October 13, 2024

Hello, Longwood Families!
Below are a few important reminders as we settle into the fall season:
🧤Label Hats, Gloves, Jackets, & More:
- As the weather gets cooler, clearly mark your child's belongings with their name. This simple step helps us return lost items quickly. Permanent marker or a Mabel's Label (PTA Fundraiser) works perfectly.
🧥Lost & Found:
- Lost & Found racks are located in the gym. If your child misplaces anything, encourage them to check the racks regularly. Items that are not claimed by the end of each quarter will be donated.
⛅Recess Weather Guidelines
- We believe in fresh air and outdoor play! Students go outside for recess when the "feels like" temperature is 5°F or warmer and there is no rain. Please dress your child accordingly.
- We receive a number of generous donations from our community sponsors of new coats, hats, gloves, and boots. If we can assist your family with any of these items, please call the main office 630-428-6789
🎒Good Attendance Habits
- Consistent attendance is key to your child's success. We recognize that there may be times students are not "school ready" due to illness. The general rule of thumb is your child may return to school after 24-hours when they are fever-free, free from vomiting or diarrhea without the use of fever reducing medication, anti-diarrheal medication, and/or completed 24-hours of antibiotic medication.
- Continue reading for an important message below from IPSD204 Superintendent: Dr. Talley regarding attendance and ParentVue update for reporting your child absent.
Monday, 10/14: No School - Indigenous Peoples' Day/Columbus Day
Have a wonderful Long weekend, Lions! See you Tuesday!
Thank you for being a part of our Pride!
Get to know us! Join us!
We are a very small team leading the PTA, all full-time working parents with multiple children, and we are in need of your great ideas and efforts to keep running and doing wonderful things for our Longwood Elementary community. Over the years, we've lost board members and active participation due to COVID, the boundary changes, and many families moving away or their children moving on to middle school. Fresh faces are greatly needed! No experience necessary! Please consider volunteering onsite or offsite behind the scenes as you have time, and start thinking about joining the board for next year. The PTA typically runs as a 7 person team, we are currently short 2 VP positions which focus on volunteering, events, and fundraising. If you have any curiosity or interest in holding a board position in the future please reach out to us with your questions. We are happy to provide mentorship throughout this year and during your first year on the board!
Contact us!
Tim Skirvin, PTA President, longwoodptapresident@gmail.com
This is my second (non-consecutive) year as President of the Longwood PTA, and fifth year in the organization. I’m a geeky techy Dad that is always looking for ways to make my son’s life richer and happier. Being a part of the PTA has been my way to help my fourth grader feel like his school is his home, and I want to help all of the families here feel the same way. There's always a place for us as long as we show up!
Kerby Mickelson, PTA Secretary, longwoodptasecretary@gmail.com
This is my 7th year as a Longwood parent and I have been in some kind of board or chair position every year since my eldest was in kindergarten. I have three kiddos, two at Longwood and one at Hill Middle School. In undergrad I was the overinvolved student on campus and being a part of the PTA has kept that need fulfilled for me as an adult. The Run with Lions event at Longwood was my first dip into being involved in the PTA and it is one of my favorite traditions. We need folks to help us plan and run this so please reach out to me or runwiththelions5k@gmail.com to get involved or if you have a great idea you want to share!
Jen Edwards, PTA Treasurer, longwoodptatreasurer@gmail.com
This is my 12th year with Longwood. I have a 4th and 5th grader at Longwood and a junior at Metea. I have been a PTA member for my entire tenure volunteering mainly for classroom events; last year I became treasurer. I enjoy getting involved with my kids' activities from working with the robotics team to joining the Metea theater board. I find it very rewarding seeing the excitement on children's faces as they accomplish a goal and the camaraderie they share with their peers.
Ashley Pinto, PTA VP, longwoodpta1stvp@gmail.com
Hi! Hola! This is my first year as a PTA board member, though I have been an active volunteer at the school for years. I have been a part of this community for the past 9 years, raising 3 Longwood Lions. I currently have a 3rd and 4th grader here, with my oldest graduating to middle school this year. I am a Canadian immigrant raising a multicultural, multilingual family and I LOVE the diversity here at Longwood. Please let me know if you would like to participate more but language barriers or confusion get in your way, I am happy to help you feel more included!
Upcoming Events
Oct 25th: SAVE THE DATE: Fall Fest will be on Oct 25th 🍂🎃
Superintendent's Message: Student Attendance
Dear Indian Prairie Families,
We recognize that consistent student attendance is crucial for success. The learning opportunities and experiences provided at school are invaluable.
Starting on October 15, you will notice some changes when reporting your child's absence in ParentVUE. The dropdown menu and screen will now appear as follows (web version and app version):
You select a reason for the absence from the drop down menu. In the notes section you will provide additional details - when you select sick, please include the symptoms.
In accordance with Section 26-2a of the School Code, valid causes for absence include:
A. Illness, including mental or behavioral health issues;
B. Observance of a religious holiday;
C. Death in the immediate family or a family emergency;
D. Other situations beyond the control of the student, as determined by the Board of Education or nonpublic school administration;
E. Any circumstances that reasonably concern the parent regarding the mental, emotional, or physical health or safety of the student.
Parents are responsible for the daily attendance of their children; however, Illinois School Code does not grant parents the authority to excuse their children from attending classes without valid cause. Every absence is recorded as part of the student’s attendance record and counts toward chronic absenteeism.
"Chronic absence" means absences that total 10% or more of school days of the most recent academic school year, including absences with and without valid cause …”– 105 ILCS 5/26-18. Chronic absences are tracked by the state and are a part of the summative designation on our Illinois School Report Card. Several of our schools earned a reduced rating last year due to the chronic absenteeism data for their school.
Please note vacations, practices/competitions, birthday celebrations, and similar leisure activities are not considered valid causes for absences, and we discourage these types of activities during school hours.
We appreciate your commitment to ensuring that your child(ren) attends school on time every day. If your child must be absent, please continue to report that absence in ParentVue or by calling the attendance line for your school.
Adrian B. Talley, Ed.D.
OCTOBER Breakfast/Lunch: Menus
Trait of the Month: Self Control
Mon, 10/14: No School - Columbus/Indigenous Peoples' Day
Wed, 10/6: *Late Start Wednesday* Doors Open 9:00am
Fri, 10/25: End of Quarter 1
Fri, 10/25: PTA Fall Fest
Fri, 11/1: Quarter 1 Report Cards available in ParentVue after 4:00pm
Mon, 11/4: No School - Institute Day
Tue, 11/5: No School - Election Day
Thu, 11/7: Picture Retakes
Fri, 11/8: Future Ready Friday - Represent a career or college/university!
We, 11/13: Family Conference Scheduling Open in ParentVue
Thu, 11/21: Family Conferences 4-8:00pm
Mon, 11/25: Family Conferences 8:00am-8:00pm
Tue, 11/26 - Fri, 11/28: No School - Thanksgiving Break
🍎 Previous Updates 🦁
- 10.5.24 Weekly Preview
- 9.29.24 Weekly Preview
- 9.22.24 Weekly Preview
- 9.14.24 Weekly Preview
- 9.7.24 Weekly Preview
- 9.3.24 Notes from Mr. Zeman
- 8.31.24 Weekly Preview
- 8.25.24 Notes from Mr. Zeman
- 8.24.24 Weekly Preview
- 8.17.24 Weekly Preview
- 8.14.24 Notes from Mr. Zeman
- 8.5.24 Summer Scoop