OLLV Catholic School
Be it known to all who enter here, that Christ is the reason for this school. He is the unseen, but ever present teacher in the classrooms, the model of its faculty, and the inspiration of its students.
Angel Note: September 25, 2023
Virtue of the Week: Spirituality
This Week:
- PE- Pre-K, Kinder, Middle School
- 3:00 PM-3:30 PM Choir Rehearsal
- 3:00 PM- 4:15 PM Soccer Practice
- 3:05 PM- 3:15 PM Boys Basketball Meeting
- 3:15 PM -4:15 PM Cross Country Practice
Tuesday, September 26, 2023:
- PE- 1st-5th grade
- 3:30 PM- Golf Tryouts
Wednesday, September 27, 2023:
- PE- Pre-K, Kinder, Middle School
- 3:05 PM-4:00 PM- Chess Club
- 3:15 PM -4:15 PM Cross Country Practice
- 3:45 PM- Soccer Game @ St. Anthony
Thursday, September 28, 2023:
- PE- 1st-5th grade
- 3:45 PM- Soccer Game @ St. Francis
- Basketball Waiver Due
Friday: September 29, 2023
- 9:00 AM- School Mass
Harvest Festival Raffle Tickets going home Monday, September 25th
Retro T-shirts can be worn on all PE days. We will have a Throwback Day on Friday, October 13th. Show your school spirit by purchasing a t-shirt!
Picture Day is coming soon!
Harvest Festival Info
The Snack Shack is OPEN!
Don't Forget to Order Your Hot Lunch!
2023-2024 Classroom Volunteers
Should you wish to volunteer in your child's classroom or be a chaperone on a field trip please ensure that you have completed fingerprinting, background checks, and the CMG program. You may pick up a volunteer packet in the front office. Please know that this clearance process takes between four and six weeks.
Our Lady of Las Vegas Catholic School
Email: mbello@ollv.org
Website: https://www.ollvschool.org/
Location: 3046 Alta Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89107, USA
Phone: (702) 802-2323
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OurLadyofLVSchool
Twitter: @OurLadyLVSchool