RES Rocket Weekly
Week of October 14th
Character Education & Mindset
Character Trait for October: Responsibility
September Mindset Focus: Mistakes are opportunities for learning!
Week at a Glance
October's Breakfast/Lunch Menu: Pre-K and Kindergarten through 5th Grade
Please Note: Changes may be made due to availability of ingredients and items.
Tuesday, October 15th
3:00pm - 3:30pm MTSS Celebration: Students versus Staff Tug-of-War!
4:00pm - 5:00pm Chess Club
Wednesday, October 16th
- Wear and share orange to show you are united for kindness, acceptance and inclusion!
Workout Wednesday: Students/Staff are wearing school appropriate athletic gear as we focus on the importance of living a healthy lifestyle while taking a mid-week motor break to focus!
Snack Bar Open for Students!
4:00pm - 4:45pm Musical Theater Club
Friday, October 18th
Wear our school colors (red & white) to show our Ridge Pride!
Two Hour Early Dismissal
Snack Bar Open for Students!
9:45am - 10:45am FUN RUN: Pre-K & Primary Grades
11:00am - 12:00pm FUN RUN: Intermediate Grades
5:30pm - 7:00pm Trunk-or-Treat!
- "Trunk" participants may arrive any time after 4:45pm to set up.
- All cars must be parked by 5:15pm.
- Trunks must be decorated and ready to hand out "treats" by 5:30pm.
- Contest for best decorated "trunk" on spot!
- Dan D's Food Truck will be on site as a dinner option.
- The parking lot will be blocked off until 7pm for the safety of our trunk or treaters!
School Lunch Highlights!
RES Students Soar to Great Heights!
Next Week at a Glance
Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS)
School-Wide Celebrations
As we work as a school family on making positive choices,
our students are focusing upon meeting school-wide goals.
Students worked hard to reach our fourth overall school-wide
ClassDojo percentage of 91% for three weeks.
Our students earned a Students vs. Staff Tug-of War
on Tuesday, October 15th!
See below for our next school-wide goal!!!
Students are working for 10 Minutes of Extra Recess with Popsicles on Tuesday, October 22nd!
Counselor's Corner
October is National Bullying Prevention Month
October's Counseling Focus
This month, our RES Counselor, Mrs. Britt, visited all classrooms to teach lessons about our character trait and mindset of the month.
Students learned about responsibility and to think about how mistakes are opportunities for learning!
Friday, November 8th, is our
October Character Trait & Mindset Recognition Ceremony!
October Kindness Calendar for Students!
In addition to our monthly character trait and mindset, our RES students, families and staff will continue to practice acts of kindness all year long. Click here to view and print the kindness calendar for October. Paper copies of the kindness calendar were sent home and if an additional copy is needed please reach out to Mrs. Britt.
Students: For every kindness task our students complete, they will check it off their calendars. Students may return their October calendar to their homeroom teacher, or to Mrs. Britt, on Friday, November 1st.
Students with 20 or more completed tasks will join Mrs. Britt at lunch to paint kindness rocks for our RES Rock Gardens in the front of the school!
Mindful Tip of the Week
Sensory Activity: Apple Pie Play Dough
Homemade scented play dough, and apple pie play dough is perfect for fall!
Squeezing, smashing, and molding the play dough is a great sensory activity, and the scents are an added bonus.
You can make your own play dough with this recipe:
- 1 cup flour
- 1/4 cup salt
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1 tsp nutmeg
- 1 tsp cream of tartar
- 1/2 tbsp oil
- 1 tsp red food coloring (optional)
- 1 cup water
- Combine dry ingredients
- Add wet ingredients
- Cool over medium heat until the dough pulls away from the sides of the pot
Let the dough cool and then play!
Nurse's Corner
Free Drive-Thru Flu Vaccines
St. Mary's County Health Department will be offering free flu vaccines for children ages 6 months to 18 years of age living in St. Mary's County.
- October 15th (12pm - 4pm) at the SMC Health Hub
- October 26th (10am - 2pm) at the SMCHD Main Office
No appointments required!
Please call with any questions: 301-475-4330
Please click for the full flyer: English Version and Spanish Version
UNITY Day: Wear and Share ORANGE on October 16th
FIT BOO Grams for Sale 10/16 through 10/25
Ridge Elementary FIT is Hosting a Halloween Boo Gram Fundraiser!
