Hansen Weekly Update
Sept. 15th, 2024
Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year!
Hello Hansen Families,
I'd like to thank all of you for your outstanding participation at both the K-1 Open House back in late Aug., and last Wednesday's Gr. 2 - 5 Open House. Your enthusiasm in visiting our school, and allowing your children to 'give you the tour' strengthens the all-important home-school connection, and your child(ren)'s pride in their education, so thank you!
This week's Hansen Weekly Updates contains important information on Powerschool, Mandatory parent forms, after school activities, and more! Please make sure to read this issue thoroughly, and fill out any forms linked for parents.
As a reminder, this coming Wed. is an early release day, and students are dismissed at 11:50 a.m. Please make arrangements to ensure they are picked up by 12:10 p.m. on Wednesday, and have adults waiting at home for bus drop-offs around the same time. Thank you.
With Hansen Pride,
Paul McKnight
Hansen Elementary School
Coming Soon...
Sept. 18th: Early Release, 11:50 a.m., Building-based P.D.
Sept. 20th: STAR Assessment Window closes
Sept. 20th: Hansen Family Movie Night 5:00 - 9:00 p.m. (Parking Lot)
Important - NEW School Start Time This Year
**Attention parents - our Hansen Elementary School's start / end times are now 8:40 a.m. and 2:55 p.m. If they are at their bus stop on time every day, and/or dropped off at 8:20 a.m., when doors open, they won't face the stress of being late, and learn the value of being on time.
Attached is this year's school calendar for you, below:
Our Future New Front Playground!
Our New Front Playground Takes Form!
Staying Cool on a Hot Friday!
Free & Reduced Lunch Form - Please Fill Out
Even though school lunch is universally free for all students again this year, we'd ask you to please fill out the Free & Reduced Lunch Form regardless, so that we have the ability to know how many families may need financial assistance at some point this year, with field trips, enrichment opportunities and in other payment situations. Please help us by filling it out!
Thank you!
Universal Testing
Students in grades 1-5 will be participating in STAR testing this week, if they haven't tested already last week. This STAR 360 Assessment is our universal screener that helps us identify current performance levels and will be administered three times this year to monitor progress and growth. This assessment is given on an ipad or chromebook and is adaptive so it will adjust as students answer questions correctly or incorrectly. Family reports will go home in the next couple of weeks with information on your child's Fall screening results and possible next steps.
Hansen Equity Team!
If you are interested in working to to ensure equity exists within the Hansen School Community, join the Hansen Equity Team. You can indicate your interest in joining us in this important work by clicking the link here. Information on our first meeting will be coming soon!
The Hansen Garden Club Is Looking For Student Members!
Hansen Welcomes Back Girls on the Run!
Join F.A.S.T. Athletics, the After School Exercise & Fun Club, this Fall!
Hello Hansen Families,
We are grateful for the opportunity to run these after school programs with the Hansen Elementary school. Please take a moment to look through the flier and see if our programs are of interest. We are offering grades K-2 Super Sports. Students will play a variety of sports and games each week. We are also offering grades 3-5 Flag Football and Dodgeball. When the weather is nice we will be outside playing flag football and on rainy days we will have dodgeball in the gym. We hope you will join us for all the fun this fall. (See Flier Below for Sign Up Info!)
Thank you!
F.A.S.T. Athletics
Traffic Reminders
Parents, if you are dropping off your student in our arrival line, please remember to stay in your vehicle. School staff will help your children exit when it is safe, and we'd ask that you not get out to assist, please. This way we know who is crossing, and our drop-off line moves in a fluid manner.
Thank you!
Bus Safety
If your child rides the bus, please remind them that they are expected to behave in a safe manner at all times on the bus. Standing up, yelling, throwing objects or engaging in verbally or physically unsafe or inappropriate behaviors will not be tolerated. Students who don't meet those expectations will be removed from the bus to ensure our bus drivers can safely transport students to and from school.
Thank you in advance for helping us ensure everyone riding the bus is safe this year!
Parents, Activate Your PowerSchool account / Update Mandatory Forms
We're excited to enhance our communication with you through Powerschool, our new portal for student information. To access your child's academic progress, attendance records, and more, please visit the PowerSchool Parent/Guardian sign in page. If you need to request your credentials to set up an account for the Powerschool Parent Portal, please submit a request here.
In addition to the portal, we're introducing a convenient text messaging feature to keep you updated on important school announcements. To opt in, simply text Y or yes to 67587.
Also, PLEASE NOTE: Parents, we need you to please review and update your demographic information, as well as manage media, handbook and device permissions for your student. This process will help ensure that your contact information is current and that you’ve provided the necessary permissions for the use of media and technology in our educational programs. Please click here for information on how to do this. These updates and form-completion steps are due by September 24th, so please complete these by then.
Thank you!
For Bus Parents - New FirstView App Available!
Our bus company, First Student has introduced an app for you to use to track the bus your child is on each day called FirstView. Click here for more information on this new opportunity for bus parents to have real time information on bus arrivals.
New Elementary Level Handbook
Parents, please click on the following link for the CPS Elementary Student / Family Handbook
It has a lot of important information that we'd like to share with you, so please make sure to review it.
A letter will be coming out from the district soon with information and links on acknowledgement, receipt and review of the handbook, along with other annual forms for parents to review and return.
Thank you!
CAPT Corner
Canton Association of Parents and Teachers (CAPT) Membership Renewal OR Registration
Now is the time to renew your Canton Association of Parents and Teachers (CAPT) Membership or join for the first time! Thank you in advance for your annual contribution. Without you, our organization could not provide the support for Hansen in-school programming, field trips, community-building events, and more!
Renew or register here: https://forms.gle/u7FEc3KRVj5wi3Et9. (Printable membership forms are
here and can be returned at an upcoming meeting or to the school. Questions about CAPT? Visit our website: https://sites.google.com/view/hansen-capt
Upcoming Events
Family Movie Night: 9/20/24. 6:30pm
Fall Festival Dance: 10/25/24 - Save the Date!
Champions of Wellness 5K Race / Walk
The second annual Champions of Wellness 5K race/walk is officially open for sign-ups! The race will take place on Sunday, November 24th at 9am starting at the Canton High School track. Registration is $25 and all money raised goes towards Canton Public Schools mental health education for students and scholarships for seniors.
Please be sure to register using the link below. Same day registration closes at 8:15am. Start your training!
Young Entrepreneur Day at Canton Farmers Market
Also For Parents:
This year we've introduced a new SEL curriculum to our classrooms - Wayfinder. For access to a visual outlining Wayfinder's 'Core Skills + Competencies' which the instructional curriculum is based, click here . Thank you!
Need Family Assistance?
Family Resources
The Canton Farmers Market also accepts SNAP and HIP
How to Get Help | The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Boston
More support:
Chat online or call 800-273-8255
Support For LGBTQ+ Youth
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
Text NAMI to 741741