Roadrunner Tweets
November 12, 2024
A letter from the Principal
Dear Roadrunner Families,
This Thanksgiving season, we’re excited to celebrate with so many special events on campus! Join us on November 21st for our Thanksgiving Feast—families are welcome, and we encourage you to purchase tickets in advance to secure your seat and ensure there’s enough food for all. We’re also looking forward to our beloved Thanksgiving Variety Show and the RISE send-off ceremony for our 5th graders.
As holiday break approaches, we want to emphasize the importance of consistent attendance. Every day in class supports your child’s learning journey, helping them build strong habits and stay on track academically. Thank you for prioritizing your student’s attendance and helping them make the most of this exciting time!
We look forward to celebrating together!
Warm regards,
Katie Fehlker, RRE Principal
Every Roadrunner, Every Minute, Every Day!
Thanksgiving Day Feast Luncheon
We’re excited to invite you to our BISD Thanksgiving Day Feast at Red Rock Elementary on November 21st during your student’s lunch time! All family members are welcome, and meal tickets can be purchased for everyone joining us. Be sure to prepurchase tickets to reserve your spot at the table. Let’s celebrate together as a school family!
We look forward to seeing you there!
Gifted and Talented Nominations
Gifted and Talented (GT) nominations are now open! If you believe your child would benefit from this program, please submit a nomination by November 22nd. For more details or to access the nomination form, please come to the front office.
Scouts of America - Parent Volunteers Needed!
We are excited about the possibility of starting a new Scouts of America troop at Red Rock Elementary, and we need your help! Joining Scouts offers students wonderful benefits, such as building leadership skills, developing a strong sense of responsibility, and exploring new interests and hobbies.
Volunteer interest forms will be sent home in Thursday folders in both English and Spanish. If you’re interested in helping us get this off the ground, please complete the form and return it to campus with your student or drop it off at the front office. Let’s work together to create more opportunities for our students to grow and thrive!
Parent Teacher Association - RRE PTA
We wanted to remind you about our upcoming PTA membership meeting on November 18th! Flyers went home last week, and we hope you'll join us to participate or sign up to support our amazing RRE students. Your involvement makes a huge difference!
We encourage you to join our amazing PTA and support our school community! The PTA plays a vital role in enriching our students' experiences and helping our campus thrive. Send or bring the PTA membership form to the front office or with your student to school. We are so excited to expand our membership and plan for the school year! Please be on the look out through our Principal Tweet upcoming PTA meetings and Board opportunities!
Contact PTA at: redrockroadrunnerspta@gmail.com
PTA Membership cost: $7
Online Membership: https://txpta.my.salesforce-sites.com/JoinPTA
You may pay via online, cash, or check (payable to RRE PTA)
PTA Roadrunner T-Shirt Sales
Show your school spirit and support our amazing PTA by purchasing a school t-shirt! Our PTA works hard to create opportunities and resources for our students, and buying a t-shirt is a fun way to help. Flyers were sent home with details, but if you need another copy, extras are available in the front office. Let’s wear our school pride and make a difference together!
Thank you for your support!
Attendance Matters
Consistent attendance is the first step to ensuring student learning and success at school! When students are present, they have the opportunity to engage, connect, and grow each day. Thank you for helping make attendance a priority!
Please remember to send any absence notes with your student, either to their teacher or directly to the front office. You can also call the campus and speak with our attendance clerk, Leticia Sanchez, if you have any questions or need to report an absence. Your help in keeping our records up to date is greatly appreciated!
Red Rocks Goal: 95%
Current Attendance: 94.42%
BISD Attendance Incentive: Please click on the link to review the new BISD prizes for attendance offered to students and families.
Front Office Check In
Must Have to Enter the Building:
1. Valid Identification: State Driver's License, State Issued ID, Passport, Active Military ID, International Issued ID
2. Show ID to front office before entering the building by pressing the white rectangle by the front doors; they will ask you to show your ID before entering the building
3. All visitors must be ran through the Raptor system (IDs listed are the only ones accepted)
BISD Parent Learning and Resources
At Red Rock Elementary and BISD, we believe that learning is a journey for everyone! We are committed to keeping you informed and providing valuable resources to support your child's education. Stay connected with us for updates, learning tips, and opportunities for family involvement—together, we can make a lasting impact on student success!
Dates To Remember
Nov 12: Fall Picture Retakes
Nov 18: PTA Membership Meeting 5p-6p
Nov 19: Coffee with the Principal 12p-1p
Nov 20: Thanksgiving Variety Show- 2nd Grade Performance 8:00a and 1:30p
Nov 21: Thanksgiving Feast - All families can join for lunch
Nov 22: RISE Send Off Assembly - 5th Grade Participant Assembly
Nov 25-Nov 29: Thanksgiving Break
Parent Links
Attached are links that will be helpful to all parents regarding student activities, volunteer opportunities, etc.