This Week at Trenton High School
Welcome Back.....Again.
We hope everyone stayed warm and enjoyed the snow the last few days. Please remember to be cautious getting to school and in the school parking lot Monday morning. The THS Winter Formal has been rescheduled for Saturday, January 25th from 7:00 to 10:00. Information for the Be Here & Study Field Trip will be announced later this week, along with results from powerlifting, and VEX robotics.
THS Cheer
The Trenton High School Cheerleaders will be competing at the UIL State Cheer Championship this Thursday in Ft. Worth. Ticket information can be found using the following link.
Weekly Reminders -
- Semester Exams - Exemptions for semester exams will be based on the number of unexcused absences and overall grade in the class.
- Be Here & Study - Requirements for the reward field trip will be based on the number of absences (both excused & unexcused) and overall grades.
- School Start Time - The first bell rings at 7:45 and students are expected to be in class by 7:50.
- Water in the original clear container is allowed. (Please leave tumblers, Yeti cups, etc. at home)
- Cell Phones are expected to be silenced and put away during class.
- Headphones / AirPods are not allowed during or between classes. May be worn before school or during lunch.
- Students in violation of the dress code will be provided with a corrective article of clothing for the day.
The Trenton High School Newsletter will be available through Parent Square, Facebook, or email. (If you would like to be emailed directly, simply email me at with Newsletter as the Subject.) We are looking forward to an outstanding year and hope to see you in the coming weeks.
Darren Anderson
Trenton High School Athletic News
This Week at Trenton High School
- Monday, January 13th
- VEX Robotics Meet
- Tuesday, January 14th
- Basketball vs Sam Rayburn
- Wednesday, January 15th
- Thursday, January 16th
- State Cheer Competition
- Friday, January 17th
- Jostens Ring Delivery
- Ft. Worth Stock Show
- Basketball at Wolfe City
- Saturday, January 18th
Upcoming Events
January 25 - Winter Formal
March 10 - 14 Spring Break
May 22 - 8th Grade Graduation at 6 pm
May 23 - High School Graduation at 6 pm