Royal Decree Family Newsletter
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February Family Newsletter
Upcoming Events
Feb. 3
- CogAT Testing Begins (Feb. 3-7)
- Kindergarten Round-Up
Feb. 4
- DGS Parents Club Meeting (7:00 pm)
Feb. 5
- Global Play Day
Feb. 7
- DGS Spirit Day/Popcorn at Lunch
- 3rd Quarter Progress Reports Issued
- World Read Aloud Day Celebrated
Feb. 10
- Kindergarten Hult Center Field Trip
Feb. 14
- Valentine's Day Classroom Parties
- SIP Day - 11:15 am Dismissal
Feb. 15
- School Resource Officer Appreciation Day
Feb. 17
- Presidents' Day - No School
Feb. 18
- 2nd Grade Music Program (6:00 pm)
- 3rd Grade Music Program (7:00 pm)
Feb. 20
- 5th Grade Bowling Field Trip
- Board of Education Meeting at DHS (6:00 pm)
Feb. 22
- DGS Royal Carnival (3:00-7:00 pm)
February Staff Birthdays
Feb. 2 - Mrs. Batton
Feb. 21 - Mrs. Hite
Feb. 28 - Mrs. Gullette
2025-2026 Kindergarten Registration Information
On Monday, February 3, 2025, the Kindergarten Pre-Registration Link will go live, allowing families to complete the initial steps of the registration process. To be eligible for kindergarten, students must be five years of age by September 1, 2025.
During the pre-registration process, families will have to provide the following information:
Required Information
Student’s First, Middle, and Last Name
Date of Birth
Home Address
Parent(s)/Guardian(s)’ Contact Information
Three Proofs of Residency
For more information on what is required, click here.
Copy of the Official Student Birth Certificate
Medical Records*
Physical dated on or after 08/13/2024
Immunization Record
Vision Exam dated on or after 08/13/2024
Dental Exam dated on or after 11/15/2024
*Medical forms are not required to complete the registration process but will be required before your student can begin school in August.
Please note that if you upload all required documentation, you DO NOT need to attend in-person Kindergarten Registration Extended Office Hours on Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2025, from 2:30 to 4:30 pm at your student’s home school. This date is simply to collect the required documentation; kindergarten teachers and building tours will NOT be available at this event.
If you are unsure which building would be your student’s home school, please view the School Boundary Information page of our website.
Once all pre-registration information and documentation have been received, families will be sent a snapcode to finish the registration process for the 2025-26 school year. A copy of next year’s school calendar can be found on the District Calendar page.
Completion of the Kindergarten Pre-Registration Form does not guarantee school placement or prioritize one family over the other. Final school placement is based on enrollment numbers; should a family have to attend a building other than their regular home building, they will be notified via the provided information before school begins in August. Please read more on our Displaced Student Procedures if you have any questions.
Should you have any questions, please contact your student’s home school. We are all very excited to welcome our youngest Royals on Wednesday, August 13, 2025!
Spring Semester Assessments
CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test) - Week of Feb. 3
- 2nd and 4th grade students (as well as new 3rd and 5th graders)
- Want to practice? Here are some practice tests if interested.
I.A.R. (Illinois Assessment of Readiness) - April 7-18
- 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades
I.S.A. (Illinois Science Assessment) - April 22-25
- 5th grade only
CogAT Testing
Each year, elementary students in second and fourth grades take the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) during the first or second week of February; this year, students will take the CogAT during the week of February 3-7, 2025.
For those new to the district, the CogAT is used as one of three measures to determine qualification for our Elementary Enrichment Eagles after-school program as well as placement in Middle School Enrichment courses (more information about the qualification process can be found on the Dunlap District website here under “Elementary Enrichment Eagles Program” or “Middle School Enrichment Services”). As Dunlap is devoted to “preparing every student to succeed each day,” we want to ensure that students are supported based on individual need. While the CogAT is used for enrichment identification purposes, it does allow Dunlap staff to have a complete data profile of each student and provide more information about areas of students’ strengths and areas in need of growth. More information about the CogAT can also be found on the Curriculum Department website linked above under “Elementary Enrichment Eagles Program.”
