State Testing Update-CAASPP & CAST
February 11, 2022
Wednesday, Mar 2, 2022, 08:00 AM
Dear Families,
First, let me assure you that as a former classroom teacher and school principal, I understand that a single test score will not give us everything we need to know about how your student is doing. Our students are much more than a once-a-year assessment score.
Your student's participation in these assessments is vital to us. Not only does it provide an academic data point for us, but it also provides other families and the state insight into how our academic program is doing. Since we are publicly funded, participation and testing response numbers in this state assessment are crucial for our school growth. It does impact us as a school, but it also provides an opportunity for a family to see how their student compares to other students in the State of California. In addition, our teachers will be able to use this as ONE data point to individualize a students' academic growth plans.
Our goal is to ensure every student becomes an actively literate, contributing member of society. The tests your student will take are designed to measure how they are doing in meeting these goals. Your student will take the CAASPP Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments during our designated testing window, the week of March 2nd- June 2nd, 2022. You will receive more detailed information regarding your student's specific testing dates and times in the coming weeks. All students will test remotely this year.
If you have questions about the assessment or available accessibility resources, please reach out to your student’s homeroom teacher. If you have any questions regarding your student’s participation, please feel free to contact me directly.
How long will the Smarter Balanced Assessments take?
The estimated amount of time individual students need will depend on the grade level, content area, and type of items. The time estimates do not reflect total computer lab time (including the time needed to start computers, log students on, etc.); they estimate only the time students will spend testing for each content area.
Due to COVID, the computer adaptive test (CAT) portion has been reduced by approximately 50 percent in math and ELA. Given that performance tasks (PTs) are designed to be integrated tasks, the blueprints associated with the PTs have not been adjusted. This results in a fifty percent reduction in the time needed to administer the CAT. This means that testing times for combined ELA or mathematics tests have been reduced by between one and a half and two hours across all grade spans.
What resources are available for students?
How can I help my student get ready for the test?
You are an important part of your student’s education. Some things you can do to help your student are:
- Discuss the test with your student. Make sure they are not afraid or anxious.
Tell your student that you and their teacher have high expectations and that you are both there to help them every step of the way.
Have your student take a practice test.
Is there a practice test available?
The link below accesses both the practice and training tests portal. The practice tests provide students with grade-specific testing experiences that are similar in structure and format to the summative assessments. The training tests provide students with the opportunity to quickly become familiar with the software and interface features. The training tests are organized by grade bands (e.g., 3–5).
Practice tests can be found at http://www.caaspp.org/practice-and-training/index.html
Additional Information
If a parent requests that their child be exempted from CAASSPP testing, the parent must do the following:
Request in writing that their child be exempted from the CAASPP tests.
Email a signed copy of your request to Principal Ciolino at Sabrina.Ciolino@peak-prep.org
The letter should include the following information:
- Child’s full name
Date of birth
Grade level
Indicate which tests you want your student exempted from (All CAASPP test or any specific content area: English, Math, or Science). A parent can exempt their student from just one or all of the required CAASPP tests.
Wet signature (pen on paper) and date the request.
A way to contact you (such as a cell phone or email address).
Please note: We require a separate letter for each student.
You do not need to provide a reason for your request. Be sure to sign and date the request. Please note that, per state guidelines, if your request is received after testing has begun, any test(s) started before the request is received will be completed, scored and the results reported to you and included in the student’s records.
If your student does not participate in testing they will be expected to complete classwork in the LMS.
We are committed to your student's academic success and devoted to ensuring that each student has the support they need to succeed. If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me! I am here to support you.
Mrs. Sabrina Ciolino
Peak Prep Pleasant Valley
Mobile: 415-320-1401
Email: sabrina.ciolino@peak-prep.org
Website: peak-prep.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/peakprep/
Address: 2150 Pickwick Drive #304 Camarillo, CA 93010
Peak Prep Pleasant Valley
Email: info@peak-prep.org
Website: www.peak-prep.org
Location: 2150 Pickwick Drive #304 Camarillo, CA 93010
Phone: 855-900-7325
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/peakprep/
Twitter: @peakpreppv