Board Briefs
June 14, 2021
Deerfield Public Schools District 109
Location: 517 Deerfield Road, Deerfield, IL, USA
Phone: (847) 945-1844
Twitter: @DPS109
Board Meeting Details
Upon the guidance of IL Open Meetings Act P.A. 101-0640 - this meeting was held virtually. The District Center was open, but Board Members were not physically present. Due to space constraints, capacity including staff was limited. For open/community participation, a laptop was set up in the District Office to accommodate live public comment. The district also created a dedicated voicemail line for public comment.
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Meeting Agenda
3. Recognition: Meghan Bolon Kindness Award
Director of Communications Eric Steckling presented about the Meghan Bolon Kindness Award, given every year to an outgoing 5th grader at Kipling Elementary School. You can watch the video below.
4. Community Participation Relative to Matters on the Meeting Agenda (Policy 2:230)
5. Superintendent's Report
He said that all 6 of our buildings have been in the Test to Stay pilot classroom quarantine program and that it has successfully kept students in school that would have otherwise been excluded.
We are planning on some form of SHIELD testing next year.
We are anticipating mask wearing to be in effect when the school year starts. There is the possibility that there may be further clarification from IDPH or ISBE over the summer.
We are planning on an in-person board meeting for the July 29th meeting. There are still technical details being worked on but the meeting will also be recorded in some form.
6.1. Freedom of Information Requests (Policy 2:250)
6.2. Preliminary 2021-22 Budget
There will be a public hearing relating to the budget as part of the Thursday, July 29th Regular Board of Education meeting.
6.3. NWEA/MAP and Panorama Spring Report
6.4. Request to Accept Crossing Guard Services
7.1. Consent Agenda*
Meeting Minutes: Regular Minutes from May 24, 2021 and Closed Session Minutes from May 24, 2021 (Policy 2:220) were approved.
Personnel items were approved.
Bills for payment were approved.
7.2. Annual Bank Depository Approval
7.3. Annual Resolution for Serious Safety Hazards
7.4. Resolution Authorizing Adoption of the Prevailing Wage
7.5. Designation of Interest
7.6. Request to Accept Crossing Guard Services
7.7. ECRA Group Professional Services Agreement with the Project 440 District Consortium with Districts Bannockburn District 106, Highland Park District 112, and Township High School District 113
7.8. Recommendation to Purchase Chromebooks
7.9. Resolution to Establish a District 109 401(a) Plan
7.10. Approval of Contract for Assistant Principal
7.11. Open Closed Session Minutes to the Public (Bi-Annual Requirement)
8. Committee Reports (Policy 2:150)
Mr. Kuo gave a Finance Committee update.
Open Community Participation
Board/Superintendent Other
Several board members thanked Dr. Schwartz for his years of service to District 109.
The meeting adjourned at 9:57 p.m.
Upcoming School Board Meetings
Thursday, July 29, 2021 @7pm - Regular Board Meeting
Thursday, August 26, 2021 @ 7 p.m. -- Regular Board Meeting