Administrator Updates: ATH RIC
July and August 2024
Administrator Newsletter
NEW DATE! Principal Act Overview (VIRTUAL) - NOW August 12
- NEW DATE: Monday August 12
- 1:00 - 2:00 pm
- Updates on Current APLDS Approved PD
- Register HERE!
Follow Us On Social Media
Next Principal Act Overview Session
Alabama Principal Leadership Development System
PowerSchool Professional Learning Guidance
- All Principal Act state-approved professional learning clock hours must be awarded through the PowerSchool Professional Learning platform under the Office of APLDS (Alabama Principal Leadership Development System) (ALSDE).
- For ACLD PLUs, participants must also register for the PLU course in PowerSchool Professional Learning to receive PLU credit.
- Look for the APLDS Name or LOGO to ensure the PD is Principal Act Approved.
Where To Find APLDS PD in PowerSchool
Principals and APs can find the state-approved list in PSPL the following ways:
- Search for “aplds” in Course Search (under Course tab)
- Click on the “Alabama Principal Leadership Development System (APLDS)” tag (under Course tab)
ATOT Scoring Rubric Training - August 13 with Barry Wiginton
NEW APLDS Approved Online Courses
PSPL 507195 - Effective Feedback to Enhance Instructional Practices
PSPL 507193 - Role of Alabama Teacher Growth Program in Teacher Effectiveness
APLDS Timeline
APLDS Stipends Requirements
Textbook Adoption Presentation (Virtual) from Patrick Chappell of Publishers' Warehouse
- Three Opportunities for Zoom Presentations
- September 12 - Register HERE!
- Zoom Link for Thursday, September 12th , 8:30 to 10:00 am
- September 17 - Register HERE!
- Zoom Link for Tuesday, September 17th , 11:00 to 12:30 pm
- September 20 - Register HERE!
- Zoom Link for Friday, September 20th , 1:00 to 2:30 pm
Region 2 Request Links
Remember, If you have specific professional learning needs please use the PD Request Form or if you need to reserve a learning space at the Regional Inservice Center or on the Athens State Campus, please use the Facility Reservations form.
Please Share with all K-6th ELA Teachers
ALL Science of Reading PD w/ Rhonda Ayers is APLDS - State Approved PD for Admins.
- CLICK on the Region 2 APLDS PD List Above to Register for Science of Reading Sessions
Professional Learning Network PLN 2024-2025
Deadline to Register Your Team - August 16!
A+ Best Practices Center
Powerful Learning Network (PLN)
2024-2025 Schedule
Virtual Meeting Date:
- Wednesday, September 4 - Kickoff
Face-to-Face Meeting Dates:
- Thursday, October 24
- Thursday, December 12
- Thursday, February 20, 2025
Alabama Veterans Museum
100 Pryor St. W
Athens, AL 35611
For more information, contact Dr. Brad Lewis brad.lewis@athens.edu.
Registration Information
*The cost to attend is $550 per person for the whole year.
- Both PLUs and CEUs are offered for PLN participants.
- We'll share PSPL Registration Info. later this summer.
- Our Focus Text is School Culture Rewired by Todd Whitaker and Steve Gruenert
A+ Best Practices Center Peer Coaching Workshops - APLDS Approved PD
- Peer Coaching Registration
- Contact Dakota Punzel for more Information at dakota@aplusala.org or (205) 908-0059
ATOT Training w/ Barry Wiginton
ATOT Scoring Rubric: Removing the Guesswork When Rating Instructional Practices
- Tuesday, August 13
- Time: 8:30 - 11:30 AM
- Format: In Person
- Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room C)
- 1115 Hwy 31 S. Athens, AL 35611
- Facilitator: Barry Wiginton, ALSDE-ATGP Support Specialist
- Clock Hours: 3 Hours
- Register HERE
- APLDS State Approved PD
Alabama's Teacher Observation Tool: An Overview for New Administrators
- Tuesday, August 20
- Time: 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM
- Format: In Person
- Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room A)
- 1115 Hwy 31 S. Athens, AL 35611
- Facilitator: Barry Wiginton, ALSDE-ATGP Support Specialist
- Clock Hours: 6 Hours
- Register HERE
- APLDS Approved PD
A Closer Look at the ACTS & the Dimensions of Alabama Teacher Observation Tool
- Wednesday, September 11
- Time: 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM
- Format: In Person
- Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room A)
- 1115 Hwy 31 S. Athens, AL 35611
- Facilitator: Barry Wiginton, ALSDE-ATGP Support Specialist
- Clock Hours: 6 Hours
- Register HERE
ACIP Training from Office of School Improvement
Navigating ACIP: Strategies for Effective Implementation
- Tuesday, September 3
- Time: 8:30 - 11:30 am
- Format: In Person
- Location: Athens State Ballroom
- Facilitator: Dr. Layne Dillard, OSI Regional Specialist
- Clock Hours: 3 Hours
- Register HERE
- APLDS Approved PD
Collaborative Work-Time: Enhancing School Improvement Plans with ALSDE Support
- Tuesday, September 3
- Time: 12:30 - 3:30 pm
- Format: In Person
- Location: Athens State Ballroom
- Facilitator: Dr. Layne Dillard, OSI Regional Specialist
- Clock Hours: 3 Hours
- Register HERE
- APLDS Approved PD
Cognia Annual IMPACT Conference: August 27 - 28
- Cognia® would like to invite you to their IMPACT Conference being held in Montgomery, AL on August 27-28, 2024. This event is for teachers and leaders and will focus on activating continuous improvement for high-quality schools and systems. Attend this conference for meaningful, relevant professional learning that will inspire you. Early bird and group rate pricing will end in early August –register today
- Register HERE! Register | Cognia IMPACT Conference - Montgomery, AL(pheedloop.com)
ALSDE Extended Learning w/ Jeff Norris
Administrator PLUs
AI PLU for Administrators
Physical Education PLU
- ACLD PLU 1267: Positive Impact of Quality Physical Education on Academic Performance
- The Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (ASAHPERD) has developed a PLU for active superintendents, district administrators, and school administrators to increase their knowledge of quality physical education, what should be observed in a quality class, and how a quality program increases academic performance among students.
