January 2025
January 2025 - Newsletter
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Hello Wolverine Parents and Families,
HAPPY NEW YEAR! There is something very rejuvenating about celebrating the start of a new year. While December is a nice time to reflect, January is when we start to take action on those goals we have set for ourselves in the coming year. I hope you have had some nice time with your family over the break, and I am SURE everyone is ready to get back to the regular routine…..well almost everyone.
Speaking of goals, allow me to encourage some thought around the goals our students might think about as they return to school. While we are here to support student learning, it is critical the STUDENT is at the center of the work to learn. Helping each individual student recognize and achieve their potential is an important part of what we do, but students who are successful at learning (and life for that matter) have to assume the responsibility for the effort and time they put into their learning.
What goals might this stimulate some thinking around you may ask?
Attendance. The research is very clear; students who are at school learn at higher levels. Make it a goal to be here at least 90% of the time.
Behavior. Students who are making the right choices to be kind, follow directions, and stay on task are more successful both academically and socially. Make it a goal to follow expectations at all times.
Effort. Being a successful student is not easy. Sometimes you have to work at something you don’t really want to do. Sometimes you have to work on something you don’t really understand very well. Sometimes you have to work with people you don’t really want to work with. We all know however, that the harder you work and the more persistent you are, the more successful you are. Make it a goal to try your best in all your classes on every assignment every day. The partnership between home and school is a critical one to ensure a student’s success. That partnership is really a triad of teacher, student, and parent working together to engage, empower, and encourage students to ensure they learn. Let’s make it a great 2025 working together for your students’ success!
Chief Info
Important Dates
- Jan 8, 15, 22 : One-hour late starts
- Jan 16: 6:00pm PTO meeting, 6:30 Community Levy Information Forum
- Jan 20: MLK Day (NO SCHOOL)
- Jan 23 & 24: 3 hr Early release for End of Semester, students released at 11:40.
- Jan 24: End of 1st Semester
- Jan 27: Start of 2nd Semester
- Jan 29: Teacher in-service day (no student attendance)
2024-25 school calendar
The 2024-25 academic calendar (Русский) (Español) is online. Here are some key dates:
Spring break: Monday, March 31, through Friday, April 4
In-service dates (no student attendance): Jan. 29
Last day of school: Tuesday, June 10 (assuming no added days for weather-related closures)
March 25-28, 2025 @ Cispus Learning Center
Snow routes available and winter weather guide
Snow routes for 2024-25 are now posted on the district website. Be sure and take a moment to check out our handy winter weather guide for information on late starts or school closures due to weather-related impacts. Please note, the district is divided into “north” and “south” schools. This year, Battle Ground Virtual Academy is considered a south school.
In case of a school closure or late start, we may begin contacting families as early as 5:30 a.m. We will attempt to contact you at the telephone number and email address that are listed in your Skyward (Family Access) account. We would encourage you to take a minute and log into Skyward to verify your contact information is up to date. You can also reach out to your school office for assistance.
Bus Passes
Students can drop off a parent note for a student to ride a bus not their own in the office before school or during student lunches. Students can pick up their buss pass in the office at the end of the day. Parents can also email bus passes to info.cms@battlegroundps.org Bus passes will not be written for students after school.
Report your students Absences
When your student will be or is absent please let us know by emailing info.cms@battlegroundps.org. Be sure to include the reason so we can log the absence correctly. You can also enter the absence through Skyward.
PTO news
6th grade Outdoor School Fundraising
6th Grade Outdoor School Fundraising kick off! Our goal is to raise $13,000 which will fund: camp t-shirts for all students/staff/volunteers, 2 learning session on the low ropes course, a Forrest Ecology field study, a Salmon Ecology Field Study, and access to Archery as an optional activity. Use the QR code or the link to donate now! https://www.paypal.com/donate?campaign_id=ZSEB7LVUSGYHC
In November 6th graders completed their Read-A-Thon fundraiser with over $2,000! Way to Read 6th Grade! All funds went to support the 6th grade Outdoor School. $2,000 of the $13,000 goal has been raised!
Join our direct mailing list by filling out this google form.
Chief Sports Update
Season 3
Girls soccer January 13, 2025 - February 26, 2025
Boys basketball January 27, 2025 - March 12, 2025
Activity fee
Students who participate in middle school sports pay a one-time $40 fee per sport that cover some program costs such as transportation between games and officials. Find out if your family qualifies for waived activity fees.
