Norton High School News
Monday, January 27th
Important Information
Good Afternoon,
Parent Teacher Conferences: Norton High School Winter Parent Teacher Conferences take place on Thursday, February 13th from 6-8 PM. The sign-up window will open on Saturday, February 1st at 10:30AM and close on Sunday, February 8th.
Signs of Suicide Curriculum: Vinny Cerce, Director of Guidance and Therapeutic Programing, sent a message to all parents and guardians of 11th grade students regarding our Signs of Suicide screening program. As part of our on-going interventions to support our students and their social emotional needs, the Guidance Department will be conducting the "SOS - Signs of Suicide Program" with all 11th graders starting on 1/27/25 and ending on 1/31/25. This program is a nationally recognized and research based intervention that promotes awareness around the topics of depression and suicide. The sessions will be conducted in students’ English Class on a day during that time period.
Credit For Life: Norton High School will host a session of the Credit for Life program for all Juniors on Tuesday, February 4th. The Credit for Life program is an interactive and fun way to learn about personal finance and planning. Please take a look at this promotional video from Masconomet because it will give you an idea about the program. Also, more information about the program is available at their website http://www.creditforlife.org/.
Guidance Events: Please see the document linked here for Winter and Spring Guidance Events.
Graduation Update: We were able to announce the graduation date of Wednesday, June 4th at 6PM at the end of last week. There is more information included on this letter.
Site Council: Any parent interested in being part of Norton High School's Site Council please reach out to me at edolleman@norton.k12.ma.us. Site Council oversees the Program of Studies and the Student Handbook process every year as well as provides input on the preparation of the high school budget. The next Site Council Meeting will be on Wednesday, January 15th.
Important Dates
Norton Public Schools' Calendar
Report Cards - Monday, February 3rd
Credit For Life - Tuesday, February 4th
Parent Teacher Conferences - Thursday, February 13th
Winter Break - Monday, February 17th - Friday, February 21st
Warning Notices - Friday, February 28th
STEAM Showcase - Wednesday, March 5th
Mr. NHS - Wednesday, March 12th
STEAM Showcase
On Wednesday, March 5th from 6-7:30 PM Norton will host a STEAM Showcase with many activities for students K-8 to participate in. There is a slideshow linked here with more information.
If you're interested in exhibiting your organization at the event there is an invite linked here.
This year, the Showcase is adding student exhibitors from NHS and NMS. If you know your student would like to exhibit their work, there is an invite linked here. It was also sent to all students in an email by Ms. Murphy.
With any questions contact Kerri Murphy at kerrimurphy@norton.k12.ma.us.
Norton DECA - District 8 Results
Congratulations to Norton DECA for their amazing performance at the District 8 Competition in Hyannis on January 9th and 10th! DECA members prepared a press release linked here.
Adams Scholarship Winners
World Language Caroling
Thanks to Ms. Bray and Ms. Clark for organizing some caroling for the French and Spanish Honor Societies at Epoch Nursing Home on Thursday, December 19th. Photos below with credit to Benson Chang ('26).
Winter Concert
Computer Science Ed Week - Robotics at the HAY
Regional 911 Command Center Field Trip
Thanks to Ms. Kozikis and Sargent Dennett for taking some students to explore what a job as a dispatcher at the Regional 911 Command Center might look like!
Career Day
Career Day: On Tuesday, October 28th our 10th Grade students took a short break from their A-Block class to visit with representatives from many different careers. Students selected or had their career cluster selected for them. They had the chance to visit six different representatives to hear about what a career might be like in different fields. Below are pictures of some of the presenters. Special Thanks to Benson Chang '26 for taking the photos.
Career Exploration
We are always looking for ways to engage students in thinking about their future after Norton High School. Below you will see two of our exploratory field trips that have taken place this year. One is to the Advanced Manufacturing Mash-Up for students in our Innovation Pathway and the other is the Public Works that was open to anyone interested in potentially following a career in public works.
November 7th Trip - Wooden Framing
November 7th Trip - Wooden Framing
November 7th Trip - Wooden Framing
Advanced Manufacturing Mash-Up
Advanced Manufacturing Mash-Up
Advanced Manufacturing Mash-Up
Public Works Co-Op Fair
Public Works Co-Op Fair
Public Works Co-Op Fair
School Wide Expectations
During the first week of classes, school administrators met with every class to discuss school expectations and urge students to get involved with a club, student government or community service. If you are interested, the presentation we used is linked here. Some of the expectations highlights are below:
A focus for this year is school attendance and tardiness. We will be emphasizing attendance over the course of the year. If your student needs to be absent be sure to call the main office at 508-285-0160 and select the #3 menu option.
We are continuing the bathroom supervision that we implemented last year with the help of our electronic hall pass system. The information about the duty sent at the end of last year is linked here.
