Career & Technical Education News
A publication of ESC Region 11 • September 2020
ESC Region 11 CTE
A Note from Lisa
Hello, CTE Family!
Can you believe it is September?! All the summer planning is behind us. We dove into the school year in August, even though that didn't look typical, and here we are already in September. My above image is a nod to the fact that we are building the plane as we fly this year. A great deal of planning happened over the summer and, as circumstances and guidance changed, new iterations of plans also developed. Now as we implement them, we have to adjust to deal with struggles and barriers as they arise. This is no easy task, and I'm certain there are days you are weary. Know that you are not in it alone and, even if students and parents don't always tell you, your efforts are appreciated!
Remember that we have ongoing leadership support through the CTE Coffee & Conversation sessions where you can collaborate and work through struggles and barriers. Stay connected with your peers for both your work and your mental health support. You are not alone, but it is easy to feel that you are unless you network with your regional peers.
Stay well, my friends.
Keep a sense of humor as we continue to navigate uncharted territory!
CTE Director/Leadership Meeting
Updates and Planning
September 24th, 9:00 - 11:30 a.m.
Registration coming soon!
CTE Coffee & Conversation
This is an opportunity for CTE Leadership to work through local needs in a peer forum. We all need a Professional Learning Network, and CTE Coffee & Conversation meetings provide just that. This began as a COVID-19 support, but has worked so well in our region that we have decided to continue offering it into the future.
Wednesday, September 9th, at 10:00 a.m. - registration - Emily Lawley presenting JET Grant
Wednesday, September 16th, at 10:00 a.m. - registration - Resources
September focus items
- Training Plans are due within first 15 days of class.
- Prepare IBC Reimbursement upload
- Prepare for Fall Snapshot - Are your PEIMS Codes correct?
- No coding of CTE students this year; they will auto-code based on PEIMS course completion. Check out the CO22 List.
- Review FTEs.
- Verify if CTE Math & Science Teachers completed required online PD courses.
- Visit the CTE 2020-21 goals you have set to plan for implementation of strategies.
- Ensure your required Non-Discrimination notifications are available on you website.
- Look ahead to courses you want to add in 2021-22 and begin local process to gain LEA approval for new course additions.
Helpful information straight from TEA!
CCMR Verifier and Tracker released 8/17/2020! Link to guide for the verifier.
- Found in TEAL under Accountability (You must have approved access)
- You can not updated IBCs through the verifier; they are PEIMS upload only.
- Tracker is informational; no corrections can be made through it.
- Verifier & Tracker Training on 9/8/2020 - register here
Perkins V changes
- You no longer code your students as CTE utilizing a flow chart. They will be auto-coded through PEIMS beginning this fall. If you are used to devoting time to coding, you can celebrate that you now have that time to expend on other needs.
IBC Reimbursement Uploads must be submitted by October 2nd.
- Early submission provides opportunities for TEA feedback if there are errors.
- Submitting with errors close to the deadline or not submitting by October 2 means your reimbursement request will not be processed.
- Support for submission was provided on 8/19/2020 and was recorded. Thank you to Jacob Hildebrand for sharing his knowledge and Excel document for tracking and uploading!
- TEA contact: Tracy Johnson
- The proposed 2020-2021 Student Attendance Accounting Handbook (SAAH) has been posted on the Texas Education Agency (TEA) website at and is open for public comment. The public comment period for the proposed SAAH is August 28, 2020-September 28, 2020. The proposed effective date of the final SAAH is November 29, 2020.
- During the proposed rule comment period, you may submit public comments electronically using the public comment form: Submit a public comment on Proposed Amendment to 19 TAC §129.1025
Keep Up-to-Date with COVID-19 Guidance
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Support and Guidance
Detailed Information and FAQ posted under Waivers, Finance & Grants
Don't forget about the CTE/SPED Q&A Document. It is extremely helpful!
AWS Welding Certification for Teachers
Certify teachers in D1.1 Welder and D9.1 Welder
Class will consist of:
- 2 Open-book online quizzes using TEA Accountability items D1.1 and D9.1 welder test lesson plans
- Virtual video weld test assessment for certification as a welder in D1.1 and D9.1 methods
- Ability to certify students in TEA Accountability items D1.1 and D9.1 if all quizzes/tests are passed
Richard J. DePue, M.S.Ed.
AWS, API, CWB Senior Certified Inspector
The Certified Welding & Testing Co. Inc.
- FREE to ESC Region 11 Instructional Solutions and Support Contract Members
- $75.00 for non-members
Registration Opening soon!
