McClure Messages
Nov 18 - 22
I have to start today's newsletter by celebrating our amazing students. It was a bustling week at McClure, packed with assemblies, events, and special moments. And at every turn, our kids rose to the occasion and made us proud.
During our Veterans' Assembly, our Band and Chorus filled the room with beautiful, inspiring music, while the entire student body displayed heartfelt respect for our honored veterans.
We also cheered on our athletes at the first Special Olympics basketball game of the season. The energy was electric, with students showing up in full force to support their peers. Our Bulldog Buddies stood out as exceptional peer leaders, radiating positivity in the stands.
Meanwhile, our 7th graders crafted insightful questions for their virtual visit with author Ann Braden, exploring themes from her book, The Benefits of Being an Octopus, in a meaningful dialogue in the LLC.
This week was filled with countless examples of the deep respect and strong culture our teachers nurture every day—and our students exemplify so beautifully.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conference sign-up CLOSES at Noon on Friday Nov 22.
Please see the letter here for all the details about our conferences coming up Thanksgiving week. A reminder that the Monday conferences are all in-person and any Tuesday conferences are virtual. I'll re-send the list of teacher links the morning on virtual conference for quick reference.
Holly Day is Coming
We are 5 weeks away from Holly Day! Student Council will be putting together the Holly Day Assembly to kick off the day on Friday, 12/20. In preparation for the assembly, they are recruiting group and solo acts from both students and staff that would like to showcase their talents. Yesterday, the P.E. department shared this video with all students about submitting an act for Holly Day.
Also as a part of that day, students will participate in 3 activity sessions. Students will submit preferences for a Fun/Craft activity, a Physical activity, and a Service Activity.
If you know that your child will NOT be in attendance on the last day before Winter Break (12/20), we would greatly appreciate an email to mjhattendance@d101.org. This helps us plan activity sessions accordingly. Thank you!
NJHS providing Peer Support on Wednesday mornings
NJHS members have organized peer support for any McClure student wanting some assistance or extra study time. Topics in school subjects or organization skills will be supported. Please enjoy this informational video sent to students earlier this week. (The graphics definitely made me chuckle!)
Yearbook items (repeated)
8th grade Baby Bulldog photos
The McClure Yearbook Club would like to welcome 8th grade parents/guardians to send in a baby or toddler picture of your graduating Bulldog to be featured in the yearbook!
- Photos can be originals, scanned copies, or digital copies and must be emailed to mfumarolo@d101.org
- Photos should be .jpg or .png files
- Please write your Bulldog's first and last name in your email. Without a name, the photo will not be featured in the yearbook.
- Photos will be cropped to be square so keep that in mind as you select a picture to submit!
- Pictures are due Friday, December 6th
Ordering this year's yearbook
Memories may fade, but yearbooks can last a lifetime!
Order your Bulldog's 2024-2025 yearbook now on TreeRing using McClure's access link:
Counselor's Corner
Karen Beilfuss, School Counselor
Dog Tank Marketplace is Open!
The following ads are from our entrepreneuship class, Dog Tank. The D101 marketplace is now open!
Hello McClure parents,
We would like to happily announce our entrance in the D101 marketplace. Our product is the pencil pod. We would hope that you will buy our product and be happy with it.
Pencil Pod Team
Hello Bulldogs!
We are part of the dog tank class and would like to introduce you to our new product Desktop Doubles. If you get bored in class and are wanting a game or are interested in buying it, go to this link, Desktop Doubles. Share this with your friends and family.
The Desktop Doubles Co.
Upcoming Dates
11/18/24 ........... BOE meeting (6:15pm)
11/23/24 ........... Band and Orchestra ILMEA festival
11/25/24 ........... In Person Parent Teacher Conferences
11/26/24 ........... Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences
Helping Kids Navigate their Digital Life
A Word from WSFEE
Do you have a Big Idea and just don't know where to start? WSFEE is here to help - contact grants@wsfee.org and we can help you through the grant writing process. Grants help support everything from school and classroom libraries to STEM supplies to buddy benches and lunch tables. Remember to visit wsfee.org or follow WSFEE on Facebook or Instagram (@wsfee_d101) to hear about events, donations and sponsorship opportunities throughout the year.
Send a Note of Thanks
There is nothing that feeds a teacher's soul more than a thank you. If at any point you'd like to send a teacher or staff member a note of appreciation, this is one way to acknowledge the way they have positively impacted you or your child's experience at McClure. Click the button below to go to a quick form and the staff member will receive your note on a lovely digital stationary in their inbox.
Community News
Western Springs Historical Society
The Western Springs Historical Society is celebrating 100 years of McClure! Check out this website for MC gear celebrating our centennial.
Contact Us
McClure Junior High
4225 Wolf Road
Western Springs, IL 60558
Main Office Phone Number: (708) 246-7590
Office Fax Number: (708) 246-4370
Attendance Email: mjhattendance@d101.org
Principal Laura Broadnax: lbroadnax@d101.org
Assistant Principal Thomas Sturm: tsturm@d101.org