Cell Phone Expectations for 2024-2025:
The teachers of Norton High School will be enacting common expectations for cell phones this year. All students will be expected to place their cell phone in a holder in every class. Students will have access to phones during passing time, LLB and at lunch. You can read more about the expectation here.
Drop Off, Pick Up and Bus Information
Important Pick Up and Drop Off Reminder: Please DO NOT park along the driveway nearest the multi-purpose field. Parking there constricts traffic flow for any cars or busses entering the parking lot and makes it more congested to leave the parking lot at the end of the day. Please see the slide from the Pick-Up and Drop Off information below.
Late Bus: The Late Bus is now running for after school activities. It leaves at 4:15PM. Students must stay after for a valid reason and have a pass from a teacher or administrator to stay after school.
Pickup and drop off information is linked here.
Bus Information is available on the district site.
Power School Information
As many of you are probably aware we have transitioned to PowerSchool over the summer.
Students may access the community portal that is linked here. Information on parent/guardian accounts was sent to families last week. The Parent Square post with information on parent/guardian accounts is linked here.
Student Parking
As we do every year, students with their drivers’ licenses are eligible to park on campus. The parking contract can be found here and it is also on the NHS Student Website under “General Information” and then “Forms.” Starting Tuesday, August 27th, students can come to the main office and pick up their parking pass after completing the parking contract and paying the $25.00 fee. Please allow at least 1-2 days between the signing of the parking contract and receiving your parking pass from the main office. Keep in mind, in order to receive a parking pass, students should be up to date with their class dues and all school debts.
This section is dedicated to news from the Student Support Center that has important resources for students and families. It will be updated regularly. A full accounting of winter and spring events was sent out by Vinny Cerce and linked here.
Federal Student Aid ID Reminder:
As high school seniors and their families wait for the Federal Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to be available on December 1, they should apply now for their Federal Student Aid ID (FSA ID) so that they will be ready when the application opens.
Other resources available to help students afford a college degree include:
- MassEducate provides free tuition and fees at the state’s community colleges for all eligible Massachusetts students.
- MASSGrant Plus can provide significant discounts (up to free tuition and fees) at the state’s four-year universities depending on family income.
- Eligible, non-U.S. citizens can apply for state financial aid through the Massachusetts Application for State Financial Aid (MASFA).
- Information about applying for financial aid, including links to information and one-on-one help, is available online.
Past Events:
9/18 SENIOR COLLEGE NIGHT for students and families: Due to positive feedback from families about the accessibility of our zoom webinars, we are going to hold this event virtually. It will be recorded and posted to the website for those that are not able to attend the live event. This presentation will cover some of the same material reviewed in their Senior Seminars, but will also touch upon other important information regarding the search, application and acceptance process.
10/8 Financial Aid for 11th and 12th Grade Students and Families
This year the federal government has made a large number of changes to the financial aid process. This hour-long presentation is designed to provide junior and senior students and families with an overview of the financial aid process and all of the changes that are in the works for this year and beyond. It will cover how to apply for merit scholarships, government grants, government loans and private loans. Presenter Donald Kerr, Manager Student Lending, AAA
11/13 - 11th GRADE COLLEGE & CAREER PLANNING NIGHT Part 1 - This event was for Junior students and families. The presentation focused on career/major exploration, college search and the college application and acceptance process and is recorded here.
12/3 – College 101 Presentation – This is a presentation by Bristol Community College in conjunction with Bridgewater State that is designed for 9th and 10th grade students and their families. This presentation covers college from "soup to nuts" and will provide valuable information on the search process and what underclassmen need to think about and do to prepare themselves for applications and acceptance. Recording is linked here
MEFA Webinars: The Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority offers webinars and podcasts through their website. Please go to the website via the link below.
Class of 2025 News!
In addition to the Guidance Events above, there will be additional information regarding Seniors linked here.
Senior Privilege: Some Seniors have Senior Privilege in their schedule to begin this fall. There is more information about Senior Privilege linked here. Those students need to return a hard copy of the permission form linked here in order to be able to leave campus.
Little Lancer Registration Information
Information regarding Little Lancer Registration can be found here.
Parent Advisory Board
Please help the NHS Parent Advisory Board as we support the students and staff of Norton High School. We meet the first Monday of the month in the faculty dining room located in the cafeteria from 7-8pm.
Meetings dates for the rest of 2024 are as follows:
Monday, February 3rd
Monday, March 3rd
Do you have a student in the Class of 2025? If the answer is yes please complete this form so you do not miss out on initiatives for the graduates - such as our Senior Yard Signs! https://forms.gle/9XUswZKLCW6NLvcX6
Reach out any time with questions at nortonhighpab@gmail.com and or visit out website https://sites.google.com/view/nhspab/home look for a mailing on our primary fundraiser!
Contact Me
Email: edolleman@norton.k12.ma.us
Location: 66 West Main Street, Norton, MA, USA
Phone: 508-285-0160
Twitter: @MrDolleman_NHS