The Tohickon Golden Eagle
Friday, January 24, 2025
Upcoming Events
A Message from Kyle Dudley
Hello Tohickon Community,
There was an event last weekend that demonstrated the most amazing showing of hope, encouragement, and generosity that I have ever seen orchestrated by a single community. This was followed up by an overwhelming turnout at the Casa Toro fundraiser, for which we are grateful!
Once again, I was reminded that whenever you may face struggles, feel like hope is lost, or have trouble overcoming some of life's obstacles, there are people out there that you can lean on, and you are never alone. I couldn't be more proud to be a part of this Tohickon community. Please scroll down to see what I'm talking about, below.
Also below, you will learn about some AMAZINGLY talented students who walk the halls of Tohickon everyday. They keep their superpowers hidden, like superman, but we were able to see them on showcase recently!
With the end of the semester near, there are many activities to participate in, in-school and out. There's no better way to experience middle school than to participate in extra-curricular activities or attend events to support your local high school.
This should be an exciting weekend! Another cold one... I hope you all get to enjoy it. GO BIRDS!
Kyle Dudley
Tohickon Middle School
Tuesday, January 28th - Early Dismissal/ End of 2nd Marking Period
Wednesday, January 29th- Start of Marking Period 3
Tuesday, February 11th - Mike Sielski - Author Visit (2 Assemblies)
Tuesday, February 11th - Last day to purchase Yearbook at discounted price
Friday, February 14th - No School - Teacher In - Service
Monday, February 17th - No School - President's Day
Upcoming PSSA Testing Dates
Below are the dates currently scheduled for PSSA Administration. The Math assessments will be administered with paper/pencil assessments. The ELA and Science assessments will be administered online.
- ELA - April 23, 24, 25
- MATH- April 29, 30
- SCIENCE- May 1
Yearbook Sale Happening Now!
Capture the memories of this school year with our yearbook! Right now, you can purchase it at a reduced price of just $40 until Tuesday, February 11th. Don't miss this opportunity to secure your copy and relive all the amazing moments we've shared.
Grab your yearbook before the price goes up. Act fast and cherish the memories forever!
To order a yearbook for your child, please visit MyPaymentsPlus and log in. If you register as a guest, please make sure use your child’s first and last name instead of your own.
For instructions on accessing MyPaymentsPlus, please visit this link.
For help, questions, or additional information, please Dawn Meadows (dmeadows@cbsd.org).
From the Tech. Ed. Dept
As we near the end of the semester in Engineering class, students are learning about First Person View (FPV) Drone Flying. They are being challenged to design and build an FPV obstacle course, learn how to fly a drone then learn how to fly them with a FPV camera attached to it, and then compete with each other to see who can complete the obstacle the fastest.
9th Grade Trip to Washington, D.C.- Payments can be made in My Payments Plus
Chaperones are needed
Tohickon’s annual field trip to the nation’s capital is Thursday, May 22nd, 2025. If you are interested in chaperoning, please begin the “Volunteer Required Paperwork” found below. Please have required paperwork completed by January 1st. CLICK HERE to access the Volunteer Paperwork.
Click here to register your 9th grade student and make your payment My Payments Plus.
Two of our own Tohickon Superstars just recently achieved the incredible accomplishment of earning spots in the BCMEA Honors Orchestra and Choir!
Isabella B. placed third overall out of every student who auditioned, grades 9-12.
Charlotte R. also placed into the All-County High School Choir as a Soprano!
These are outstanding accomplishments for anyone, let alone 9th graders! The groups are made up of students from nearly every high school in Bucks County, so making the group alone is a big deal, but placing as high as they did is truly something special.
From Student Council!
We have several exciting events coming up in February and March. Here's a sneak peek!
- Valentine Candygrams: On sale during lunches from February 3rd to February 7th. $1 each or 6 for $5. They will be delivered on February 13th.
- Spirit Week: February 10th-14th. Get ready to show your spirit!
- Pep Rally: Join us on Thursday, February 13th for our next pep rally. We hope you will participate!
- Dodgeball Tournament: Making its triumphant return on March 21st! Start organizing your team now!
Author Visit!
