Laura Speed Elliott Middle School - Oct 13 Edition
Winter Sports Additional Information
- LSE Middle School follows the MSHSAA eligibility requirements for junior high. These eligibility requirements pertain to all students, not just athletes. If a student has two Fs in any subject during a grading period, that student will be deemed ineligible to attend and/or participate in all extracurricular activities until grades are reported for the next grading period and the student has fewer than two Fs.
- The eligibility date for Winter Sports determination is October 17, 2023
Boys Basketball
- Optional practice on October 16th from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM in the LSE Gym
- Optional practice for non-fall athletes on October 17th in the LSE auditorium from 3:30 PM to 4:15 PM
- Starting on 10/18 wrestlers will need to be picked up at the BHS commons entrance at the conclusion of practice.
If you cannot attend conferences in person on Thur, Oct 26, please email your student's teacher to schedule a virtual conference or an email conference.
Please note that LSE will be closed from 12:00pm - 1:00pm for lunch.
Close the Gap Grant
The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) is giving grant money to eligible families. The program states that Missouri residents with K12 students are eligible, and those living within up to 185% of poverty level will be prioritized. They have $25 million dollars to distribute, and your family may receive up to $1,500 for education spending this year. This program was funded with federal COVID dollars, and it is easy to apply!
- Go to this link:
- Fill out the form and provide proof of residency/eligibility
Counselor's Corner
Upcoming Dates
10/13: Progress 2 ends
10/16: No School, PD Day
10/18: BOE meeting 6pm
10/20: LSE Halloween Dance
10/26: No School, P/T Conferences
10/27: No School
Laura Speed Elliott Middle School
Location: 700 Main Street, Boonville, MO, USA
Phone: 660-882-6649