All fines and current fees must be paid before the first contest in order for the student to be able to participate. If fees are a burden to your family, please contact your school’s main office.
Sports physicals
Students who participate in sports must have a sports physical before practices begin (physical clearance is good for 24 months). Sports physicals must be completed prior to the start of practices.
WIAA sports physical form (PDF)
Consent to share
Students wishing to take advantage of no-fee sports or other activities must have a new meal benefit application and consent to share form (русский) (Español) on file before registering for fall sports, even if you had a previous approved application on file. The consent to share can also be completed as part of the annual student update through Skyward.
Replacement Levy - Information meeting
You are invited to attend a special presentation for our school to get details on the replacement education and operations levy that will appear on the ballot on Feb. 11. The levy would provide funding for programs and services that affect students at our school, as well as students at every BGPS school.
Date: January 16, 2025
Time: 6:30-7:30
Location: Chief Umtuch MS Library
Everyone is welcome. All presentations are open to the public. Childcare and light refreshments will be provided. Please bring your ID if you need to access childcare.
In the event of a weather-related school closure, the presentation will be canceled. However, anyone may attend a different presentation at another school or find information on the district website.
Schoolwide Expectation Reminders
Cell Phones & Electronics - OFF & AWAY - ALL DAY
All electronic devices (phones, earbuds, etc.) must be powered off and put in backpacks while students are at school. If you need to reach your student during the day for emergency or transportation reasons, please call the main office. 1st offense is a warning. 2nd offense the phone is turned into the office for the day and the student can pick it up after school (minor referral). 3rd offense the phone is turned into the office and a parent must pick up the phone (major referral).
Hats/Hoods off & Gum free
Students should remove hats and hoods when entering the building. Gum should be thrown in a garbage can before entering the building for the day.
Student Online Safety
Keeping students safe online is a priority in Battle Ground Public Schools. Recent events have reinforced the need to use caution when interacting online. These include national reports of online groups targeting children and teens. While we are not aware of BGPS students being targeted by these groups, it is important for staff, students and parents/guardians to work together to keep our young people safe.
How you can help students be safe
Please periodically review these tips with your child:
Students should keep their passwords confidential. They should not share passwords or allow others to use their Chromebook after they sign in.
Use school email addresses for only school-related communication and activities.
Be cautious when accepting friend requests; communicating with other people online; and sharing photos, videos, and identifying information on social media and other sites. Review privacy settings to limit who can see this information.
Monitor what your child is doing online and discuss risks associated with sharing personal content.
Use GoGuardian Parent to see how your child is using their device. Get information on GoGuardian Parent.
How BGPS keeps students safe
BGPS supports the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act and insists that websites the district uses adhere to this law.
The district provides active supervision and filtering of content on all devices in accordance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act.
The district restricts access to apps that have the potential for abuse or pose cybersecurity risks.
Student data privacy agreements protect student information in conjunction with the Washington Student Data Privacy Alliance.
Students learn about digital citizenship and appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms, and cyberbullying awareness and response.
AI in the classroom
Artificial intelligence is a growing part of our everyday lives and there are a lot of questions about its use in classrooms. Battle Ground Public Schools uses MagicSchool for teachers and MagicStudent on the student side. MagicStudent does not collect student data and includes important safeguards to provide a safe environment to build AI literacy skills and accessibility tools to develop independence and improve learning. Visit the district website for more resources about going online safely.
BGPS District Information
Attend CASEE Science Night on Thursday, Jan. 16
What, exactly, is CASEE? Come learn about the district’s half-day science-based program for high school students. The Center for Agriculture, Science and Environmental Education is holding their annual Science Night open house on Thursday, Jan. 16, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Visit with teachers and current students, view ongoing experiments and tour the 80-acre outdoor learning campus in Brush Prairie (11104 NE 149th St). Students in grades 8-11, along with their parents/guardians, are welcome to attend. Please RSVP in advance. We hope to see you there!
Dual credit information night is Thursday, Jan. 23
Battle Ground Public School is hosting a virtual presentation via Google Meet to provide information about dual credit for all students and families, eighth through 11th grades, on Thursday, Jan. 23, from 4-5 p.m. Dual credit provides students with the potential to earn high school and college credit at the same time. Information will include Running Start at Clark College, Cascadia Tech Academy (Skills Center), career and technical education dual credit, work-based learning, College in the High School and Advanced Placement classes. If you have any questions, contact Work-Based Learning Coordinator Kris Neal via email at neal.kris@battlegroundps.org.
