District Digest
Volume 3.1 -- Published December 5, 2024
Superintendent Dr. Pyle gave highlights from Educational, Personnel and Business Services at the December 2 State of the District event which featured an SJLA Color Guard team, a quartet from SJHS, and the work of SJHS FFA, Culinary Arts and Tiger Media Network students.
To view the event program, presentation and Board Member videos, visit ▶
Tiger Field Renamed Coach Bill Powell Field
On Friday, September 20, family, friends, San Jacinto Unified School District staff, former players and coaches gathered to honor recently retired Coach Bill Powell during a half-time celebration of the naming of San Jacinto High School Stadium’s Tiger Field as Coach Bill Powell Field.
Thank you Coach Powell for molding young players into outstanding student-athletes and for caring deeply for the entire San Jacinto community.
Press Enterprise Article: San Jacinto High School Renames Football Field "Coach Bill Powell Field"
A Well Deserved Tribute
The October 4 SJHS homecoming football game included a tribute to former SJHS Athletic Director Jeffrey Snyder who passed away on August 1. His family were honorary captains during the pregame coin toss and were recognized at the end of the first quarter. Coach Snyder, you will be missed.
Presidential Awardees
On December 3, eleven San Jacinto Leadership Academy cadets received the prestigious U.S. President's Volunteer Service Award. During the daily morning reveille the students, who have completed a combined 2,197 hours of volunteer service within a 12-month period, were recognized. Click HERE for a list of recipients.
Check out these videos to learn more about the CTE Pathways offered at SJHS!
Part 1 - Metal Fabrication and Welding -- Hard work and resiliency can lead to welding certifications and jobs right out of high school! ▶️ https://sjhs.sanjacinto.k12.ca.us/welding
Part 2 - Building and Construction Trades (AKA Wood Technology) -- During the first few years students make small projects, like tables and cases leading to off-campus community projects during 12th grade! ▶️ https://sjhs.sanjacinto.k12.ca.us/wood
Part 3 - Sports Medicine -- Students learn about injury prevention, emergency care, rehabilitation techniques, and sports nutrition. They acquire skills such as taping,, first aid, CPR and concussion management. ▶️ https://sjhs.sanjacinto.k12.ca.us/sportsmed
Part 4 - Agriculture This pathway, which includes activities both in and outside of the classroom, covers many different aspects including public speaking, veterinary skills projects and job interview competitions. ▶️ https://sjhs.sanjacinto.k12.ca.us/ag
This video series is created and produced by SJHS Tiger Media Network students.
click the following links to learn more
College Kick Off
October, is "College Kick-Off" month! This annual event reinforces the importance of dreaming big and planning for post-secondary goals, including college, career planning and enlistment in the military.
Scientifically Speaking!
San Jacinto Leadership Academy Science Teacher Herman Hilkey is taking full advantage of a newly remodeled science lab. As he recently commented, “Cadets love it when experiments involve fire, explode or make loud noises!” Click HERE to learn more about the improved learning space!
Honoring Those Who Served
De Anza Elementary, Park Hill Elementary and San Jacinto Leadership Academy held special events to celebrate veterans in our community. Click the links to read about and see photos of the events!
SJHS Puente Begins Second Year
A Welcome Night event on August 30 introduced new Puente students and families to the program that equips students to be successful in postsecondary education.
SJHS Patriot Day
During the annual ceremony attendees were challenged to live with courage, compassion and selfless sacrifice and to honor our patriots and thank those who run toward danger to protect and defend us.
Preschool Hosts Touch A Truck Event
Sirens were blaring, horns were honking, and the flatbed tow truck lift was in constant up and down motion during the annual Touch A Truck event on October 3!
Healthy Ramen???
YES!!! Nutrition Services is serving a housemade Ramen filled with whole grain noodles, chunks of chicken and other high quality ingredients. This ramen is SOOOOO much more than a block of noodles with broth!! Click HERE to read more about it!
Hooray for School!
The first day of school was SOOOO long ago, but click HERE to view a video of students from across the district!
You Matter Week
"You have a minion reasons to be here!" and other positive messages were the focus during Suicide Prevention Week dress up days and activities.
The District's main communication tool is ParentSquare. Don't miss any important information -- ensure that the "Notifications" setting in your account is set to allow INSTANT TEXT MESSAGE updates. Learn more!
Let's Get Social!
There is too much happening to capture in a newsletter!!
Follow the district and your school to keep up-to-date on all of the glow parties, dress up days, club activities, special on-campus guests, after school activities, sporting events AND MORE!!
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