Ranger Report
April 19, 2024
Important Upcoming Dates
Mark Your Calendars
04/26 - No school for staff or students
04/27 - Prom
05/13 - 05/17 - May break
05/27 - Holiday, no school
A Focus on Academics
Please partner with us to ensure that your child is proficient in all essential learning standards. EHS teachers and counselors are working actively to reteach challenging concepts, reach out to families and create action plans for students who have not yet shown proficiency. We can do this!
How is my child doing? Log into PowerSchool
A Focus on SBAC
Why - SBAC Matters:
We encourage high student participation in this test for multiple reasons. This test provides teachers with the data necessary to look at how our students are doing compared to other districts and allows us to make changes in our programs if needed. We do not receive any money for how our students do on this test, but it holds us accountable to ensure we provide a comparable education to other schools. For more information, see the Family guide linked below.
Family Guide and Information for SBAC Testing
Spanish Language - Family Guide and Information for SBAC Testing
A Focus on SBAC
Why - SBAC Matters:
We encourage high student participation in this test for multiple reasons. This test provides teachers with the data necessary to look at how our students are doing compared to other districts and allows us to make changes in our programs if needed. We do not receive any money for how our students do on this test, but it holds us accountable to ensure we provide a comparable education to other schools. For more information, see the Family guide linked below.
Family Guide and Information for SBAC Testing
Spanish Language - Family Guide and Information for SBAC Testing
A Focus on College
Scholarship Opportunities
2024 Oregon Jaycee Foundation scholarship program. Our foundation will award up to $10,000 in scholarships to several graduating Oregon high school seniors in the Class of 2024. The amount of the scholarship is a one-time grant. The final selection of a recipient will be based on the following criteria: leadership qualities, personal accomplishments and community service.
Soon to Expire Scholarship Opportunities
Clackamas Community College Scholarships are due April 24th. One application for all of them.
Estacada Academic Incentive Scholarship- $1500
Estacada Honors Scholarship- $2,500
Estacada Opportunity Scholarship- $2,500
Holden Scholarship- $2500 (10) Eligibility- Available to Estacada, Molalla, and Coltan High Schools pursuing an education at CCC)
April 25th- S.L. Campbell and Family Scholarship (2) $500- Involvement in school activities
April 25th- Estacada Garden Club Scholarship $500- For students interested in Horticulture, Sustainable Agriculture or Environmental programs
April 25th- Estacada Area Literary Foundation-$500- For all seniors
Second Home
Did you know there are unaccompanied youth struggling with housing instability in your community? Become a volunteer host home provider for a student who wants to finish high school.
¿Sabía que hay jóvenes en nuestra comunidad que padecen de inestabilidad de hogar? Al ofrecerle alojamiento a un(a) joven, usted puede proveerle la estabilidad de un hogar seguro y afectuoso.
Class of 2024 Event Calendar
Class of 2024,
Our senior webpage will help you stay informed and updated on all the exciting senior happenings!
Classrooms are Cell Phone Free Zones
Life is full of distractions that keep us from performing our best.
Our expectation is that classrooms are cell phone free zones.
The classroom is a space for learning and engagement in preparation for a student’s next step in life. Join us in fostering this commitment to learning by:
Talking with your student about their cell phone use in school.
Be prepared to set limits and to collaborate with school staff in making learning a priority.