February Monthly Update
February 2025

Scorpion News 🦂
Attendance Matters
Make sure your students are in school everyday. If they need to miss school make sure to call our attendance line at 623-445-4190.
Interventionists' Insights🧑🏻🏫
Math News from Mr. Cookman
Parents and students can have fun with math by participating in a scavenger hunt. The attachments include a K-2 and a 3-6 Scavenger hunt.. Click the link, print the page and have fun!!
From Mrs. Hainline and Mrs. Gibson
Willy Wonka Releases Golden Tickets!!!
Recently rumors have began circulating that Park Meadows will be having a K-6 FAMILY Reading/Math Night!
Our sources tell us this fun packed event is scheduled for:
When: Tuesday March 11th
Where: Park Meadows Cafe
Time: 5:30PM to 7:30PM
We've heard whispering of...candy graphs, raffle baskets, creative stations, life-size Candyland game, Wonka selfie stations, and more!!!
*Some raffle baskets will be on display in the office for viewing and purchasing your tickets early!
Students have the opportunity to earn tasty prizes when they explore new genres in the library the week of March 3rd-7th, keep an eye out for a Golden Ticket! When you find one, bring it to Reading/Math Family night to claim your PRIZE!
Since this is a FAMILY Night, our sources have told us that pizza, chips, cookies and water will be available for purchase. Individual and combo meal deals will be available. *All proceeds go to buying new books for the students!
More News Flashes to follow. (Keep an eye out for paper fliers)
Healthy Lifestyles with Nurse Ann🩹
February is Heart Health Month! Our heart is like our personal superhero that works so hard every day to keep us alive; it pumps blood all over your body, delivering oxygen and nutrients that help you grow and play! This month, we want to celebrate this superhero and think of ways we can take care of our heart to keep it happy, healthy and strong for as long as we live!
1. Choose Healthy Foods - Eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains gives your body the fuel it needs to stay active and healthy. Try eating an apple, carrot sticks, or a yummy smoothie with berries!
2. Being Active- Moving your body helps your heart stay strong. Whether it’s playing tag with friends, riding your bike, swimming, hiking, or dancing to your favorite song, find something fun and get your heart pumping every day!
3. Get Plenty of Sleep - Sleep is important for your heart and body. Make sure you’re getting enough rest each night so you have the energy to play and learn the next day.
4. Be Kind to Yourself and Others - Taking care of your heart isn’t just about food and exercise—it’s also about feeling happy and safe. Smile, laugh, and share kind words with friends and family. A happy heart is a healthy heart!
From the Media Center📚
Scholastic BOOK FAIR week is here!! It will be February 10-14 in the library, with Thursday evening being open until 7:00pm. Be sure to POP on in to check out the selection. All proceeds go directly to the library, which go directly to the students. Click on this link to set up your ewallet or for more information https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/parkmeadowselementaryschool1
The next BATTLE of the BOOKS will be March 6th. The overall winning team will compete at the District Office on March 25th. All teams are in it to win it, so I can't wait to see who ends up on top!
Automated emails are sent home Sundays at 12:00 regarding overdue or lost/damaged library materials. Please make sure your email is current with our front office to ensure communication avenues are open.
Bring on the #bookjoy-
Mrs. Hinton
PBIS Corner
We are super excited to start a new challenge this month at Park Meadows. Across the campus, students will be challenged to offer helping hands to students and adults on campus. Being helpful can provide a range of benefits including: increased happiness and well-being, a stronger sense of purpose, improved social connections, boosted self-esteem, reduced stress, a positive impact on your community, and even potential health advantages by releasing feel-good hormones like oxytocin. The benefits of being helpful include three major areas: emotional, social, and health benefits.
Emotional benefits include:
Positive mood boost: Performing acts of kindness can trigger the release of endorphins, leading to feelings of happiness and satisfaction.
Increased self-esteem: Helping others can make you feel good about yourself and your abilities.
Sense of purpose: Contributing to others can give your life meaning and direction.
Reduced stress and anxiety: Helping others can distract from your own worries and provide a sense of control.
Social benefits include:
Stronger relationships: Being helpful can strengthen bonds with friends, family, and colleagues.
Community connection: Volunteering or assisting others in your community can foster a sense of belonging.
Positive social impact: Your actions can inspire others to be more helpful and create a positive ripple effect.
Potential health benefits include:
Improved physical health: Studies suggest that helping others may contribute to better immune function and reduced blood pressure.
Cognitive benefits: Engaging in acts of kindness can improve cognitive function and mental agility.
Life in the Cafeteria
Check out our breakfast and lunch menu
Parent Connections with Mrs. Fraemohs
This last month was such a blast with our Apex event. I hope that all of your kiddos were able to enjoy learning how to become Future Leaders and the obstacle course! It was so fun seeing so many families and friends coming out to cheer on their kiddos and watching them run until they could not run anymore, except for those kindergarteners, they never stopped! With your help and all your friends and families help, we were able to raise $13,932.67! I cannot wait to see what our teachers are able to do with this! Remember that all of this money is going to go directly back to support the students. Thank you so much for supporting us and for blessing us with this.
In February, we have two more events coming up. On the 13th we have Kona Ice coming out for out Parent Teacher Conference Night from 4-7PM. Our last one this month will be so yummy Panda Express from 9Am to 10PM, you read that right, it is an all day fundraiser! It will be the Panda Express located at 3013 W Agua Fria Freeway 85027. You can either order online or order in store, whatever is better for you. I hope to see some of you there.
Until next Time,
Cassandra Fraemohs
Dates Coming Up!
13th- Kona Ice 4-7PM
26th- Panda Express 9AM-10PM
11th- Kona Ice (during your child's lunch recess 1st-6th grade only)
Park Meadows Calendar
Check out what is going on in our campus...
Family Engagement Support Meeting
Meet with our District Social Worker & Academic Liaisons
Come to our school to receive support with:
Navigating school websites
Job applications supports
Resources for parenting classes
Provide resources: shelters, counseling
Parenting Informational Flyers
Food Resources
Resources for furniture appliances, and household items
Monday, Feb 10, 2025, 01:00 PM
Upcoming Events in March
3rd - 6th Grade Parents! 👀
Stay tune for some very important dates in the following weeks. Attendance is very important, please try to schedule appointments after school.
Tentative AASA state assessments dates will be 3/25, 3/27, 4/1, 4/2, 4/7, 4/8, 4/9, 4/10.
- 3rd grade will be testing
- Oral Reading Fluency
- Reading Parts I & II
- Math Parts I & II
- Writing
- 4th grade will be testing
- Reading Parts I & II
- Math Parts I & II
- Writing
- 5th grade will be testing
- Science Parts I, II, & III
- Reading Parts I & II
- Math Parts I & II
- Writing
- 6th grade will be testing
- Reading Parts I & II
- Math Parts I & II
- Writing