On Tuesday, February 11, Tohickon will be hosting local author, Philadelphia Inquirer sports journalist, and WIP Sports Radio show host, Mike Sielski. This will be Mr. Sielski's second time visiting Tohickon. He was here previously to discuss his book, The Rise: Kobe Bryant & The Pursuit of Immortality and his older book, Fading Echoes. He has a new book called Magic in the Air: The Mystery and The Soul of the Slam Dunk that he will talk about, in addition to describing what it takes to be a journalist/writer/author and on-air radio host. We are excited to have him join us again!
If you are interested in purchasing a signed copy of either of his books for your child or family, please download, print and fill out the attached order form. Please make checks payable to Tohickon Middle School. Forms are due back to Mrs. Fox in the library by Tuesday, January 21.
Enrichment Speaker Series!
During I&E, we like to offer various enrichment opportunities for students who are caught up on all of their work. Some of those opportunities include community members who come in to speak about their professions or experiences to students who may be interested in leading similar lives. Previous speakers have included the architect of Tohickon Middle School and a military pilot. Up next will be a Forest Fire Firefighter, who works for the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, and a Data Engineer, who is also a part-time professor at Purdue. Click the links below for more information and sign up in Edficiency today!
High School News
Community News.....
Drive-by Succcess! #SWIFTIESFORLILY
As many of you may know, one of our very own Team Infinity students, Lily Tomlinson, was diagnosed in December with a rare and aggressive brain tumor. Lily is a HUGE Taylor Swift fan, so her mom began a #SWIFTIESFORLILY movement to grow support for Lily. As a building, we will be selling #SWIFTIESFORLILY bracelets to give our entire Tohickon community the chance to support Lily and her family. Bracelets will be available to purchase for $3 each or 2 for $5 next week at I/E (or students can stop by Ms. McMahon’s room or the main office anytime). All proceeds will be donated to the Tomlinson family. Thanks so much for your support!
Talent Needed
🩷Showcase Your Talent!
We're looking for talented classmates to help make Lily's birthday celebration extra special. If you have a unique skill or talent, we want to hear from you! Join us on February 22 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM at Hilltown Baptist Church, 26 Upper Church Road, Chalfont, PA 18914.
Contact Kris Lake at 267-228-6534 or lysschick6534@gmail.com to secure your spot. Hurry, spaces are limited!
Important CB District Messages
Updating Student Information Required to View Bus Assignments and Schedules
To remind families, you will not be able to access your student's bus assignments or schedules until updating your information at www.cbsd.org/parentportal. To begin, navigate to the menu, select “more” and then “Annual Student Information Update.” Completing the update will allow you to access student bus assignments when they are released on Monday, August 19 and 7-12 student schedules when they are released on Friday, August 23. Elementary information was made available in early August.
Have You Changed Addresses?
If you have moved, please make sure you update your address with Central Registration. The office can be reached at 267-893-2111 or centralregistration@cbsd.org.
2024-25 Application for Free and Reduced Meal Pricing Now Available
Payment System Open for 1-to-1 Device Fee for Grades 3-12
The 1-to-1 fee payment system opened on August 14 for families of students in grades 3-12. There is no fee for families of K-2 students as devices for these grades stay at school. All CB students will either receive a device this year or continue to use the device that was issued last year. Even if your child has their own device, we ask that you participate in our program to allow for a consistent learning platform for our students. Read more about the plan, the fee amounts, and next steps here.
🔍 Lost and Found at Tohickon 🔍
Did you know that Tohickon has a Lost and Found? It is conveniently located outside of Room 101 on the 1st floor. Our Life Skills class takes great care in washing and folding any found items before placing them on the table. We keep these items for 30 days before they are donated. This is the place where your students can find any lost clothing items.
If your student is missing jewelry, AirPods, cell phones, or any other valuable items, please note that these are turned into the main office for safe keeping.
Curious About Morning Announcements..?
Tohickon Spirt Wear
A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Tohickon Middle School, when purchasing through this link.
Tohickon Spirit Wear — Taylor Outfitters
All orders will be delivered to Tohickon and given to your child, unless you pay for shipping.
From Our School Counselors
Welcome back to school! If YOU (as a student or a parent/guardian) feel overwhelmed or just need some advice. Click the link below for some strategies, FAQs, or information on how to contact a School Counselor.
We're Looking for Community Service Opportunities!
