WT Page Weekly Newsletter
March 2, 2025
Principal's Message and Check This Out!
Mark Your Calendars with Links and Flyers
Fundraising Updates and News
PTA News and Community News
Past Newsletter Links
Dear Page Families,
Be sure to read the newsletter for important updates, upcoming dates, and valuable information to stay connected and informed!
1. Family Reading Night and the Scholastic Book Fair Evening Hours- Thursday, March 6th from 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM. Come out and enjoy a night of Books, Reading, and Fun. Page Staff and PTA will host a Reading Night and evening hours at the Scholastic Book Fair. Book Fair Preview Days are March 3rd and 4th. Bookfair Days - March 5th - 7th. Create a Book Fair eWallet for cash-free shopping at https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/williamtylerpagees or see the flyer below for directions. Also the PTA needs volunteers for a shift at the Book Fair - here
2. (Repeat) Career Day - Friday, March 14th (We Need Presenters) - We are seeking professionals in the community workers and Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) fields to provide a fun “visual and interactive” 15 minute in-person presentation. If you are unable to participate in-person, a pre-recorded virtual session may be submitted. Link to sign-up and flyer is below with more information. (LAST DAY TO SIGN-UP is MARCH 7th)
3. Read-A-Thon begins March 3rd - March 17th (flyer below) and it is sure to be a fun and exciting event. We understand that your time is valuable. We also know that providing the best education for your child is important. That's why we are encouraging everyone to activate their student's Read-A-Thon account as soon as possible. The instructions are straightforward, making it quick and hassle-free, and it should take less than 5 minutes of your time. Watch a short video to see how to sign-up your reader: https://youtu.be/12tmuXH8zCg
This account will serve as a hub for recording and monitoring your child's progress as a Reader in the event, and for you to share their Read-A-Thon message with friends and family. Use the link below to activate your student's Reader account: https://www.read-a-thon.com/readers/r/rzsYnT/1
Thank you so much for your participation and support. Together, we can make this Read-A-Thon an amazing experience for our young readers!
4. Freed School Portraits - Still available - Don’t forget to order your school portraits! School pictures play a vital role in our fundraising efforts, with proceeds supporting community engagement events, PTA programs, and initiatives such as faculty and staff appreciation. You can order your child’s pictures online through Freed Photography. If you haven’t received the link, please contact them directly at support@freedphoto.com.
It’s important to note that the school nor the county pays Freed Photography. Instead, they rely entirely on the sale of portraits. We are so grateful to this wonderful local company for donating their time and expertise to make our students and staff look and feel their best.
By purchasing a beautiful portrait of your child, you’re preserving precious memories and supporting Freed Photography and the important programs that strengthen our school community.
Thank you for your support!
5. We need your help - Volunteers Needed for Joe Corbi's fundraiser packing and distribution on MARCH 20th
- Sign up to help on March 20th, slots are open from 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM and 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM on March 20th. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084CA9AB2FA4F8C61-55400314-joecorbis
See you this week!
Ms. Brown
This week we had a special ribbon cutting for the Book Vending Machine at Page ES. The Penguin Advisory Council (4th & 5th grade students) who work with the Ms. Brown and Mrs. Walker to support school events and initiatives came up with the name - Page Penguin Literacy Lair - Waddle over to the Page Literacy Lair - where every book is a cool new adventure!! During the ribbon cutting we had several special guest - Montgomery County Councilmembers - Laurie-Anne Sayles and Evan Glass, Montgomery County Alumnae Chapter (MCAC) of Delta Sigma Theta, and the Black Physicians Healthcare Network (BPHN). The vending machine and books were a donated by MCAC from a BPHN Grant. The vending machine only takes Golden Tokens. Page Penguins earn tokens by: Receiving a Positive Penguin Referral, Monthly Recognition on the Penguin P.R.I.D.E wall and Reading Incentives. Check it out pictures below!!
