79 booked in CCSO jails in 7 days
65 men, 14 women; year-to-date 885 +,
View and search more than 2,500 mugshots and arrest information for Cochise County jail inmates
At least 79 new arrests/bookings in last 7 days included in booking data and photos released by the Cochise County Sheriff's Office.
14 women, 65 men indicated with addresses from:
- Benson/St David 4
- Bisbee/Naco 4
- Bowie 1
- Douglas/Pirtleville 14
- Huachuca City 3
- Sierra Vista/Hereford 31
- Tombstone 1
- Willcox 1
- Tucson area 7
- Phoenix area 5
- Other AZ 2
- Out-of-state 2
Review more than 2,500 mugshot photos and thousands of jail booking data sets FREE at Jail Bookings section of www.CochiseCountyRecord.com
Selections from recent bookings
Paige Lynntoya Vandecar, 19, Sierra Vista
- Assault
- Disorderly conduct
Bond required for pre-trial release = $unknown
Thomas Lloyd Dean, 46, Willcox
- Sexual exploitation of minor
Bond required for pre-trial release = $ none set
Nathan L Nelson, 50, Benson
- Possess marijuana for sale
- Poss dangerous drug for sale
- Possess or use marijuana
- Possess or use dangerous drug
- Possess or use dangerous drug
- Possess or use dangerous drug
- Poss or use drug paraphernalia
- Poss or use drug paraphernalia
Bond required for pre-trial release = $350,000
Arrests and Bookings alone are NOT indications of guilt *
Listings may not be comprehensive, may not include all inmates being held in the Cochise County Sheriff's Office [CCSO] jails. The lists include people currently housed at the Cochise County Jails who have not been presented to the court, those who are awaiting bail and some who are serving sentences for violations of state and local statutes. The lists generally do not include federal prisoners or detainees.
The Cochise County Sheriff's Office provides the basic information to the public and makes their official presentation here.
Information contained in the Jail Bookings section of the Cochise County Record website is subject to frequent revision and as a result errors may occur. We do not warrant, expressly or otherwise, the information contained in the roster and will not be responsible for any damages, direct or otherwise, as a result of the users reliance upon the information contained anywhere in the web site. All users are cautioned to verify the information independently of this web site. Information provided should not be relied upon for any type of legal action.
CCR Publisher David M Morgan is a founding supporter or the Cochise County Institute for FREEDOM & JUSTICE www.ccifj.org
the Cochise County Record - serious local news
Email: editor.SVDR@gmail.com
Website: CochiseCountyRecord.com
Location: Sierra Vista, AZ
Phone: 520-236-4051
Facebook: facebook.com/EditorMorgan
Twitter: @dmmCCR