowing you have done well on one thing and where you can improve on another is part of growing as an artist.
Student Information
Opportunity Wednesday:
Opportunity Wednesdays take place every week, except for the first Wednesday of each month. This is a valuable time to receive extra help in your core classes, catch up on CTS projects, or visit our wellness center. Throughout the building, you’ll find various ways to enrich your high school experience. Keep an eye out for special events and opportunities posted around the school.
Salisbury Composite High School
Email: general.sal@eips.ca
Website: salcomp.ca
Location: Salisbury Composite High School, Festival Way, Sherwood Park, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-467-8816
Facebook: facebook.com/salisburycomposite
Twitter: @SalComp