Bear Bulletin
Maire Newsletter: August 14, 2024
Dear Maire Families,
I hope this letter finds you all in good health and high spirits. The hallways have been quiet without your laughter and energy, and we are thrilled to have you back for another exciting school year.
As we begin this new academic journey together, I want you to remember that each one of you is a star with unique talents and potential. This year will be filled with opportunities to learn, grow, and discover new interests. Our dedicated teachers and staff are here to guide and support you every step of the way.
We have some fantastic plans for the upcoming year. From engaging classroom activities to special events and projects, there's a world of knowledge waiting for you to explore. We'll be focusing on not only academic excellence but also the values of kindness, respect, and teamwork. Remember, we're not just a school; we're a community that cares for and supports one another. At Maire, we live by the motto: "We learn, we lead, and we lift."
I encourage you to approach this year with curiosity and enthusiasm. Ask questions, participate in class discussions, and don't be afraid to make mistakes. It's through these experiences that we truly learn and grow.
Parents and guardians, thank you for entrusting us with your child's education. We value your partnership and are committed to working together to provide the best learning environment for our students.
Let’s make this school year memorable, exciting, and full of accomplishments. I can’t wait to see the friendships you’ll form, the knowledge you’ll gain, and the smiles that will fill our school.
Welcome back, Maire Bears!
Let's make this year shine brightly together.
One last request for families: PLEASE review the Student-Parent Handbook below, especially the parking lot drop off / pick up line procedures.
Have a wonderful week,
Mrs. Nicole Filiccia
Principal of Maire
We Learn. We Lead. We Lift.
In case you missed it: Link to last week's Bear Bulletin
We’re buzzing with excitement about the start of the school year!
Please save the dates below:
Teacher Assignments: We know how eagerly students await the excitement of finding out teacher assignments! The assignments will be available for families to access via the Parent Portal in MISTAR on Tuesday, August 27th. Get ready to meet the amazing educators who will be guiding your children this year!
Thursday, August 29th for Popsicles with the Principal on the playground from 3:45-5:30. If you are unable to attend, no worries! See all of you on Tuesday, September 3rd for a full day of school!
Back to School Night: We’re already counting down to Back to School Night on Thursday, September 5th at 6:30 p.m.! This is a wonderful chance to meet your child’s teachers, learn about what’s in store for the year and connect with other families in our community.
Meet the Maire Elementary Staff by clicking on the presentation below!
Suggested School Supply List 2024/2025
Below is the link to the recommended school supply list by grade level.
Parking Lot Safety Attendants
Arrival times: 8:05-8:25am
Dismissal times: 3:25-3:45pm
Please click on the link below to learn more about Maire's parking lot safety and procedures.
Student - Parent Handbook 2024-2025
Kid's Club Registration for 2024-25 School Year
Registration for 2024-25 Kids Club is now open. Click here for all the information you need to register.
Please contact Crystal Fletcher at mailto:fletchc@gpschools.org with any questions.
Maire PTO Sponsored Events are listed below!
More information about PTO events can be found on the PTO website at mairepto.org.
Please click on the link to order your spirit wear today!
When your child is ill.........
Daily Student Medication: If your child needs to be given any type of medication during the duration of the school day, you MUST have a current Student Medication Form on file starting on September 5th. We will not honor an out of date form.
"Maire Moment" Dates:
*Late Start Monday's 9:05
8/29 Popsicles with the Principal 3:45-5:30
9/3 First FULL Day of School 8:20am bell and PTO Welcome Back Bagels on the blacktop
9/5 Maire Back to School Night 6:30pm - more info to follow
9/19 PTO Coney Night
9/25 Lifetouch Photo Day - more info to follow ; make-up picture retake day 11/7
10/4 Maire Fun Run
10/5 Maire Progressive Dinner Night
10/16 PTO Meeting at 7pm in the Library
10/15 Haunted Garage
We will be providing free breakfast and lunch for students in the 2024-25 school year. This does not include a la carte items.
Link to: Maire Lunch Menu
All students in Michigan public schools will be able to receive one breakfast and one lunch daily at no cost for the 2024-25 School Year.
Important things to know:
- Students must have three out of the five food groups for the meal to be free.
- There will still be a charge for milk only and ala carte purchases.
- Student accounts WILL NOT be allowed to go negative.
- Families who would qualify for free or reduced meals should still fill out an application online. You can log in to the K-12 preregistration forms to do so.
- Please remember if you would like to be a volunteer you MUST have completed the Volunteer Release Inquiry prior to your assigned day.
- Maire Elementary School Lunchroom / Recess Volunteer Information
- Maire Lunch Sign Up Link. This can also be found on the Maire PTO Facebook page each week.
Maire Weekly Flyers
Here is the link to our weekly flyers: Click Here
Flyers may also be accessed by going to the Maire website and clicking on the "Newsletters" button.
Ensure your contact information in MiStar Parent Connect is current and accurate, including who is authorized to pick up your student (if you didn't get a snow day notification, be aware we will be using that same contact information for an emergency).
- We will use this information and multiple communication channels (phone call, email, text message (if opted in) to provide accurate and timely information in the event of an emergency.
- If necessary, we may also use our District website (GPPSS), district social media (Facebook https://www.facebook.com/GPPSS), Twitter (@GPSchools), and local news outlets may be asked to broadcast information.
Explain to your student that cell phones should not be used during an emergency unless directed by an adult. Your student must pay attention to instructions from trained personnel.
Maire Elementary School
Email: karpinc@gpschools.org
Website: https://mi01000971.schoolwires.net/gpmaire
Location: 740 Cadieux Road, Grosse Pointe, MI, USA
Phone: 313-432-4300
Twitter: @GPmaire