Plympton Family Update
October 25, 2024
From the Plympton Admin Team
Hello, Families!
Our 3rd grade students had a fabulous time at the Plimouth Museum this past Tuesday. The chaperones were so impressed with the high quality of the questions our students asked. Thank you to the PTO for sponsoring the buses for the trip. A group photo is below!
If you have a 2nd or 3rd grade student, please be sure you have completed the field trip permission slip for the December 3 trip to Wheelock Theatre.
Panorama Surveys
Our district values your feedback! We are currently surveying Waltham families in order to gain insight into your perception of our school and district effectiveness. To ensure we continue to provide high quality, rigorous learning experiences that meet the needs of our learners and prepare them for college and career, we need your input. We want to know what you think.
Our schools have partnered with Panorama Education to conduct our Fall 2024 Family Survey. Panorama protects your privacy, keeping your responses confidential. The survey shouldn’t take more than a few minutes to complete, and will be a valuable source of information for us as we work to make our schools and district as good as they can be.
The family survey should only take 5 minutes with 24 questions aligned to the Strategic Plan. You may complete the survey online between October 23 - November 9 using a computer, tablet, or smartphone by visiting the following link: surveys.panoramaed.com/waltham/family24
This year students in Grades 3 – 12 will participate in two questionnaires: one on their School Experience and one on students Social and Emotional Wellness and Connection to School. Each questionnaire will take about 20 minutes and will be administered by your child’s classroom or homeroom teacher. Data collected from these questionnaires will be used in the planning of the development of a comprehensive social emotional learning plan as articulated by our District Strategic Plan. Student responses will be confidential and student information will be secured to ensure student privacy.
Examples of the types of questions asked of students are available in the attachments below. If you do not wish to have your child participate in these questionnaires, please return the attached form to your child’s school or contact your child(ren)’s Principal. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact us at 781-314-5404.
Go Penguins!
Vamos Pinguinos!
Adrienne Norris and Amanda Brennan
Bookmark our homepage and also check out this resource!
Breakfast Menu week of 10.28. 24
Monday: Fresh Baked Scones
Tuesday: Sausage, Egg, and Cheese Breakfast Sandwich with Tater Tots
Wednesday: Maple Pancakes
Thursday: Sausage, Egg, and Cheese Breakfast Sandwich with Tater Tots
Friday: Donut Holes
From the Nurse
Colds, flu, pneumonia and Covid are here along with the cooler weather.
Dress your student for going outside for recess every day.
Keep your student home if they have a fever and you give fever reducing medicine. A digital thermometer is the best way to determine if they are sick or not. Low grade temps of 99.F and higher means their body is fighting some type of germ.
Students must have a normal appetite and a good night’s sleep to come to school.
Always call or email me with questions or concerns.
Be well,
Ms. Duquette, RN 781-314-5763
PTO News
Community Events
November 5, 2024 - No School
November 13, 2024 - Early Release - Conferences
November 19, 2024 - PTO Meeting
November 27, 2024 - Early Release
Plympton Elementary School
Dismissal plans: Please communicate any changes to your student's dismissal plan at the start of the day. Students may only ride the bus they are assigned and that assignment is based on home address.
Email: Adriennenorris@walthampublicschools.org
Website: https://www.walthampublicschools.org/o/plympton
Location: 20 Farnsworth St, Waltham, MA, USA
Phone: (781) 314-5760
This link has lots of great information about our school!