Starting on Monday, Feb. 3, testing will begin across the district. As students will be taking the assessment on their Chromebooks, teachers have flexibility in planning testing within the instructional day, as the tests can be taken over a few days if necessary.
Finally, more information about all academic assessments administered throughout the school year can be found on the Curriculum Department page under “District Assessments.”
BIST Parent Sessions
As part of its mission to support children and families, the BIST Team is offering a series of complimentary classes for parents and guardians. Classes will be presented virtually and facilitated by the BIST Team.
Topics and Dates:
· January 28th: New Year, New Start: Proactively Partnering with Your Child's School
· February 4th: Powerful Tools to Sustain a Powerful Family
· February 11th: Growing Accountability with Empathy
Time (Central Time):
· 5:45 PM – 6:00 PM Enter Zoom Waiting Room
· 6:00 PM – 6:45 PM Informational Session
· 6:45 PM – 7:00 PM Questions and Answers
Please refer to the document below for information on how to register for these sessions.
On time attendance is important and necessary for learning. If your child will be absent due to an appointment or is ill, please notify the office by 8:00 am each day.
You can call the office or email your absence to:
Mrs. Kamin lkamin@dunlapcusd.net and
Mrs. Sullivan msullivan@dunlapcusd.net.
Please make sure your child is prepared and dressed appropriately for outside recess. Students will go outside for recess anytime the temperature is 15 degrees or above (including wind chill).
Parents cannot request that students stay inside based solely on the temperature. It is important for the students to get outside and play when possible during the winter months.
Any child who is exempt from physical education for medical reasons will not be allowed to participate in outdoor recess activities. Re-injury on the playground could occur. Arrangements for indoor recess in the main office or a supervised classroom will be made.
Valentine's Day Celebrations
Dunlap Grade School will observe Valentine's Day with celebrations planned in each classroom. The Parents Club will provide a drink, snack, special treat, and activity for each classroom.
Students are able to share valentine's in their classrooms. If your child participates, they will be asked to be inclusive of all students and bring a card for each child in their class. Teachers will communicate additional information regarding the class lists in the coming days. Furthermore, your child's teacher will communicate if your child should bring a Valentine's Day box or if they will be made in their individual classroom.
Many Valentine's Day Cards are accompanied with a sweet treat or simple toy. Whereas students can exchange these in the classroom, they will be brought home and not consumed in the classroom.
Birthday Treats
To promote a positive, safe, and healthy lifestyle and classroom learning community, birthday celebrations at school will not include treats or favors from home. Teachers will choose to celebrate students in their classroom in grade and age appropriate ways.
A Note from the President
The next Parents Club meeting will be on Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2025 at 7:00 pm in the DGS Café. All parents and guardians of DGS Royals and DGS staff are welcome! We hope you can join us!
Annalee Huntington
DGS Parents Club President
DGS Carnival
The Parents Club will be hosting the fun and exciting Royal Carnival on Saturday, February 22, from 3:00 to 7:00 pm! Check out the carnival web page & the DGS FB page for all the amazing businesses that have already provided donations or sponsored activities for our carnival. More fun prizes are added each week! We are always looking for any families or businesses who would like to make a monetary, in-kind, or experience donation to our biggest fundraiser of the year. All funds raised benefit the educational and recreational needs of the DGS Royal students and staff! If you have any questions about donating, please contact me at dunlapparentsclub@gmail.com. Donations can be mailed to DGS or dropped off in the school office.
Please plan to join us on Saturday, February 22nd, for our Royal Carnival at DGS for delicious food, fresh new carnival games (and old favorites), a Hungry Hippos inflatable game, balloons, face painting, a cake walk, and more! There will also be big raffle prizes, general raffle prizes, silent auction, and a basket raffle!!! Raffle tickets and more details will be sent home on Friday, January 31st.