Attention Community Leaders
Are you organizing an upcoming community service event or planning one for 2025? Would your event be more successful with the help of student volunteers?
Tohickon has many students interested in learning of opportunities to give back to their community while also earning service hours.
Our students are particularly interested in events that align with their interests and skills, such as food pantries, environmental conservation, education, eldercare, community social events and youth sports.
If you have any upcoming community service projects or initiatives that would be open to student volunteers, please share your details and/or signup links with our NJHS Coordinator, Jaclyn Larkin (jlarkin@cbsd.org), and our Student Council Coordinator, Natalie Dobrowolski (ndobrowolski@cbsd.org), and they can make students aware of upcoming volunteer opportunities.
Expectations for High Schools Sporting Events
Winter Athletics Information
Tohickon Winter Sports Registration Information
Grades 7 and 8
Cheerleading - Registration Deadline 10/8, Tryouts begin 10/10
Girls Basketball - Registration Deadline 11/9, Tryouts begin 11/11
Wrestling* - Registration Deadline 11/16, Practices begin 11/18
Boys Basketball - Registration Deadline 1/19/25, Tryouts begin 1/21/25
Register for sports at https://studentcentral.bigteams.com/ No paper documents should be sent into school. Here is a link with directions and a short video tutorial on how to get started. https://bigteams.my.site.com/support/s/article/Parents-Create-Your-Students-Account All students must be registered and approved with all paperwork in by the due date to participate.
*Wrestling – Middle school wrestling teams are based on high school attendance areas. Future CB East students will practice at Holicong and be part of the Junior Patriots. Future CB West students will wrestle at Lenape and be part of the Young Bucks. Transportation to each school will be provided each day. Parents will need to pick up at 4:30pm at either Holicong or Lenape each day. Most home matches will be at Lenape or Holicong. Tohickon will host a few home matches.
Reach out if you have any questions. Ken Hall – khall@cbsd.org
Grade 9
All 9th grade sports are played at the high schools. 9th graders play at the high school they will attend based on their attendance area. Register for high school sports with the high school they will attend. When registering for high school sports, do NOT include Tohickon as your home school. Only include the high school that your 9th grade child will attend. Shuttle busses will take the athletes to the high school each school day.
CB East
Athletics website: https://cbeathletics.com/
East Athletic Director: Scott Lisher slisher@cbsd.org
CB West
Athletics website: https://cbwathletics.com/
West Athletic Director: Henry Hunt hehunt@cbsd.org
If you have any questions, please contact the high school athletic directors.
From the Health Office...
The best way to prevent the spread of germs is by washing your hands with soap and water. We have seen many students in need of an inhaler and not having the diagnosis or proper paperwork in our system. We need Action Care Plans and Medication Dispensing Forms completed to best care for your child. Please reach out to discuss. Children may only carry an inhaler on them with the proper documentation on file and after completing a competency.
Cold symptoms are on the rise and a personal supply of cough drops is recommended. No other medication is allowed to be carried without a physician’s order, even over the counter medicines. We encourage all students to carry a water bottle to keep hydrated during the day. Filtered Water stations are available in multiple locations throughout the school.
Important for 7th Grade Students
The Pennsylvania state mandated Dentals were due on October 15,2024. This is required for all current 7th graders. The dental exam may be dated any time after September 1, 2023 to satisfy this requirement. We are still missing SEVERAL dentals! Please email cbtohickonnurses@cbsd.org with your child’s updated dental forms and/or information. Feel free to send in with your child to drop off at the nurse’s office. Thank you for helping with this important requirement! Call 267-893-3315 with any questions.
Free Holiday Meals for Those in Need
FEAST: Feeding Everyone At Special Times | Non-Profit: Meals and Winter Coats
8th Grade Field Trip
Save the Date – the 8th Grade TopGolf Field Trip has been changed to June 10, 2025.
Take Advantage of MORNING MATH HELP!
Morning Math Help with Mrs. Bellavance will be offered every day before school from 7:05-7:20AM in room 201. Students from all grade levels and math classes are welcome to come in early for extra practice or help with their math homework. Students do not need to sign up for Morning Math Help; they can come in any day, as needed. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs. Bellavance at abellavance@cbsd.org.
Work Permit Information (must be 14 years of age)
Obtaining a Work Permit at Tohickon Middle School:
- Work permits are available for pick up during the school day in the main office.
