Sevier Band News
Week 9 - Looking Ahead to Spring 2025 - December 2024
Bravo on a Great Concert!
Congratulations to all of our awesome students for a great performance!
- Reminder to all 7th & 8th graders to turn-in your Polo this week during your normal band class.
- We were sad to miss 35+ students who were out sick... we hope you feel better soon!!
- If you missed for illness (with a parent email/note), then your absence is excused.
- If you skipped the concert, you have the option to play the music for the Band Directors during band class this week as an alternate assignment. Skipping = we don't hear from a parent and you did not attend.
- Reminder: Jazz Band has trips the next 2 days! (Wednesday & Thursday), same concert attire!
- All others (non-jazz band members) - we will not need instruments for the final 2.5 days of band class
- If you have any pictures or video from the concert that you want to share, please tag the @SevierBand on our facebook page or share it in the facebook group!
Spirit Night at Santa Fe Mexican Grill - Dec. 19
It's a fun night out with family and friends!
6th Grade - Music in the Parks @ Dollywood
The 6th Grade Band will go to Dollywood on Saturday, April 26 to compete in the Music in the Parks Concert Band Competition!
Student Cost - $100 (includes charter bus + park admission)
Parent Cost - $50 (must be a chaperone, includes park admission)
7th Grade - University of Tennessee Performance
The 7th Grade Band will travel to the University of Tennessee on Tuesday, February 25 to perform a concert and then get "coached" by world-renowned maestro - Mr. Alfred Watkins!
Details to come!
8th Grade - All-City Band + NPAC Performance
The 8th Grade Band has 2 big events for the Spring! The first is a during-school field trip to DBHS on February 25 or 27 to rehearse with the DB Band Directors, followed by an evening concert. The second is a Concert Band competition at the NPAC in Greeneville, TN on March 13. This is known as Concert Performance Assessment or "CPA".
Spring Concert - May 1
Our Spring Concert featuring all bands is scheduled for Thursday, May 1st. More details to come!
Jazz Band
Don't Forget...
Wear the same attire as the Winter Concert and bring $$ for Pal's Wednesday! (Pizza is provided on Thursday).
Upcoming Jazz Band Dates
Wednesday, Dec. 18 - Elementary School Tours
Thursday, Dec. 19 - Performance at The Blake
Honor Band Auditions - Coming up January 18th!
If you have not yet turned in your $10 audition fee, please send that in as soon as possible.
***Audition Tip: go to "sightreadingfactory.com" and login with username: sevier1 password: sevierband
We recommend using "Level 2" to practice 😎
Private Lessons
MANY of our band students take private lessons from local professional musicians. There is no better way to excel than working 1-on-1 with a pro! If you are interested in this opportunity for your child, click below for a list of teachers. If you need any help or recommendations, please reach out to aswhite@k12k.com or dsemones@k12k.com anytime!
Private Lesson Teachers List - click here
Jedi Shout-Outs & Update
We are excited to begin the "2nd Quarter" of the school year... this means that a new grading period has now begun. Reminder: the expectation is passing off 5 each 9-week period. Curious where your student is on this... Go to www.sevierband.org and click "Jedi Academy"!
Opportunities to pass-off include:
- Before school (7:00-7:35am)
- Chances during class
- After school (2:45-3:30pm)
- NEW online option - google classroom...
Students now have the option to submit a JEDI OBJECTIVE attempt by videoing themselves playing or completing an assignment. Students should login to google classroom using their school email.
Band Students use this Class Code: njy3vdc
Percussion Students use this Class Code: e5jckfi
Band Grades - Explanation
Band Grades are made up of 3 different categories:
- Daily Grade (40%) - being prepared by having your instrument, pencil & music, following instructions, being a great "band kid" each day
- Performance Grade (40%) - showing up to performances on-time, wearing the right thing, and doing your best
- Jedi Academy (20%) - passing off your musical objectives each 9-weeks*
*Jedi Academy - This grade begins as a "0" each 9-week period and updates each Friday as students pass-off objectives. All students should know where they are at and what to be working on. Their Jedi grade is correlated to how many objectives they have done (i.e. 1=60%, 2=70%, etc.) Band students have multiple different ways to "pass-off" these objectives:
- Before school from 7:00-7:35am in the band room
- After school from 2:45-3:30pm in the band room
- Some opportunities will be given during their normal band class
- We are working on an online submission option (TBA)
Parents can view their updated student's progress in Jedi Academy at any time by going to our website, www.sevierband.org and clicking "Jedi Academy"! Weekly grades are updated every Friday afternoon at 3:00pm.
Open Band Room - Before & After School
The Band Room is open for all band students (6th, 7th, 8th grade) each school day morning from 7:00-7:35am and afternoon from 2:45-3:30pm. ALL Band students should drop off their instrument to their band room cubby in the morning (so they don't take it to every class) and pick it up at the 2:45pm bell on their way home. Students must be playing their instrument or working with a band director during these times. Students who do not follow these rules will not be allowed to come in the mornings/afternoons.
*There will be no after-school band for the rest of 2024!
**If students are not picked up by 3:30pm, they will no longer be allowed to stay after school.
Community Sponsorships Needed!
If you are someone you know has a local business and would like to help support our Band students, please reach out to Mrs. Mandy Owen at mb.owen@gmail.com for more info! We are always looking for financial or in-kind material donations. We are a 501(c)3 non-profit and all donations are tax-deductible!
2024-2025 Sponsors - so far!
- Himelwright Dentistry
- Panera Bread
- Desteny Clemons & Healthy Kingsport
- Darlene Fogg & State of Franklin Health Associates, Kingsport OBGYN
- Chef's Pizza
- Optum/UnitedHealth Group
- Ethan & Nora's Fresh Squeeze
Upcoming Dates
- December 18 - Jazz Band Elementary Tours
- December 19 - Jazz Band at The Blake
- December 19 - Spirit Night at Santa Fe Mexican Grill
- January 18 - 7/8th Honor Band Auditions @ JSMS
- February 14-15 - Jr. Clinic Honor Band @ RNR
- February 25 - 7th Grade to University of Tennessee
- February 25 OR 27 - 8th Grade "All-City Band" at DBHS
- March 1 - Solo & Ensemble @ Cherokee HS
- March 10, 11, 15 - 5th Grade Instrument Try-Outs
- March 13 - 8th Grade CPA Performance at NPAC Greeneville
- April 26 - 6th Grade Performance at Dollywood
- May 1 - Spring Concert @ JSMS
- May 3 - 7/8th Trip to Carowinds
- May TBD - Band Banquet
Full list of upcoming band events can be viewed by clicking here!
Contact Information
Mr. Alex White, Band Director - aswhite@k12k.com
Mr. David Semones, Band Director - dsemones@k12k.com
Band Website - www.sevierband.org