Mark Your Calendars
This Week
Women's History Month Begins - Calendar coming next week
- Monday, March 3rd - Read-A-Thon Starts and PTA Scholastic Bookfair
- Wednesday, March 5th - Virtual 5th Grade Family Life Meeting and Parent Meeting (Link will be sent out by 5th grade teachers in their newsletter)
- Thursday, March 6th - Family Reading Night and Scholastic Book Fair Evening Hours - 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Upcoming Dates
- March 14th - Career Day - We need presenters!! (Last Day to sign-up to be a presenter March 7th
- March 26th - Kusshi Sushi PTA Spirit Night - Flyer Coming Soon
- March 31st - No School for students
- Upcoming PTA Meetings: April 1st, May 6th, and June 3rd (tentative)
Operating Budget Forums
- Montgomery County Council Vice President Will Jawando will host a series of upcoming forums on the Fiscal Year 2026 Operating Budget. Jawando, who also serves as chairman of the council’s Education and Culture Committee, will be joined by MCPS Superintendent Thomas Taylor and Montgomery College President Dr. Jermaine Williams.
- Thursday, March 13, 6:30–8 p.m., Virtual Session via Zoom
- (Webinar ID#: 884 8164 0202)
- Monday, March 17, 6:30–8 p.m., Springbrook High School, media center
- Tuesday, April 1, 6:30–8 p.m., Rockville High School cafeteria
Tell your legislators to say NO to education cuts!
- Governor Moore is proposing cuts to Blueprint funding. These cuts target state funding for (1) "collaborative time," i.e. teacher planning and professional development; and (2) "community schools," which are high poverty schools.
- Strong Schools Maryland has set up an easy way to send messages of support to legislators for Blueprint funding.
- Fixing our achievement outcomes requires professional development and strong instructional materials. Every cut to Blueprint funding makes it more unlikely that we will achieve any of those tasks.
Clothes for Cash is a fundraiser that supports our Page Students. Donate your clothes to the school when you clean out your closets and place them in a white plastic bag and place them in the white bin located at the carpool loop exit. Page ES receives 10 cent per pound.
1st Place Spirit Wear - Free shipping on orders of $100 or more
Order Here
- 3/3 - 3/9: $19.99 tie-dye tees
- Free shipping on orders of $100 or more
- Renew every year
- Join for as low as $12
Three great reasons to JOIN the PTA
❶ Amplify your voice.
❷ Have fun and meet new people!
❸Benefit from money-saving deals. PTA members save time and money on major brands. Check for the latest offers.
We Need Snack Donations - March 2025!!
- While our beloved teachers are busy raising the bar for our kiddos, we are going to set a different "BAR" for them daily to say "Thank YOU" for all their hard work. If you would like to drop-off snacks, please leave them in the Front Office and let the staff know that the items are for the Snack Pantry. This is an ongoing effort and will seek support for the remainder of the school year. If you would like to contribute to helping make this happen click on a slot and sign up. If you would like to make a cash donation, please visit the PTA store by clicking Cash Donation or sign up
- Stay up-to-date with upcoming events, news and meetings.
- Subscribe to our calendar today!
- Committees - Spring Fling, Silent Auction, Teacher Appreciation & more
Email Tawanna at president@wtpagepta.org if you are interested in volunteering
- Download the Box Tops app -use the WT Page Referral Code: KP1V04U6
**Repeated Information - Immigration Supports for MCPS families - Message from MCPS **
Our schools are and will always remain safe places where every child—regardless of immigration status—is welcomed, valued, affirmed, validated, respected, and loved. Below are some important resources for our families here at Page ES:
- Resources for students and families
- MCPS Immigration webpage with more resources (Students/Families)
Past Newsletter Links
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 2.23.25
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 2.16.25
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 2.9.25
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 2.2.25
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 1.26.25
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 1.19.25
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 1.12.25
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 1.5.25
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 12.15.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 12.8.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 12.1.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 11.17.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 11.10.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 11.3.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 10.27.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 10.20.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 10.13.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 10.6.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 9.29.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 9.22.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 9.15.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter - 9.8.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter - 9.3.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter - 8.24.24