- Please fill out the work permit application. Include as much information as possible. You only need to fill out one half sheet. Must include a parent/guardian signature.
- Please return completed application with copy of either birth certificate or passport to Mrs. Chmiel.
Acting and Improv Club
From the Art Room...
Is Art your thing? Maybe not drawing or painting so much, but digital art or PHOTOGRAPHY..? See the flyers below for more information on two new clubs that will be starting in October!
Attendance Reminder
Attendance Policies & Information
The Compulsory Attendance Law in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania requires that an absence excuse submitted by the parent or guardian be on file for every day of the student’s absence. Our new attendance procedures allow parents to submit this absence request via the parent portal. These requests serve as the excuse for the absences. We will no longer be accepting voice messages to excuse absences. If you do not have a parent account, you can find the instructions on our website in the attendance tab.
Tardy Students
A student is considered tardy if they are late to school or class. Students are expected to be in their seats by 7:30. There has been increasing traffic in the morning due to buses and car line; please be sure to add extra time to your morning commute. If your student is late, please be sure to enter the reason in the parent portal Student who are tardy more than three times will receive an after-school detention.
Vacation Requests
We are no longer requiring Vacation Forms. These requests can be made through the parent portal. Please be sure that your student is communicating with their teachers ahead of time, so they can get a plan together for missing work, instruction, and assignments. Please remember that a maximum of five days per student per school year can be approved. *Please note, if you are leaving the country, your students laptop will not work and paper assignments may need to be given; earlier notice will be needed to gather materials.
Please use the portal to report times when your child may be arriving late or leaving early. When picking your child up from school, please come to door #1 and have your ID ready. Please make sure to communicate the absence in advance to avoid having to call into classrooms during instructional times. Please enter student appointments by 8:00 am if possible. This allows us to get passes to students during their advisory.
*All medical Notes can be sent to lchmiel@cbsd.org & vcooper@cbsd.org.
2024-25 Application for Free and Reduced Meal Pricing Now Available
The application for free and reduced meal pricing for the 2024-25 school year is now open. Breakfast is available at no charge to students, and lunch costs vary depending on grade level. Your child(ren) may qualify for free meals or for reduced price meals. Learn more and apply by visiting the full informational webpage on CBSD.org here.
Don't forget to purchase your students GYM lock in MyPaymentsPlus.
Unfortunately, locks are not allowed to be kept on Gym lockers over the summer. If your 8th or 9th grader's lock was left on a Gym locker last year it has been removed. They have been sorted and should be available from your Phys. Ed. teacher on the first day of school. To pay for a lock ahead of time, clixk here https://www.mypaymentsplus.com.
Once the new year begins, please feel free to contact these team members with any questions that pertain to their area of specialization. The team, subject area, and specialized leaders are as follows:
2024-2025 Teams and Team Leaders
- Team Infinity 7A (Grade 7) - Mrs. Kelli McMahon (kmcmahon@cbsd.org)
- Team Summit 7B (Grade 7) - Mrs. Jennifer Reese (jereese@cbsd.org)
- Team Odyssey 8A (Grade 8) - Mrs. Andrea Bellavance (abellavance@cbsd.org)
- Team Expedition 8B (Grade 8) - Mrs. Amy Fry-Daly (afry@cbsd.org)
- Freshman Team - Mr. Michael Weir (mweir@cbsd.org) & Ms. Alison Lewis (alewis@cbsd.org)
2024-2024 Subject Area Coordinators
- English - Mrs. Amy Good (amgood@cbsd.org)
- Math - Mrs. Andrea Bellavance (abellavance@cbsd.org) & Mr. Bill Reynolds (breynolds@cbsd.org)
- Science - Ms. Ashley Gresko (agresko@cbsd.org)
- Social Studies - Mr. James Neely (jneely@cbsd.org) & Mr. Scott Felton (sfelton@cbsd.org)
- Special Education Facilitator - Nichole Taylor (nstaylor@cbsd.org)
2024-2025 Specialized Area Leaders
- Director of Athletics - Mr. Ken Hall (khall@cbsd.org)
- Dean of Students - Mr. Nick Costantino (ncostantino@cbsd.org)
- Building Technology Coordinator - Mrs. Bridget Fox (brifox@cbsd.org)
- Building Technology Coach - Dylan Opper (dopper@cbsd.org)
- Head School Nurse - Mrs. Sheila Kelly (shkelly@cbsd.org)
- Guidance Coordinator - Mrs. Diane Schute (dschute@cbsd.org)
No More Teacher Websites - Use Canvas!
