Thomas Parent/Teacher Conferences
Information and Sign-Up Details (Updated 10/15/24)
Dear TMS Parents and Guardians,
TMS will host in-person Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences on Monday, November 4, 2024 at Thomas Middle School. Here is key conference information:
What is the goal of conferences?
- TMS staff strives to communicate, connect, celebrate success, and problem-solve with parents and students.
- TMS Conferences focus on supporting struggling students and students who would benefit from having parents and teachers work together with the student to discuss concerns and plans for support.
- Middle School Conferences are different than Elementary School Conferences ~ NOT all students need a conference.
- Due to the large number of students at TMS and the time given for conferences, not all students can be provided with a conference on Conference Day - 11/4/24.
- Student grade information can be found in PowerSchool and parents can request to meet with teachers or the team at any point in the school year. Please reach out the your child's team leader if you have any questions.
- Conferences are in-person at TMS and middle school students are expected to attend conferences with their parent(s).
- Conference times slots are booked in 10-minute increments, but conferences are only 7 minutes long. The 3 minutes in between is for students and parents to travel to each teacher's location.
What are the conference times on Monday, 11/4?
- Conferences will begin at 8:20 AM and end at 7:35 PM.
- There will be breaks for staff to have lunch (11:20 AM -12:20 PM) and dinner (4:20 -5:20 PM).
- We use the PTC WIZARD platform for families to sign up for conferences.
- Parents can log into the PTC WIZARD site by clicking here and entering your child's login information.
Sign Up Time Line:
- Platform OPENS on Tuesday, 10/15/24 @ 8 AM
- Platform CLOSES on Friday, 11/1/24 @ 8 AM
Thank you,
TMS Admins and Team Leaders
- Alpha - Arin Damico, email: adamico@sd25.org
- Beta - Katie Biewer, email: kbiewer@sd25.org
- Delta - Kate Renno, email: krenno@sd25.org
- Gamma - Jodi Cyr, email: jcyr@sd25.org
- Epsilon - Greg Stocco, email: gstocco@sd25.org
- Zeta - Anthony Kuch, email: akuch@sd25.org
How do I sign up for a conference?
Step 1 - All Parents - How to Create Your New PTC Wizard Account
Create Parent Login - PTC Wizard link: https://app.ptcwizard.com/ptc1632250518. This link will direct you to the registration page, where you can create your account and add your child's Student ID.
You will need your child’s Student ID in order to create an account. You could ask your child for their Student ID (it is their lunch number). This ID number was emailed to you.
PTC Wizard will allow 2 parents/guardians to sign up individually for conferences if needed, or just one parent can go in and complete the signup process.
Step 2 - Once your PTC Wizard Parent Account is created, please review this demo video on how to sign up for conferences for your child. Watch this Brief Demo Video
Setup Your Parent PowerSchool and Schoology Accounts at Conferences!
- Haven't created an account yet?
- Have an account but forgot the password?
- Need to add a new student to an existing account?
- Want to use the app or enable email notifications?
Kaitlin Fajks, our Technology Integrationist, will be available to meet with you during conferences to answer any questions and get your accounts activated! Can't wait until then? You can always request account support here!
TMS Office Information
Address: 1430 N. Belmont Ave. Arlington Heights, IL 60004
Phone: 847-398-4260
Fax: 847-394-6843