BV Schools Monthly
April Edition - Buena Vista School District
STATE Testing - April 10-21st. In all things, we have a mind and heart to give our best.
April 10, 2023
5:00 pm
Virtual: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2844935009?pwd=bUEyT25HdzlBME9BaGpkWmdUK05xdz09
7 C - Constructive
DRAFT Revised District Priorities
Family Share Questions/Ideas to the District
BV Schools Proud!
Click the Red Button above to read more Celebrations and reasons to be BV Schools Proud!
The headline photo of this BV Monthly is that of FOUR sets of brothers who qualified to compete at Colorado State Wrestling Championships! This is quite the accomplishment for any team to have so many state qualifiers and so unique to have siblings! Read more about the event here.
Click the Red Button "Good to Knows" to learn more about the following topics:
State Testing - CMAS, PSAT, SAT
All students, grades 3rd-11th are administered state tests in April. Important information about state testing. Also see a Family Letter required to be sent each year. Testing Letter.
Social Media, Website and App
Another way we are spreading BV SCHOOLS Proud! is through social media and our live feed on our app/website. See below to download the app! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. @bvschoolsthepeak
BV Schools and What’s in the News
Click the red button above to read about each topic.
The media and politicians are focusing much attention on public education these days. We celebrate the collective commitment to the education and wellbeing of our youth. It is a worthy dialogue for us all to engage. Unfortunately, not all that is highlighted in the news is the reality of your local schools. We welcome, invite, and encourage our families and community to contribute to the goodness of BV Schools. Our local school board is available to link to the community, the BV PEAKS (Partners Engaged Around Kids’ Success) meets regularly to exchange information about the schools, there are monthly meetings and this Monthly. Each month, we will begin sharing information about topics in public education and provide some perspective on what is happening in your local BV Schools.
This month's topic:
Topic Five: Student Well Being and Behaviors - What’s going on with our students?
Previous topics:
Topic Four: Clubs - Does BV Schools Allow Some Types of Clubs But Not Others?
Topic Three: Are math scores declining?
Topic Two: Teachers are Indoctrinating Students with their Personal Beliefs
Topic One: Most third graders are not reading at grade level and the Science of Reading
Click the red button above to read about each topic.
Download our Mobile App
Buena Vista School District
Website: https://bvschools.org
Location: 113 North Court Street, Buena Vista, CO, USA
Phone: 719-395-7000