From The Leopards' Den
Principal's Newsletter January 31, 2025
Principal's Message
Happy Friday!
We hope you all had a great week! Things were hopping over at Leggee. We are gearing up for our data analysis meetings. Next week, we will meet with each team and talk about successes and challenges in our classrooms and curriculum. It's a great time to share what is going well and support each other in the challenges we face. There is a lot of work that goes into preparing for this, but the conversations and results help support our staff and our students.
As the winter months continue, we still see some larger than normal numbers when it comes to illnessses. We do monitor those numbers, and when they reach a point where we feel there needs to be something extra done, we do that. However, the very best way to reduce the amount of illness is to remind students to hand wash and to keep their fingers/hands out of their mouths and away from their eyes. This is how a lot of the germs spread. The other help is when we keep our children at home when they are sick. We understand the challenge then is attendance and our focus on that this year. We understand that students get sick and take that into account when reviewing attendance records.
Please continue to read through this newsletter for all sorts of opportunities. Our PTA continues to crank out some amazing events and times to gather as families.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
Mr. Iddings
Upcoming Events
February 5 Leggee 5th grade Band & Orchestra concert
February 10 Leggee PTA Meeting 7pm
February 13 SIP Early Release Day at 1:30pm
February 14 Non-Attendance Day - No School
February 17 Presidents Day - No School/ Offices Closed
February 21 K-5 Grade - End of 2nd Trimester
Leopard News
District 158 Young Authors’ Program
Does your child like to write? The Young Authors’ program is a great opportunity for our Kindergarten through 8th grade students. The students who participate will have their books judged by community volunteers. One winner will be selected for each grade level at each school. Entries will be due to your child’s school by Friday, March 14, 2025. Classroom teachers will be sharing more details soon!
SHOOTING STAR AWARD: Congratulations to Angelika Koczta
We are excited to shine the spotlight on this week's Shooting Star Award recipient, Leggee 5th grader, Angelika Koczta! Angelika is a shining example of respect and hard work! She consistently puts forth her best effort in everything she does, always approaching tasks with a positive and friendly attitude. A caring and thoughtful friend, Angelika is always there to support others with kindness. Her dedication and enthusiasm make her a standout in our 5th-grade classroom, and we are so proud to have her as part of our school community! Keep up the amazing work, Angelika! 🌟
Leggee PTA Corner
Contact Us: info@leggeepta.org
Volunteer Opportunities/ Events/ Donation Opportunities: https://signup.com/group/336993356275860055
Become a Member: https://leggee.memberhub.com/store
Spring Spirit Wear Sale!
Spring spirit wear will be available to purchase from February 4th-19th.
www.shopCOTTONandINK.com (password: 25_LEOPARDS)
Weather & Health Updates
Winter Weather
We would just like to remind you of a few things regarding the colder weather which is soon approaching:
- Please make sure the students come to school equipped with the appropriate clothing for outside activities. If a student wants to play in the snow, once we have some, they must have snow pants and boots.
- If the wind chill is below 15 degrees, the students stay in their classrooms for indoor recess.
- We do utilize elearning if there is a snow/cold weather day. It is up to our district office to make that decision. The teachers would share out the schedule and help the students along utilizing their Chromebooks.
- For more Inclement weather information, please use this link
Guidlines for Keeping Children From School
A sick child cannot learn effectively or participate fully in educational activities in a meaningful way. Keeping a sick child home from school allows your child to rest and recover and prevents the transmission of the illness to others. To help maintain a safe and healthy learning environment, please see the guidelines below on when to keep your child home from school for common illnesses that we may see in our schools. Other criteria can be found in the student handbooks or from staff in our health offices. When in doubt consult with your healthcare provider or our Health Care staff.
Any of the below criteria is subject to change based on requirements from MCDH, IDPH or the CDC.
If your child has a moist, productive cough, chest congestion, or thick nasal discharge, they need to stay home from school. If you see a continuous greenish discharge, that may be a sign of infection and you should consult with your healthcare provider.
Conjunctivitis (Pink eye)
A student who has been diagnosed with conjunctivitis may return to school 24 hours after their first dose of prescribed medication.
Per the CDC guidelines, an individual can return to normal activities when symptoms have been improving for 24 hours - and if a fever was present, it has been gone for 24 hours without use of a fever-reducing medication. Please check with your doctor if you have any questions.
Your child can return to school after being fever free for at least 24 hours without the use of any fever-reducing medications. A fever is 100.4 degrees or greater according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.
If your child has a rash that you cannot identify, it is recommended that you consult with your healthcare provider. The student should not return to school until the rash has been diagnosed and deemed not contagious.
Strep Throat
If your child has been diagnosed with strep throat they need to remain at home until they have been on antibiotics for a full 24 hours and fever free for at least 24 hours without fever-reducing medication.
Students need to remain home from school until they are symptom-free for 24 hours without any over the counter medication or antibiotic.
*If multiple cases of Conjunctivitis, strep, COVID-19 or other communicable diseases are reported within a classroom or school, we will evaluate the number and notify families as a proactive measure as recommended by the CDC or local health department.
Other situations where a student needs to stay home, or must be picked up from school include, but are not limited to: vomiting, diarrhea, open lesions that cannot be covered, lethargy, serious head injuries, undiagnosed persistent or disruptive cough, eye drainage or redness, undiagnosed or new rashes, and serious limb injuries.
Note: Donuts are Tues & Thurs (NOT Mon)
Sunday's with Seniors
Leggee families do NOT need to register to attend, just show up! Every Sunday we'll start with Bingo at 2:00pm and end with a treat and optional show-and-tell.
Students are also encouraged to send any artwork to Mrs. Bell so she can display it at Heritage Woods. View this Sundays with Seniors Video for more information.