- Participants will learn the difference between physical education and physical activity and learn the appropriate standards for each grade level in physical education.
- Additional Information including Costs
- Register HERE!
Curriculum Directors
Region 2 Curriculum Directors Meeting - September 26
- Meeting at the Alabama Center for the Arts in Decatur
- 9:00 am - 12:00 noon
- Region 2 ALSDE Specialists and Athens State University College of Education Faculty will join us.
- Future Dates: February 13 and April 10, 2025
Dates for C&I Meetings
- September 4 - Jacksonville State University Regional Inservice Center
- September 11 - VIRTUAL - Link TBA
- January 15 - Florence City Schools BOE
- January 23 - VIRTUAL - Link TBA
- April 2 - James Clemens High School
- April 9 - VIRTUAL - Link TBA
PLU for Curriculum Directors
Upcoming Conferences
ARI Summer Updates
- Media Headlines & Quotes
- July Leadership Tasks
- Structure Generates Behavior Planning Tool
- OSI Principal Calendar Checklist
- LETRS Updates
- LETRS Cohort 8 Sign-Up
- ACAP Supplemental Information
- Structures Supporting Students Who Have Been Retained
- ACAP Cut Score Guidance Document
- Governor Ivey's Summer Challenge
- Unified Insights Resources
- Neuhaus Structured Literacy Modules
- Student Centered Coaching Resources
- Family & Community Resources
Funding Summer Learning
- Braiding Funds to Maximize Student Outcomes in Summer Programs.
- Video from Dr. Molly Killingsworth
ARI Updates
- All Literacy Act reporting requirements must be entered into Unified Insights by September 16, 2024.
- Neuhaus Structured Literacy Modules for PreK, K-12, and Higher Education COMING SOON!
- ARI Quick Links
ESSA TSI and ATSI Schools Video: March 2024
Office of School Improvement Updates
Math Nation - Algebra 1 Research Study
- Opportunity to utilize Math Nation curriculum materials.
- Platform Resources include: Study Expert videos (including Spanish-language), digital assessment tool, and intervention tool.
- Research Study is High School Algebra 1 ONLY.
- Schools join the study, not individual teachers.
- Participating teachers will get up to $1700 stipend.
- 2 Days of Mandatory PD, 4 additional optional PD days.
- For more information, contact Becca Phillips at Becca@MathNation.com
Emergency Certification Resources
PREP - Emergency Certificates, Long-Term Subs, and New Teacher On-Demand Training.
Counselors and PowerSchool SIS Staff
ALSDE Department Websites and Region 2 Specialists Contacts
Region 2 - RIC
Assistant Director - Emily Byrd
Science in Motion
Assistant Director - Emily Byrd
Ken Kirby - Regional Literacy Leadership Specialist (RLLS)
Kimberly Hargett - RLLS: Limestone, Hartselle, & Morgan.
Kim Goodwin - RLSS: Blount, Cullman City & Co. & Oneonta
Melissa Penley - RLSS: Athens City & Lawrence Co.
Tracie Howard - RLSS
Angela Richardson - RLSS
Christy Lockhart - Region 2 Math Specialist
- Dr. Brad Lewis - RIC Director (256) 233-6574 Brad.Lewis@athens.edu
- Deepa Manandhar - Program & Financial Assistant (256) 233-6576 Deepa.Manandhar@athens.edu
- Physical Location: 1115-A Hwy 31 Athens, AL