Rāmere Friday 26th November Whiringa-a-rangi (T4: Wk 6/8)
Our Tumuaki Principal
Sunflower Competition: I am looking forward to seeing the result of the sunflower growing competitions at school next week, being Friday 3rd December.
Weather permitting we will place your sunflower/s along the west front fence (between the cones that I'll put out) for all to see as they drive past. If it is wet we will put them at the very end of the senior veranda outside Team Pukeko (Room Three).
There are five judging categories for prizes.
- Tallest Golden Crown sunflower
- Tallest Moulin Rouge sunflower
- The tallest combined pair (heights added together)
- The widest flower.
- Best decorated pot/container.
Remember to name your sunflower with an appropriate tag so that we can present there right people with the certificates and prizes.
What Happens When COVID is in the School: With the opening up of restrictions to internal movement from mid-December and international borders from mid-January, COVID is going to move around the country.
Unfortunately, I can see 2022 being a year of continual disruptions that become more and more widespread and localised.
Please read our COVID information regarding the implications of what will happen when there is COVID in our school. There are implications for families that we all need to be prepared for.
School Events: Last week I announced our decisions around the end of year events due to COVID-19 restrictions and MOE advice to schools.
This week we have learnt that the country is moving to the traffic light system from early December. This gives further uncertainty around what we can and cannot do.
I have been in contact with the Ministry of Education regarding this and await advice from them around the implications of the new system for our school. It may well require further modifications to our plans.
These are very fluid and unsettling times that make organising any event very difficult.
Christmas Postie Elf - Week 7 and 8: The Christmas Postie Elf will begin deliveries next week being Monday 29th November through to Friday 10th December. There will be a postbox set up outside the staffroom at the start of each day to collect all the Christmas cards.
Word Lab 2022: In 2022 we are introducing a new spelling programme across our whole school that will align tightly with our Yolanda Soryl phonographic work. The programme is called Word Lab and focuses upon deep learning of words at set levels. There will be changes in the Learning Partnership work as we seek to get secured learning that transfers into writing and reading.
I have put the link to the website for this below so you can get an idea of where we are heading to help our children better and more deeply master word learning to benefit reading and writing.
Thank You - Team Edendale
- Mad Cow Coffee - Karena Gorman: Tuesday's are such a great day at school because Mad Cow Coffee visits and we get to have a little cafe style 'treat' in our weeks. It is a day that staff look forward to and enjoy. Thank you Mad Cow for your support of our school.
Our Events Coming Up
Week Eight (of 8)
- Thursday 9th December - In school class swap for 2022
- Thursday 9th December - Year Six Prizegiving, 7.00 pm (pending COVID rules)
Our Kaitiaki School Board
Board Meeting - General Meeting 8 of 8
The next, and final, School Board meeting for 2021 is to be held on Tuesday 7th December at 7.00pm in the school staffroom.
At this meeting the School Board will continue their planning into the future including the following:
- Strategic Plan 2022 - 2024
- Annual Plan 2022
- School Budget 2022
- Property projects (boiler, pool roof, junior veranda, classroom modernisation)
The above and all other meeting material is collated and distributed the week before the meeting so the agenda closes off on Wednesday 1st December.
See below if you are considering becoming a School Board member as it is well worth attending, as an observer, several School Board meetings beforehand to get a feel for what it involves.
Board Elections - 2022
Board Elections for 2022 have been delayed until September 2022.
We will be looking for parents who have strength in strategic thinking, teamwork and analysis of trends and patterns to help build the school of tomorrow.
Talk to a BOT member and even come along to a meeting to see how this works in practice.
Our Home and School
End of Year Christmas Hamper
Due to the cancellation of the in-person end of year concert, the Edendale Primary Home and School Committee has decided to run our Christmas Hamper Raffles independently this year.
In order to assist us we would like each family from Edendale School to sell 10 raffle tickets. These are due back by Friday 3rd December .
This is a great opportunity to reach out to friends, family and neighbours. If you are unable to sell all of your tickets, please return your sheet to the school by Wednesday 1st December, as there may be other families that are able to sell more tickets.
For further information please contact Louise Duffy on 02102250599, or
Tickets will be drawn on Wednesday 8 December, so it is vital that tickets are returned prior to this. Thanks for your support.
End of Year Christmas Hamper - Raffle Items
The Home and School would like to ask each family to please donate non-perishable (check expiry date) grocery items for our Christmas Hampers Raffle.
