Charles A. Lindbergh Elementary
August 28, 2024
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! Our staff is so excited to see you soon.
Important Upcoming Dates
Thursday, August 29th - Supply Drop Off 2:00-3:00 pm
Tuesday, September 3rd - First Day of School
Arrival and Dismissal Information
To ensure a safe arrival and dismissal of our students, please make sure that you adhere to these guidelines.
Parent Volunteers
If you will be volunteering at Lindbergh Elementary in the classroom, for a special event or as a chaperone on a field trip, you will need to complete this Volunteer Application prior to the activity, event or trip. You will only need to fill out this form once each school year.
Free Breakfast and Lunch
Each student will be able to get a free breakfast and lunch this school year. Even though meals are free, we need all families to complete food service paperwork that will be sent home in the parent packet on the first day. Completing the form ensures individual eligibility for certain state and federal programs as well as additional school funding.
NEW THIS YEAR: Our Food Service Department remains committed to taking a stand against artificial colors. Last year, they brought in new ice cream with no artificial colors and are moving in this direction for ALL foods served or sold in our cafeterias, like chips sold as an a la carte item.