Each candy gram is $1.00. Purchase as many as you like. Fill out the grams and put in an envelope with your payment. One sheet of grams will be sent home with students on Wednesday, October 16th. If additional copies are needed please reach out to Mrs. Orr in the Main Office.
Turn into your teacher by Friday, October 25th.
Each candy gram will include treats! Boo Grams will be delivered on Thursday, October 31st.
Fun Run - October 18th
We have a very special challenge for THIS WEEKEND ONLY. It’s called… “The Weekend Challenge”. To complete the “Weekend Challenge,” any student who gets a NEW donation of $2 per laps, which is the same as $60, over the weekend, will receive the GOLDEN EDITION SPECIAL DUDE PERFECT KEYCHAIN! Students, get super excited to rise to the challenge! This is your ONLY chance to earn a BONUS prize in addition to your normal prizes!
Sign up online at
Event Day – 10/18/2024
FIT: Trunk or Treat! October 18th
Please RSVP with Mrs. Koutnik (
if you would like to participate to reserve a "trunk" space!
We are also accepting donations for candy and items to be handed out!
Red Ribbon Spirit Week - Week of October 21st!
FIT Dairy Queen Spirit Night - Thursday, October 24th!
Chess Club
Grades: 3rd through 5th Grade (15 spaces available)
Session Day/Time: Tuesdays from 4pm to 5pm
Session Dates: Week of September 21st through the week of November 25th
Musical Theater Club
Grades: 4th and 5th
Session Day/Time: Wednesdays 4pm to 4:45pm
Session Dates: October 4th - February 26th
Evening Performance: Thursday, February 27th at 6:30pm
School Performance (students only): Thursday, February 29th at 2:45pm
Walking/Running Club
Grades: Kindergarten through 5th
Session Day/Time: Thursday 8am to 8:45am
Session Dates: October 17th - November 21st
MakerSpace Club
Grades: 2nd through 5th Grade
Session Day/Time: Recess Tuesday (3rd and 5th Grades)
Session Day/Time: Recess Friday (2nd and 4th Grades)
Session Dates:
- 1st Session: Week of October 28th through the Week of January 13th
- 2nd Session: Week of January 20th through the week of March 17th
Permission Forms were sent home last week and are due by Friday, October 18th.
Up to 10 students will be selected in each grade for each session.
Emergency Information Update Forms - Due October 31st
SMCPS Informational Items/Reminders & Events
Conscious Discipline Workshop: Building from the Beginning
Parents of young children and local Childcare Providers are invited to participate in a Conscious Discipline workshop Tuesday, October 15, 2024, from 5:30-7:00 p.m.
The Building from the Beginning workshop will be held at the Dr. James A. Forrest Career & Technology Center, and will focus on:
- Understanding the brain states behind the behavior
- Master calming and coping strategies
- Empower children to be problem solvers
Mission BBQ has graciously offered to provide dinner to the first 100 people who register. Childcare is not available.
Please refer to the flier here for more details and complete the Registration Form if interested in attending.
Local childcare providers may register here and SMCPS will pursue MSDE Core of Knowledge Hours on their behalf.
Volunteer Registration
Volunteers must apply annually for approval.
- Applications are accepted only until May 1st.
- There is no application fee.
- Vetting of applications can take several weeks.
- Field trip chaperones and classroom volunteers must have successfully completed the volunteer application process before they can be considered.
Apply to be a volunteer!
Family Involvement Team (FIT)
NEXT MEETING - Tuesday, October 29th at 4pm
Family Involvement Team (FIT) will meet monthly in-person and virtually.
Meeting notes will be posted below for families unable to attend meetings and notifications of volunteer opportunities will be shared via our Rocket Weekly for Families, Schoology, and ClassDojo.
Meeting Notes:
Links and Informational Items Worth Repeating:
Click on each picture to access forms to be completed or to access important information.
For additional information, please see the specific sections above.
Emergency Contact Form
Lost Your Charger?
Shop Recommended Solutions to get to the discounted power cords
Lost Your Charger?
Leads directly to the purchasing portal
Quick Links
(301) 872-0200