Please drop these items in your classroom donation boxes by Monday 29th November. Thanks very much.
Team Kea: Christmas decorations
Team Kiwi: Packets eg cereal, jelly, crackers, chips, biscuits, etc
Team Weka: Fun to do eg cards, games, colouring pens/books, etc
Team Pukeko: Sweets eg lollipops, marshmallows, popcorn, etc
Team Tui: Condiments eg food topping, jams, sauces, etc
Team Kereru: Drinks eg fizz, juice, water, etc
Team Kahu: Cans of food eg fruit, corn, spaghetti, tomato sauce, etc
Thank you to Mrs Denise Fodie for being our coordinator for this.
Cattle - Fundraising
We are most grateful for the support of our farming community in relation to cattle raising and grazing. It is providing the Home and School with a strong income stream to support the school.
If you can help please contact Hamish Blackmore on 027 636 0421 or
Next Meeting - Term One 2022
The Term One 2022 meeting of the Home and School is scheduled for Monday 28th February starting at 7.30pm in the school staffroom.
COVID 19 - School Information
Traffic Light System - Next Phase
On the 2nd of December at 11:59 pm, all of New Zealand will move to the COVID-19 Protection Framework - the traffic light system. Auckland will move to Red. Settings for the rest of New Zealand are yet to be decided on.
We at present do not know what level we will be at and what it fully means for education. We await this advice and as soon as it comes we will let you know.
We are currently at COVID Alert Level Two until December 2nd.
At Edendale Primary School this looks like...
- If children are sick with flu-like symptoms they should remain at home. We would encourage that they get tested to ensure that it is not COVID-19.
- Classrooms are for school personnel only.
- Kiss and Hug Drop Off/Pick Up Zones: There is a specified point where parents drop off and pick up their children from.
- Communication should be kept as best as possible to email, app and phone.
- Children require named drink bottles as the fountains are turned off.
- Children on buses are encouraged, but not required to wear masks.
- Children eat their lunch outside their own rooms.
- School fitness is with their class only.
- Interclass mixing is kept to a minimum.
- Celebration Time is not occurring if it can't be outside and certificates are presented to each class separately.
- Events that are publicly faced have thresholds of 100. This impacts what we are able to do as a school.
Protocols - Dealing with a Covid Case in our School
The Ministry of Education has updated all its information in regards to what occurs in a school should there be a positive case of COVID-19.
When a case occurs schools are required to identify two groups of people.
- Close contacts
- Casual plus contacts
According to the level of contact and vaccination status of a person (none, one dose, two doses), various levels of isolation and testing are required for both children and family members.
- Close contacts
- Families of close contacts
- Casual plus contacts
- Families of causal plus contacts
To help us swiftly get on top of case we need accurate contact details for all families. If you have changed physical address, cell phone numbers and emails please let the office know as soon as possible so we can update our student management system.
Scanning in with our COVID QR code adds that next layer of information enabling accurate contact tracing re locations of interest.
We would further advise that all families have our app downloaded from the App store. Search SchoolAppsNZ and then connect to Edendale PS Southland once in the app.
E-School - Being Prepared With a Strong Home Set-Up
We anticipate continual disruptions in 2022 where we will need to reactive our E-School for our students.
- E-School uses Seesaw Class app (which is different from the Seesaw Family which you currently connect through.)
- Your child's teacher will provide you with a QR code to directly link your child to their Seesaw Class activities.
- Activities are provided by the teachers for reading, writing, mathematics and inquiry. They are set for a week.
- Teachers will respond back and forth through the school day supporting the children with their learning.
For E-School to work best a home needs to have...
- Good WIFI
- A keyboard device such as a laptop or Chromebook. We have found that using a cell phone is frustrating for children as it is too small.
With Christmas coming up we would encourage families to invest in a strong home infrastructure so that we can quickly activate E-School at a moment's notice, knowing that all our school community is ready. Check out the Noel Leeming link below for Chromebooks.
Vaccine Mandate - Parent Involvement in School: We value our parental involvement in the school. It fits in with our vision statement around being 'connected'. We also know that our children value it as well. The recent Public Health Order around vaccination has some implications to this that we normally do not have to navigate but now are required to.
The Order does not apply to people/parents who are visiting the school 'being a parent' and as such, there is no need for the school to request vaccination status. This includes the following...
- Parents or caregivers dropping off, picking up, or settling children at a school or kura.