Career & Technical Education and Counseling Focused Conference
- November 4th and 5th - Virtual
- Free for ESC Region 11 Instructional Solutions and Support Contract members
- Non- members $25.00
The time has come! Today is the official launch of the Future Focused TX Campaign. To support counselors and students in Texas, organizations across the region, state, and nation have come together to form this engaging campaign. The Future Focused TX mission is to maintain college enrollment rates in Texas despite the effects of COVID-19. This statewide effort will provide free, compelling, research-based digital content to school counselors to help their students graduate and matriculate into college.
Beginning this fall, we’ll provide FREE engaging, all-digital content to high school counselors and students. We encourage you to sign up for these FREE resources and share this opportunity with your team. We will track the effectiveness of the campaign across Texas to better serve our students. We look forward to your feedback!
Opt-in to the campaign and watch the Future Focused TX promotional video HERE.
Share The Future Focused TX campaign with your network and colleagues - Help us spread the word to every college counselor, advisor, and educator in TX!
Pass these free content resources along to your students.
Register for a Future Focused TX webinar on Thursday, September 17, to learn more.
- 9:00 a.m. - Learn more about the campaign and how to engage your network - REGISTER HERE
- Noon - Learn more about the campaign and detailed information on the digital counselor packages - REGISTER HERE
- 3:00 p.m. - Learn more about the campaign and integration of the THECB virtual advisor, ADVi - REGISTER HERE
Learn more at
Texas CTE Career Cluster Binder
Are you fully utilizing your resources?
This binder contains links to each of the Career Cluster pages. For each Career Cluster you will find:
Guided Pathways Transfer Collaborative
This is a great tool for looking at dual credit pathways for your students and see partnership opportunities!
Check out the site!
Certify your teacher to be able to offer NCCER curriculum to your students in 2020-2021.
September 28 - 30
We offer professional learning to certify teachers who hold the appropriate Craft Professional Skills to teach and certify students in NCCER.
Submit to be approved to attend the training based on meeting NCCER master craftsman professional requirements that allow you to instruct students using their curriculum.
The three-day teacher training will be offered virtually. Register on ESC Region 11 website once approved to attend.
Region 11 ISS contract members - $300, including training materials
Region 11 non-contract members - $450, including training materials
Have you begun your CTSO for the year?
Conferences and Competitions maybe be virtual this year, but still beneficial to students.
The United States Department of Education (USDE) recognizes the value of Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) and their place as an integral part of career and technical education (CTE). The responsibility for CTE instructional programs and related activities, including CTSOs, rests with state and local education agencies. The USDE allows states to use federal Carl D. It is an important piece of Perkins V expectations.
- Business Professionals of America (BPA) - Texas
- DECA, Texas Association
- Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) - Texas
- Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)
- Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA)
- SkillsUSA Texas
- Texas Association of Future Educators
- Texas FFA Association
- Texas Technology Students Association (TSA)
Information about our oversight policy for CTSOs can be found at TEA CTSO Oversight Policy (PDF, 44KB).
HOSA Financial Assistance
The Texas HOSA Board of Directors understands that unforeseen circumstances and hardships are faced by its members today, and they are here to help you!
The Texas HOSA: Future Health Professionals currently has funds available for eligible schools to help pay for Texas HOSA membership and LDI registration. The Inspire Fund is made available through donations from Texas HOSA Board of Directors.
*Funding is available on a first-come, first-served basis until the fund is depleted.
Who can apply for Inspire Funds?:
- Up to 10 students and one advisor membership for one year
- Individual student’s membership for one year, which includes state and national fees (for those requiring financial assistance); Student must be in an active HOSA chapter
- Individual LDI Registration (area/state officer, advisors, or board members)
Eligibility categories are:
- A school that has never had a Texas HOSA Chapter and there is no school or community financial support available to pay for membership. This requires the principal’s or collegiate advisor’s signature for verification.
- A school that has not had a Texas HOSA Chapter for at least five years and there is not school or community financial support available to pay for membership. This requires the principal’s or collegiate advisor’s signature for verification.
- A school that has had a Texas HOSA Chapter within the last five years but is currently experiencing economic hardship. This requires the principal’s or collegiate advisor’s signature for verification.
- A school that has a HOSA Chapter but has a student who is unable to pay the membership fees for the current membership year. This requires the principal's or collegiate's, parent's, and advisor's signatures for verification. Only 10 members per chapter can ask for individual assistance. If advisor has asked to chapter financial assistance, individual members may not qualify for funding.
- Area/State officers, advisors, and board members who need assistance with LDI registration. This requires the principal’s or collegiate advisor’s signature for verification.
If you have any questions regarding the Inspire Fund, please contact Janet Villarreal at or toll free 877-728-0150.
Adjusting to College Planning under COVID-19
Webinar date and time: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 at 10 a.m. CT
Subject: Learn important college admissions updates
Texas OnCourse’s free monthly webinar series is back! This month, join college access professionals to reassess the college admissions landscape in the wake of COVID-19. You’ll learn about important updates just in time to work with students in 2020-21 and beyond.