As part of CB's efforts to streamline communicate and enhance security, we have recently deactivated the “Teacher Websites” section on each school’s homepage and all teacher webpages on the district’s website. In the place of individual teacher pages, teachers will begin to use the district’s learning management system, Canvas, to share information with students and families that would previously be posted on their webpages. We will begin this move to Canvas with our secondary teachers this school year and phase in our elementary teachers over the next two school years. Prior to our elementary teachers fully utilizing Canvas, they will communicate with families via email and other district-approved communications channels.
The move to Canvas offers the district and our families several benefits:
• Increased security for district and school resources and information: Visitors must log in to access information in Canvas, whereas all information on the district website is publicly accessible.
• Improved communication consistency and delivery: Over the next two years, Canvas will be fully implemented in all schools, providing a consistent and streamlined K-12 platform for teachers to share information with students and families.
Prior to the start of this school year, teachers can communicate with families and students via email to share supply lists, welcome letters, and other class information. Elementary supply lists will be posted to the school’s building department/grade-level webpages. Once school begins, parents and guardians will be able to create accounts on Canvas using the directions found here.
We are confident our transition to Canvas will positively impact our students' learning journey and the CB experience for families. Should you have any questions, please reach out to your child's school. Thanks in advance for your support!
Updating Student Information Required to View Bus Assignments and Schedules
To remind families, you will not be able to access your student's bus assignments or schedules until updating your information at www.cbsd.org/parentportal. To begin, navigate to the menu, select “more” and then “Annual Student Information Update.” Completing the update will allow you to access student bus assignments when they are released on Monday, August 19 and 7-12 student schedules when they are released on Friday, August 23. Elementary information was made available in early August.
Have You Changed Addresses?
If you have moved, please make sure you update your address with Central Registration. The office can be reached at 267-893-2111 or centralregistration@cbsd.org.
New 2024-205 District Calendar with Updates
Tohickon Parents' Survival Guide
Office hours are 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Absences/Lateness- Parents should notify the school as early as possible regarding absence, lateness, doctor's appointments, vacation requests, etc., by logging into the Parent Portal and entering the absence. Any time a student arrives to school late, they must bring a parent note in with them explaining why they are late, or a parent needs to enter it in the Parent Portal. Any late arrival without a note will be marked as Unexcused.
After 7:30 AM, a student is tardy. Students must report to the office for attendance accounting when arriving late. Such reasons as missing the bus, oversleeping, car trouble, long drop-off line, etc. are NOT valid excuses for lateness. Every unexcused tardy, from the third time (and all subsequent times), will result in an administrative consequence. Late time may be accumulated and count toward illegal absences from school (Truancy). Unexcused lateness in excess of half the school day will be considered an unlawful absence.
Appointments During the School Day- Students may be excused for short periods of time during the day for medical appointments. A note from parents should be taken to the Main Office prior to the start of the school day, on the day of the appointment, or a parent/guardian should enter all requests through the Parent Portal before 8:00 AM. In order to take part in any after-school event (including dances and sports events), students must attend school for at least half of that day. At the middle/high school levels, students need to report to school by 10:30 AM.
Early Departures- Whenever a student needs to leave school before 2:30 PM, parents/guardians are asked to enter the dismissal time in the Parent Portal before 8:00 AM or the student must bring a note to the Main Office upon arriving to school. They will receive a pass to leave class, which must be turned into the Main Office before being dismissed for their appointment. Parents/guardians must pick up students at the Main Office, door number 1, and be prepared to show your ID. If possible, inform the office in advance if you get a last-minute appointment, so that we can advise the student who can leave class quietly, without the disruption of calling into a classroom. Requests after 2:00 PM will not be accepted.
Lockers- Lockers will be provided to all students. Students are NOT permitted to carry backpacks during the day. The use of lockers will become an important space for storage of school materials and coats.