- Parents or caregivers attending meetings or events on-site (e.g. for parent-teacher interviews)
The Order does apply to people who are 'offering a service' to the school as a volunteer and, as such, the school then needs to request vaccination status to be involved. This is because they are carrying out work (unpaid) at or for a school and they may have contact with children or will be present at a time when children are also present. For example...
- Parents, caregivers or volunteers at an Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC) programme or excursion.
- Parents, caregivers and members of the community who are volunteers at a school.
Our Kura News and Information
School Interviews - Monday 29th November to Friday 3rd of December
School interviews are next week. We are looking forward to having you join us as we share your child's report with you and the progress that they have made.
We will also provide you with an Attitudes to Learning report that details how well your child is using the key competencies to boost their learning. The key competencies are:
- Managing self
- Thinking
- Participating and contributing
- Relating to others
Remember, you are welcome to bring along a whanau support person, who is someone who has regular input into your child's life. For example a grandparent.
Further, the interview is a special time reserved for the child and their whanau support only. Other siblings are to remain outside the room waiting or playing suitably. As the interview is only 15 minutes long we want to maximise the time on your child and their learning, without other distractions occurring.
When attending, with your child, at their interview please follow the COVID protocols for this event.
1. Sign in to our school with the QR code that will be at your child's classroom.
2. Wait at the designated area outside of the classroom.
3. Enter after the previous parents have exited.
4. Hand sanitise before going into the room.
5. Maintain suitable distance from non-family contacts.
6. For everyone's protection staff and attendees over 12 are asked to wear a mask. We will have some provided for you if you don't have any.
Here's the code: u8mt7
QR Code Link: See below for the direct link via a QR code. You can go directly to it from the link posted below.
Our Team for this Week: Team Kiwi
What a wonderful year we have all had in Team Kiwi!
It is hard to believe that we are nearing the end of the school year already.
In Team Kiwi we have had another busy term so far with swimming happening the past three weeks. Thank you to Tracey Ross and Tracey Lockhart for being super cool swimming instructors. We all thoroughly enjoyed it and have improved so much.
For writing, we have been learning about adjectives. We are trying to make our writing more interesting by adding some adjectives to our writing.
We have all been enjoying playing cafés in action station time and testing out our coffee skills. We have been enjoying being creative and building things with the blue Kinect sand outside the classroom.
We are super lucky that we get to have Mrs Tracey Shepherd every Wednesday in our classroom. With her, we have been learning about shapes in maths and for Maori, we have been learning about body parts through an awesome song ‘Māhunga Pakihiwi’.
Here are what some of us in Team Kiwi like about school:
- Marty – “I like on the iPads and playing in the bushes."
- Erman – “I like everything."
- Ajay – “I like exploring in the garden and in class I like art."
- Caitlyn - “I like maths because you get to learn some numbers."
- Aria – “I like writing because it’s quiet."
- Madden – “I like doing maths in our PR1ME books."
- Bonnie – “I like playing cafes with my friends."
We hope you all have a safe and fantastic holiday.
Merry Christmas from the Team Kiwi elves.
Miss Caci Mineur
Teacher Team Kiwi
Character Values (Positive Behaviour for Learning - PB4L): Term Four Integrity Ponotanga
When we come from so many different families our values draw us together as one big school whanau.
Integrity means behave to a high standard of character everywhere we are and is shown through honesty, truthfulness, accuracy, consistent behaviour, selflessness and self-discipline.
At all times and in all places we can show integrity when we
- Are honest and trustworthy.
- Do the right thing even when no-one is looking.
- Make positive choices that we are proud of.
Every time our values are shown they make our school a great place to be for children and adults.
Term One - Manaakitanga Respect
Term Two - Haepapa Responsibility
Term Three - Tohungatanga Excellence
Principal's Values Award
This week the Principal/Tumuaki would like to acknowledge Harrison Lang for being a strong contributor, living out our school values every day.
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Tui
Team Tui’s MVP for Integrity – Ponotanga this week is Jada McKinnel.
Jada shows integrity by consistently doing the right thing at the right time, even when no one is looking. She always makes positive choices, not only in class, but also in the playground and at home with her home partnership work always being completed.
In class, Jada makes great choices by asking relevant questions and using her imagination. Jada perseveres through any task or activity she has been given. She puts in 100% effort and never gives up even if it is a challenging task. Her work is always done to a high standard and she should be proud of herself.