Date and Time: Tuesday, September 8 at 10:00 a.m. CT
Topic: Adjusting to college planning under COVID-19
We’ll discuss updates to:
- Admissions procedures
- Financial aid processes
- Tuition adjustments
- Changes in testing requirements, and more
Register to attend live or receive a recording afterward by visiting
UT Southwestern STARS Program
Offering support and resources for all of Region 11!
STARS (Science Teacher Access to Resources at Southwestern) was developed in 1991 to improve the quality of science education in North Central Texas by making UT Southwestern Medical Center’s vast educational resources available to middle and high school science teachers.
Since its inception, STARS has grown to serve more than 20,000 teachers and an estimated 90,000 students in 4,000 schools in the Dallas/Fort Worth and surrounding areas. The scope of STARS has steadily expanded to include more than 20 programs and projects, which are available free to teachers and students in Texas.
Programs have gone virtual, providing greater access to districts in Region 11 counties!
They offer programs, such as:
- Virtual tours
- Symposia - variety of topics
- Exploring meetings for medical careers
- Free access to virtual instruments such as microscopes and spectrophotometers
- Teacher training
Check out their Calendar of Events and website for registrations.
TexQuest through ESC Region 11 Digital Learning
TexQuest Resources are provided to students and educators in Texas K-12 public schools and open-enrollment charter schools. If you need help with TexQuest Resources, which are provided to Region 11 districts through the Instructional Solutions and Support Contract, please email your ESC Region 11 TexQuest contact, Shawna Ford at
TexQuest Webinars & More
Are you needing a refresher on TexQuest Resources or looking for other learning opportunities? Check out the Learning@11 page and find the Bite-Sized PD tab.
CTE Association of North Texas - CTENT
How can you join?
Peer-to-Peer Teacher Round Tables
This fall, districts face unprecedented challenges. The landscape of business, government, and education during the COVID-19 crisis changes daily. Uncertainty appears to be the new norm.
Invite your teachers to join the discussion to share challenges and solutions on managing a CTE classroom in the era of COVID.
Law and Public Service
Thursday, September 3, 2020
4:00 p.m.
on or before Wednesday September 2, 2020.
Education and Training
Thursday, September 3, 2020
5:00 p.m.
Register for Education and Training Roundtable
on or before Wednesday September 2th, 2020
Teacher Roundtables will focus on specific programs of study. These virtual discussions provide opportunities to share ideas, identify resources, and create best practices to benefit students. Participants learn from each other and put their programs in position to excel through the current crisis.
Administrators, please share this information with teachers assigned to Law and Public Service; and Education and Training.
Technical Assistance
CTAT professional development and technical assistance is available to all members. Additional information may be located on the website.Information from Debbie Wieland at TEA
Family and Consumer Sciences teachers' level of self-efficacy towards math integration within the Family and Consumer Sciences curriculum. Your participation is completely voluntary. We appreciate your time and effort.
Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary, and your participation in the survey process indicates your willingness to participate in the study. Your participation will not reasonably place you at risk of criminal or civil liability, or be damaging to your financial standing, employability, or reputation.
Any specific comments that you provide will remain anonymous and will not be attributed to anyone at an institution or state. The data provided will be reported collectively. No data will be attributed to one specific institution, and any identifying characteristics that could be related to an individual will be removed in the reporting.
This study should only take 20 minutes to complete. The survey is anonymous, but you may select to provide your name and email to be entered into a drawing for one of four $50 gift cards.
Survey questions are designed to allow participants to skip items if they feel uncomfortable answering them. Please attempt to answer each item of the survey as fully and accurately as possible to help the researchers validate the items.
There are no foreseeable risks to your participation. To protect your confidentiality identifiers will be removed from the data. If you have questions regarding this research, please contact me or my advisor, Dr. Karen Alexander. Our contact information is below.
Please click here for the survey. If the link does not work, please copy and paste the link found below onto your browser.
Nadia Berleth, M.S.
Doctoral Candidate, Family and Consumer Sciences Education – 713.588.6900
FCS & Business Education Resource
The resources were created by Lindy Hockenbary, who is based in Montana. She started as a CTE teacher in FCS & Business Education, and she has ended up creating a solid career in educational technology.
You may also share with your LEAs or use for a framework in developing a training session.
Essential Components of an Online Course’ Interactive Notebook
ESC Region 11 CTE Website
ESC Region 11 Resources
Follow us on Social Media!
Other Resources
- CTAT Resources
- Connect CTAT Online Forum
- Resource Google Doc, by pathway
- Texas CTE powered by TEA
ESC Region 11 CTE
Career & Technical Education
Location: 1451 South Cherry Lane, White Settlement, TX 76108
Phone: (817) 740-7527
Twitter: @ESC11CTE