Homework- Homework may be requested after the student has missed three (3) consecutive instructional days (snow days and weekends do NOT count). If the request is received by 8:30 AM, it will be available for a parent to pick-up in the Main Office at 3:00 PM the same day. Have your student follow their Canvas page for classwork and homework assignments. Students should also have a “study-buddy” in each class to call to find out what assignments are missed.
Buses- In accordance with Central Bucks Transportation policy, students will NOT be permitted to travel on another student’s bus. Requests to travel on another student’s bus will NOT be approved. Only in an extreme emergency (parent travel is NOT considered an emergency) will requests for alternate transportation be granted.
Visitors- When visiting Tohickon, please bring your photo ID. All visitors are required to enter and leave through the Main Office, sign in and wear a visitor’s badge while in the building.
Cell Phones- The use of cell phones/electronic devices during the school day is strictly prohibited. All cell phones/electronic devices should be in the “power off” position and kept out of sight during school hours ("OFF AND AWAY"). If a lesson requires the use of an electronic device, the teacher will provide students with an opportunity to obtain and return their device from their locker, or students can use their laptops. Under no circumstances are cell phones allowed to be carried from class to class. Students found with their phones/electronic devices will have them confiscated. The items may be picked up in the Main Office at 2:30 PM and it will result in an administrative consequence.
Please do not call or text your student during the school day. If you need to get a message to your student, please call the main office.
Sick Students- If the School Nurse determines that your son or daughter should be sent home due to illness or injury, she will contact a parent/guardian directly. Students are not permitted to call their parent/guardian for pick up in these cases (i.e. use of cell phone.). If you receive a text or call from your child that they are sick, please direct them to go to the nurse. It is up to the School Nurse to determine if a student is ill enough to go home from school.
Labeling Items- Please make sure your student’s name is on items they may bring to school. We have many sweatshirts, coats, and lunchboxes in our Lost and Found, which is located in the back of the Cafeteria and in large red totes placed on each floor. If items are identifiable, they will be returned to students. If not, students are urged to check Lost and Found. At the end of the marking period, items are donated to charitable organizations.
Drop-off Items (i.e. lunches, homework, sports gear, etc.)- Items dropped off are held in the Main Office and brought to students in the Cafeteria at lunch time. They may check the office between classes, before lunch and after lunch. To avoid class disruptions, we do not to call into classrooms or call down students individually for forgotten items.
Sports- Students involved in sports will receive pertinent information from coaches. Announcements are made regarding changes in schedules for games, practices, etc. as provided by the appropriate coach. In order to take part in any after-school event (including dances and sports events), students must attend school for at least half of that day. At the middle/high school levels, students need to report to school by 10:30 AM
Physical forms are available online and must be completed after June 1st of the appropriate school year. Physicals are necessary for any student who wishes to participate in a sport. Students will not be permitted to attend try-outs for a sport until physical forms are submitted through Family ID. Family ID information should also be completed and instructions can be found under the “Athletics” tab on the Tohickon website.
The doors of Tohickon will open at 7:05am each morning. The buses arrive on the South, or right-side, of the building, where the bus lanes are located. Students will enter through the doors on that side. When students arrive, there will be teachers to help guide them to the correct location. All 7th grade students will proceed straight down the hallway to the Tohickon Auditorium when they arrive. Car riders should be dropped off along the curb in front of the school. Please use caution when dropping students off next to the curb. Do not allow your child to walk through traffic or parked cars, as this is a very busy time of morning. Following the signs in the parking lot allows us to avoid dangerous situations and do NOT pass anyone while in the Tohickon parking lot.
Students dismiss at 2:30 PM. Car riders should be picked up at the main entrance in front of the building.
Attendance Calls
If you have entered a request for student attendance (absence, early dismissal, appointment, vacation, etc.), you are still likely to receive an automated message notifying you of their absence. Our system is set up so that parents are alerted in the event that a child calls themself out. We apologize for the inconvenience.
For more information on the CBSD Attendance Policy, CLICK HERE.
Student Services
Student Services Office: 267-893-3310
- Mrs. Colleen Penglase (cpenglase@cbsd.org) - Secretary
- Mrs. Diane Schute (dschute@cbsd.org) will be working with those students with last names from A-Le.
- Mr. Joseph Stryker (jstryker@cbsd.org) will be working with those students with last names from Lf-Z.