Jada is a very honest and trustworthy team member. I can rely on her to do a job properly, the first time. She tells the truth in every situation. Jada’s caring and kind nature means that she is always looking out for others, encouraging her classmates and this makes her an excellent friend to many.
Jada consistently shows all of the school values, and she makes an excellent role model in the classroom and wider school.
Keep up the hard work Jada, we are very lucky to have you in Team Tui!
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Weka
Team Weka’s MVP for Integrity – Ponotanga this week is Harry Smyth.
“Integrity is choosing your thoughts and actions based on values rather than personal gain”.
Harry is a young man who shows the value of integrity on a daily basis.
In the classroom, Harry demonstrates integrity by sharing his ideas as well as accepting his classmates' ideas. He arrives on time and gets himself ready for the day by unpacking his bag, getting out his homework book and getting his pencil case out. He takes on advice given to him and works on this to improve his learning.
Harry is a positive role model both in the classroom and in the wider school. He has impeccable manners that he uses at all times. Harry is a young man that greets people politely, opens and closes doors for others and is able to sit quietly and allows others to do the same when we are at formal school events e.g Celebration Time.
Harry shows our key competencies by being self controlled, trustworthy and responsible. He shows respect for others and himself as well as being actively involved in his learning. All of these combined makes Harry a worthy recipient of this week's MVP of Integrity.
Harry, you are a valuable member of Team Weka. May you be proud of the work you do, the person you are, and the difference you make.
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Kea
Piper Johnstone
Piper is Team Kea’s MVP for Ponotanga - Integrity. Piper is a lovely young lady who often shows many of our school values.
Piper arrives at school and greets her friends and myself with a happy “Hello”. She is very organised and knows all our routines and expectations and follows them well.
Piper is a valued Team Kea member as she is kind, reliable and helpful. She often makes special pictures or cards for her friends and treats others with respect.
Piper learns from her actions and works hard to make positive choices. During class time you can spot her doing the right thing and offering to help others. She has been a fantastic role model in Team Kea.
Piper has a ‘can do’ attitude and constantly works hard with her learning at school and at home. She completes tasks to a high standard and has made excellent progress in all learning areas.
You have had a fantastic start to your learning journey, Piper. I look forward to seeing all your future achievements. Aim high and keep making positive choices that make us proud!
Writer of the Week
Aria Power
In the summer it feels very hot.
We go to the beach.
We feel the hot sand on our feet and we also hear the big waves.
We taste yummy ice cream too, but the sun is very hot and it melts the ice cream, so we have to eat it quickly.
Community Notices
Edendale Community Pool Society (ECPS)
A big thank you goes to all our wonderful team of volunteers who oversee the operation of the pool and who open and close the pool each day during the season. This facility would not be available to the community without the time and commitment of these volunteers.
If you would like to become a member to use the pool, and you meet the requirements (you must be aged 18 years or older for a start) then you can use this link to complete the online form:
OR contact our Sec/Treas Jenny Coyle to fill out a hard copy form: or ph 0211 555 893
Payment must be made before an activated door-tag will be issued.
Last season’s members (those who kept hold of their door-tag) should have received an email with information about how to renew their membership (payment will be required before your tag is reactivated).
Contact Jenny at the details above if you have any questions.
Boys Outreach and Girls Rally - Final Night for Term
Boys' Rally
- When: Friday 26th November
- Who: Anyone aged 9 years old and up is welcome. Turn up on the night.
- What time: 7-9 pm
- What's happening: Alvin's Bush - Wear old clothes
- Where: Christian Activity Centre, George Street.
Girls' Rally
- When: Friday 26th November
- What time: 7- 9 pm.
- What's happening: The Biggest Story Ever - The whole family is invited
- Where: Christian Activity Centre, George Street.
- Who: Anyone aged 9 years old and up welcome. Turn up on the night.
- Johno Ferguson 206 6878
- Liz Pask 206 6135
Youth Group - Saturday
- When: Saturday 27th November
- Who: Anyone Year 9 and up is welcome.
- What time: 6.30-10.30 pm
- What's happening: Ten Pin Bowling $10
- Where: Meet at Christian Activity Centre, George Street
- Becs Ferguson 0274 124 941
Our Contact Information
Location: Edendale Primary School, 24 Salford Street, Edendale 9825, New Zealand
Phone: 03 206 6959
Twitter: @EdendaleSchool