Join the instructional materials committee!
This committee ensures that new teaching and learning materials were selected following the proper process and evaluates library books that are being reconsidered. The deadline to apply is January 26, 2025. Apply now.
Employee Recognition Award
Do you know an amazing staff member? The new Employee Recognition Awards will highlight staff members who reflect the district’s strategic plan goals. Three nominees will be selected each month and recognized at a board meeting. Everyone is welcome to submit a nomination.
See the library books that your child has checked out
School libraries are important sources of information for young readers. Parents and guardians are welcome to see what's available in their child’s school library and review the books their child has checked out. Find out how. If there are books you do not wish your child to read, please contact the teacher-librarian at your child's school. The teacher librarian will note these restrictions in your child's account.
Attendance matters
Regular attendance and punctuality are essential to student learning and success. The skills that students learn in primary school will help them be successful in middle and high school. A student’s attendance often can predict whether they are likely to graduate high school on time.
In addition, your child learns valuable social skills at school and has the opportunity to develop meaningful relationships with students and staff. Please let us know how we can support your child and your family in maintaining attendance. Learn more.
Math Nation
Free for students, Math Nation provides resources that can help with sixth through eighth grade math, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 and ACT/SAT prep. Students can use Math Nation to watch instructional videos, complete workbooks, receive virtual tutoring and more. To get started, log in through Clever and look for the Accelerate Learning app. Questions? Email terri@mathnation.com.
Chickenpox cases
In recent weeks, Battle Ground Public Schools has experienced chickenpox cases at several buildings. When this happens, Clark County Public Health may direct students who do not have documented immunization to stay home for 21 days to reduce the chance of the disease spreading further. A student may be able to return to school sooner with documented proof of immunity. If you have questions about your child’s chickenpox immunization status, please reach out to their school nurse.
Immunization requirements
Washington’s Department of Public Health requires that students who do not have all of their legally required immunizations or an approved exemption on file must be excluded from classes starting Friday, Nov. 15. Letters for families who are currently out of compliance were mailed on Friday, Oct. 25. Visit the Washington Department of Health website for more information on what vaccines are required to attend school in the state of Washington, or how to obtain an approved certificate of exemption.
Report, don’t repost
If you see or hear of a possible threat, please report it to law enforcement directly and/or to school staff. This is the best and most helpful action because it begins an investigation and helps to limit the potential for misinformation to spread.
Reposting or sharing a threat on social media in an attempt to warn others spreads the threat farther from its original source and may cause unnecessary alarm and fear.
You can report bullying, intimidation, harassment, threats and safety concerns using our anonymous reporting system. Emergencies should always be reported to 911.
Get prepared for winter weather
November is officially the start of winter weather season in southwest Washington. That means there is always the chance that snow or hazardous road conditions could delay or cancel school. Here are some tips on how you can be prepared:
Download and/or print our weather guide informational flyer (русский) (Español).
Confirm whether your child’s school(s) are in the north or south part of the district.
Make sure your primary phone number and email address are correct in Skyward - Family Access.
Download the Battle Ground Public Schools app on the Apple App Store or Google Play and allow push notifications.
Follow Battle Ground Public Schools on Facebook or Instagram.
On weather-impacted days, calls may begin going out as early as 5:30 a.m. You can also call our information line at 360-885-5343 to check after 5:30 a.m.
Visit the district website for additional information on weather-related impacts, snow route information and much more.
Athletic events at District Stadium
To provide a safe, enjoyable environment for students and families during athletic events at District Stadium, all primary and middle students must be accompanied by an adult age 18 or older who will be responsible for the student(s) for the duration of the event. The adult cannot be a high school student. Primary and middle school students will not be allowed to enter if they are not accompanied by an adult. In addition, only clear bags are allowed into District Stadium. Read more.
New websites and mobile app
Battle Ground Public Schools has launched new websites, along with a brand new mobile app! You can find the mobile app on the Apple App Store and Google Play. It will allow you to set notifications for individual schools, quickly view updates, get alerts on weather-impacted days and much more.
January 2025 school menus
Battle Ground Public Schools is partnering with Chartwells to provide breakfast and lunch at school. Menus are still available via Nutrislice and meal expenses can still be paid through InTouch Receipting, just like last year. Printable menus are also available on the district and school websites.
Consent to share
Students wishing to take advantage of no-fee sports or other activities must have a new meal benefit application and consent to share form (русский) (Español) on file before registering for fall sports, even if you had a previous approved application on file. The consent to share can also be completed as part of the annual student update through Skyward.