We Need You!
Get to know other parents, your child's teacher, and the entire staff at DGS by volunteering with the Parents Club. In order to make our Carnival a success, we depend upon volunteers. Please consider volunteering for a shift before or during the carnival! Please follow the Sign Up Genius link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090E49ACA722A6FA7-52674831-dunlap
We Need Baked Goods!
We are looking for volunteers to provide baked goods for this year's Cake Walk game at DGS's Royal Carnival on Saturday, February 22nd. Items can be HOMEMADE or STORE BOUGHT such as cakes, cupcakes, cookies, brownies, candy bouquets, and bars. If you are able to provide a baked item, please follow the Sign Up Genius link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090E49ACA722A6FA7-54485632-baked
This game is always a BIG hit, but we need lots of baked good donations to make it a success. Thank you in advance for your help!
Valentine's Day SIP Lunch
DGS will be providing Panera sandwiches and salad for DGS staff for SIP Day. But we need some help with desserts from our DGS families. What a great way to make them feel "loved" by all our parents! Please review the sign up below and pick an item or two to donate. Thank you, we appreciate you!
Yearbook Sale
Time is running out to place your order for the 2024-2025 DGS Yearbook. The online yearbook sale ends March 21st. You can order at inter-state.com/order with the order code: 91048F.
Spring Book Fair - Save the Date
The Spring Book Fair will go a little different this year. The weekly activities will start on Thursday, April 24th, and go into the next week with the actual book sale taking place on Tuesday, April 29th in the DGS Cafeteria. As usual, there will be themed activities throughout the week. More details will be forthcoming!
Rent the Royal Rock
Just a reminder about the Royal Rock, which weighs in at just over a 1/2 ton (1002 lbs) and was donated by Kickapoo Sand and Gravel, can be rented by Dunlap families. It is an opportunity to share exciting events with our school community by painting your own message. Parents, students, and staff may rent the Royal Rock for a week long period to recognize birthdays, show school spirit, wish a team good luck, thank a teacher, congratulate events, etc. It is a great way to spread positive messages!
If you are interested in renting the Royal Rock, please visit this link for more information including the sign up and PayPal links:
2025 Peoria Park District Camps and Sports Guide
The Peoria Park District’s Summer Camps and Sports Guide is now ready for you! Click the link below to explore all the exciting programs and activities available for the upcoming season. From sports leagues to creative camps, there’s something for everyone this summer.
Access the Summer Camps and Sports Guide here!
Dunlap Gives Back
It is our mission to serve Each Student, Every Day!
Dunlap Gives Back serves to supply students and families with resources to meet their basic needs to ensure that all children are equipped with the resources they need to be prepared to learn.
If you are a staff member, family member, or student, please use this form to request resources. Items that can be requested include, but are not limited to food, clothing, school supplies, hygiene supplies, ect. If further support or resources are required, please email Director of Student Services, Mandy Ellis, at mellis@dunlapcusd.net.
All requests will be confidential and protect the privacy of the student and family.
Dunlap Shine Award
The Dunlap School District Shine Award honors employees who go above and beyond for the students and schools in our community. Honorees positively influence, inspire, and leave a lasting impact in the work that they do every day, helping to fulfill the overall District mission to empower all students to reach their individual potential.
Nominations can be submitted by students, parents, District employees, business, or community members by completing the following nomination form. District employees will be selected and honored throughout the school year to receive this prestigious honor.
Selected nominees will receive a crystal apple in recognition of their exemplary efforts, provided by Horace Mann. Additionally, Peoria Prints & Graphic Designs will provide yard signs for staff to celebrate their achievement at home!
Please provide your email in the field below so that a copy of your nomination will be sent to your email address and so that we can contact you with any additional questions.