PFES Board Report
April, 2024

April Safety Drill
This month's safety drill was the second of the two required severe weather drills. Our drill coincided with the statewide tornado drill on April 11 at 1:45 pm. The drill practices the crouched "tornado tuck" and logistics of the safe sites for the grade levels. At the Park Falls Elementary we did modify the location of the 5th grade to reduce the time it takes them to get into position based on our debrief from the previous drill.
Spring Testing Season
State testing for grades 3-8 is ongoing. The school counselors are doing an excellent job with the organization and Mr. Weiler is managing the technology. The classroom teachers faciliate the testing. Special education teachers monitor the testing for children that have accomodations as part of their IEP. A significant amount of our resources are used to ensure a smooth and high quality testing environment exists for all children.
Book Blast!
In an effort to build home libraries, we have kicked off another Book Blast. Here is Mrs. Herrmann's 4th grade showing the prizes students earned for completing their "treasure map" by submitting 10 or more emails for the Book Blast company to invite to participate with a donation.
Riley Kontney, a kindergartner from Mrs. Larson's class, was the lucky Ipad winner!
March Eagle Award Winners
These students distiguished themselves showing excellent fairness behavior!
Front Row Left to Right:
Mya Brown, Brooke Tourtillott, Everett Linescott, Mikayla Radlinger, Kaydin Dahlgren, Aiden Zirbel and Vivienne Davis
Back Row Left to Right:
Easton Carper, Sophie Wegner, Dareck Schloer, Evelyn Beil, Jaxson McFadden, Scarlett Struck, Casey Kleczewski and the Screaming Eagle
Read Every Day
Mrs. Minnema's 's 1st grade class are the March Red (Read Every Day) Winners. They read the most out of all the classrooms in the school.
Looking Ahead to Fourth Quarter Tasks
- Assigning students to class rosters
- Ordering workbooks, softwares, etc for building use
- Planning summer work and professional development
- Assisting with summer school planning
- Working with Price Cty Health and Human Services on truancy issues
- Completing staff evaluations
- Review building master schedule for 2024-2025
What is Next?
- April 19th (Friday) Climb Theatre
- PK-2nd grade presentation from 9:25-10:05am. Talula Rabbit's New Habit (Self-Regulation)
- 3rd-4th grade presentation from 11:15-11:55am. Walkin' It Back (Empathy and Self-Regulation)
- 5th grade presentation will be in Glidden with the MS from 2:00-2:40pm.
- April 26 - 4k School Introduction Event Class of 2038
- May 10 - PFES Spring Music Concert
- May 27 (Monday) No School!
- May 29 (Wednesday) Last Day for Students!
- June 3 - 21 - Summer School (8:00 AM - 4:00 pm)
Park Falls Elementary School
Email: tkief@csdk12.net
Website: https://www.csdk12.net/4/home
Location: 380 North Ninth Street Park Falls Wi 54552
Phone: 715-762-2474 Office Extension - 2352
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