Care Solace: Your link to mental health support
Battle Ground Public Schools has partnered with Care Solace to support the well-being of students and their immediate family members. Care Solace is a complimentary and confidential care coordination service that can help any student and/or their immediate family members quickly find mental health or substance use treatment options matched to their needs, regardless of insurance or circumstance. If you would like to use Care Solace to help you find a provider:
Call 888-515-0595 (available 24/7/365 in any language).
Visit www.caresolace.com/battlegroundps and either search on your own or select “Book appointment” for assistance by video chat, email or phone.
Employee Recognition Award
Do you know an amazing staff member? The new Employee Recognition Awards will highlight staff members who reflect the district’s strategic plan goals. Three nominees will be selected each month and recognized at a board meeting. Everyone is welcome to submit a nomination.
Safety protocols
Battle Ground Public Schools joins most Southwest Washington schools and districts in using the Standard Response Protocol for emergencies. Depending on the situation, a school will be placed in a hold, secure, lockdown, evacuation or shelter. See what these terms mean. This common language helps schools, first responders and the community communicate clearly and effectively to reduce misunderstandings in emergency situations.
Safety Study Hall
Visit the Safety Study Hall website, a place for schools, students, and families to learn about safety topics.
Looking for something to do?
Be sure to check out our Community Events page for fun ideas of things to do throughout the local community. Nonprofit organizations looking to share their own upcoming events are welcome to submit a flyer to be included. Flyers are posted on the community events webpage and printed at relevant schools on their community bulletin boards. The BGPS community flyer checklist provides information about what is required for flyer submission.
Russian, Ukrainian and Spanish translation and interpretation services
Услуги по устному и письменному переводу на русский и украинский языки 360-885-5433
Servicios de Traducción e Interpretación en Español 360-885-5431
Report incidents anonymously with SafeSchools
Please report bullying, intimidation, harassment, threats and safety concerns using our anonymous reporting system. Reporters can remain anonymous. Emergencies should always be reported to 911. Learn more about emergency procedures and safety protocols.
Busing and First Student ParentView app
Bus routes posted and FirstView mobile app
Bus routes are now available online. For questions about school district bus service, call your school or First Student at 360-841-7099, ext. 103 or 104. Please be aware that the first several weeks of school can often see changes to routes as First Student makes adjustments. Any changes impacting riders will be communicated by your child’s school.
Due to road construction in many areas of the district, some buses may need to take a detour and/or may be delayed. For the most up-to-date route information, late alerts, notifications when your student is close to home, etc., we strongly recommend installing the FirstView mobile app, available through the Apple App Store and Google Play. PLEASE NOTE: The district code has changed this year. To use the app, enter the four-digit code LMWV. Get instructions for installing the app.
Health and safety resources
See health and safety resources from the Washington state Dept. of Health.
Student Hours (Monday – Friday)
8:10 a.m.– 2:40 p.m. – Student Hours
9:10 a.m. – 2:40 p.m. – Wednesday Late Start
10:10 a.m. – 2:40 p.m. – 2hr Late Start
Student drop off begins at 7:45am (or 8:45am on Wednesdays). Please do not drop students off before this time. Click here for Full Bell Schedules
We believe in a safe learning community where all members are valued, respected, and encouraged to reach their maximum potential.
Creating Excitement for Learning
(360)885-6350 - info.cms@battlegroundps.org
Principal - Tamarah Grigg
Assistant Principal - Justin Pierce
We serve students in fifth through eighth grades in Battle Ground, Washington! Our mission is to prepare children to succeed in the next step of their lives.
The Battle Ground Public Schools is an equal opportunity employer and prohibits discrimination in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Information about the district’s nondiscrimination and sex-based discrimination policies and grievance procedures are located on the district’s website at https://www.battlegroundps.org/notice-of-nondiscrimination/. The following employees have been designated to receive and respond to questions and complaints of alleged discrimination:
Title IX Coordinator: Tom Adams, Director of Student Services, Battle Ground Public Schools, PO Box 200, Battle Ground, WA 98604, adams.tom@battlegroundps.org, 360.885.5415
and/or U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR). Title IX inquiries may also be referred to the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR) https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/index.html
Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator/Section 504/ADA Coordinator: Michelle Reinhardt, Executive Director of Human Resources, Battle Ground Public Schools, PO Box 200, Battle Ground, WA 98604, reinhardt.michelle@battlegroundps.org. 360.885.5481