- Mr. Jesse Everhart (jeverhart@cbsd.org) Psychologist
- Mrs. Kailtin Wolfinger - (kwolfinger@cbsd.org) Social Worker
CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program)
CHIP is short for the Children's Health Insurance Program, Pennsylvania's program to provide health insurance to uninsured children and teens who are not eligible for or enrolled in Medical Assistance.
CHIP is brought to you by leading health insurance companies. You'll have a choice of major insurance companies with networks of physicians, specialists, and care facilities near you. Your kids may even be able to keep visiting the same doctors they see today.
We pride ourselves on communication at Tohickon! There are a number of ways we communicate with our parents. They are as follows:
- Weekly Newsletter - The newsletter will be sent out through Blackboard Messenger every Friday throughout the school year. The newsletter is designed to be informational and substantive. There is always a chronology of upcoming events listed. All present and past Tohickon newsletters can be found on the Tohickon website.
- School Website - The Tohickon website is a great place to find important information. The most recent newsletter and daily announcement links are always located on the front page. All information pertinent to parents and students can be found in the "Parent/Student" section of the website.
- E-Mail Blasts - Email blasts at Tohickon are used when an important message needs to be sent to parents quickly. PLEASE do not delete these messages, as they are most likely very important.
- Twitter - Messages and pictures are sent to the community frequently to highlight unique events happening in school. Follow us on Twitter @CBTohickonMS
- Parent Council Meetings - These are great opportunities to hear what is going on and to provide feedback to Mr. Dudley and Dr. Fash. The Tohickon Administration values your opinion and wants to hear your thoughts on given topics. Parent Council Meetings are typically held on the 3rd Thursday of each month. This year's dates are as follows: September 19th, October 17th, November 21st, January 16th, February 20th, March 20th, April 24th, May (Teacher Appreciation Activities- TBD). Meetings are typically held in the Tohickon Library. The meetings begin promptly at 9:00 AM and usually conclude between 10:00 and 10:30 AM. There is no meeting in December or June and the May meeting is traditionally reserved for the Teacher Appreciation Luncheon.
- Teacher Canvas Courses- All teachers are expected to maintain an updated school Canvas course. This site is useful for finding out what is going on in class and tracking assignments.
- Parent Portal - All grading and assignment information can be accessed using the Parent Portal. If you are having any trouble accessing your child's information, please contact the student services department at 267-893-3310.
How to Support Tohickon!
Just by doing your routine shopping, you can help Tohickon in our efforts to raise money for special programs and various items to support our school and students. Tohickon has registered in a fundraising program sponsored by eScrip.com. We also collect Boxtops for Education and clothing. Check out the details below. It is easy to do and a wonderful way to support our school! Thank you, in advance, for your participation in these programs!
Just register online at www.escrip.com. Tohickon’s Group ID # is 150239570. You can split your donation among several different schools or organizations, so if you’re already registered with another group, consider adding Tohickon! While you’re logged onto the www.escrip.com site, you may want to consider registering your debit and/or credit card so that Tohickon will benefit from purchases made with those cards at retailers like Office Max, Eddie Bauer, Barnes and Noble, and Payless Shoes. Choose “my escript” from the menu at the top of the screen, log in with your password, go to “Account Administration,” and select “Credit and Debit Cards.” Be sure to check out the complete list of participating merchants and contribution rates.
Box Tops for Education
Tohickon collects Box Tops electronically! Box Tops for Education will still be worth 10 cents per clipping, but will no longer be printed on products anymore. Instead, please use the following easy steps to submit your Box-Tops!
1. Go grocery shopping & keep your grocery store receipt.
2. Download the "Box Tops for Education" app in the Apple App store or Google Play store
3. Scan your grocery store receipt using the "Box Tops for Education" App.
4. Enjoy earning cash for Tohickon!
Traditional Box tops are being phased out of production, but you can still send any remaining unexpired clips to Tohickon.
All money raised from this continuous collection will supplement club and activity programs, including volunteer activities. For more information on Box Tops for Education go to www.boxtops4education.com.
RX Fundraising/Rite Aid
Tohickon Middle School
Email: kdudley@cbsd.org
Website: cbsd.org/tohickon
Location: 5051 Old Easton Road, Doylestown, PA, USA
Phone: 267-893-3300
Twitter: @CBTohickonMS