Golden Nuggets
November ETE Preschool Newsletter
Goodbye, October!
Dear Families,
October was a busy month filled with many fun learning experiences for our Preschool Students. We have been busy with our visit from North West Fire Fighters, apple counting and tasting, spooky science experiments and pumpkin explorations.
You may have seen a family collage board come home this week. We are just beginning a unit of study on Families. Please decorate your family's collage board with pictures, words, names, and any fun family traditions so your child can share it with their class. If you did not get a family collage board, please ask Michelle and she will get you one.
Describing our Pumpkins
What's inside?
Mrs. Burro came to Trick-or-Treat!
When does your family eat your Thanksgiving meal?
Thanksgiving Feast
Join us for our Thanksgiving Feast at the Park County School District RE-2 campus on Tuesday 11/19/24. If your child is in a full day preschool class, please meet us at the Miner Diner at 11:30am. If your child is in a half day class, feel free to bring your child and join us in the Miner Diner at 11:30am.
Enter through the Burro Plaza Doors.
Students and children B-3 years old are FREE
Adult meals are $5.00 each
Parent Teacher Conference Time!
Parent Teacher conferences are on November 21st and 22nd. You child's teacher will be asking you to sign-up for a time that works for you. Conferences will be 15 minutes long. Please come prepared to ask any questions that you may have. Your teacher will share your child's Individualized Learning Plan with you. If you can not meet on the 21st or 22nd, please talk with your child's teacher about a time that will work for you both.
Important Preschool Reminders
The snow is here! We go outside almost every day. Please label all of your child's belongings with their name. Let us know if you need help finding any snow gear for your child.
Please make sure your child has a change of clothes at school. We change clothes often in the winter because children get wet when outside.
2 Hour Delay:
-Our doors open at 9:50am for the Full Day classes.
-Morning Preschool classes are cancelled
-Afternoon classes start on time
November 20th is Early Release:
-No afternoon classes.
-Full Day parents, please pick up your child at noon. We will eat lunch early that day at 11:30.
Thanksgiving Break is November 27th and 28th. We will not have classes.
Drop-Off: ETE Preschool Doors automatically open 10 minutes before your class session starts. Our classroom doors open at the scheduled start time. Teachers will be gathering supplies and getting ready for children until then.
Pick-Up: ETE Preschool Doors automatically open 10 minutes before your class session ends. Teachers will open the classroom door and dismiss your students at their scheduled release time.
Lunch at Preschool (Full Day classes):
- On Early Release Days, we will eat lunch early at 11:30am. Please order a hot lunch or send a cold lunch.
- Please only sign-up for a hot lunch from school if you did not pack a cold lunch from home.
- We do not refrigerate lunches, please send an ice pack in lunch boxes that need to be kept cold.
- We can not microwave your child's lunch. If you would like to send warm food, cook it and send it in a thermos to keep it warm.
Colorado UPK
If you have not yet signed your 4 year old up for Colorado's Universal Preschool Program, there is still time! Check out: https://upk.colorado.gov/
If you need support signing up, Contact Ashlyn Sims at: tpecc.familyresource@gmail.com
Supporting Your Child at Home
Frustration is a common emotion in young children and typically occurs as a child begins to discover the many things he would like to do, but simply cannot do yet. Frustration is a natural and healthy emotion and can provide a positive learning experience for a child. The feelings of frustration that occur when your child has difficulty communicating his needs are his cue that he needs to try to do something in a different way or that what he is doing is not working. You can teach your child how to deal with frustration in a way that is useful for him. Most important, you must respond to frustration when it first arises before it changes into anger or becomes the dreaded temper tantrum. Two skills children must learn in order to deal with frustration are: 1) how to ask for help, and 2) know when to take a break!
- Spanish: https://challengingbehavior.org/docs/backpack/BackpackConnection_emotions_frustration_SP.pdf
- English: https://challengingbehavior.org/docs/backpack/BackpackConnection_emotions_frustration.pdf
We hope you find this resource beneficial. We have printed copies available if you would like a copy. If you have any questions or need further support, please feel free to reach out.
Local Events
Check out the "Local Events" tab on the Park County School District website. It is next to "Announcements" and will house all of our community events.
Here is the link: https://www.parkcountyre2.org/en-US/local-events-517eaa78