Salem Public Schools

Weekly Update
Friday, Nov. 15, 2024
Superintendent's Message
SPS community,
As many are aware, we have been discussing a building project to reinvent Salem High School for several years. I am pleased to share that the project planning is in full effect and we are actively looking for input from you and the Salem community.
In the last few months, a consultant team has been selected, including a project manager (Anser Advisory) and a design team (led by Perkins & Will). The Building Committee has been meeting regularly over the past year to discuss goals for the project and to select the consultant team.
In order to hear from you, we have three upcoming community meetings scheduled for:
Monday, November 25th, 6:30-8 pm at Salem High School;
December 3rd, 6:30-8 pm at Saltonstall School;
December 5th, 6:30-7:30 pm on Zoom. (Register now)
Please see a flier with the relevant information: English | Spanish | Portuguese
These meetings will provide an introduction to the project, the schedule, who is working on it, and what some of the possibilities are. There will be opportunities to comment on your aspirations for the way the building might transform the educational experience for children. One critical decision point is whether the city is interested in building a grade 7-12 or a grade 9-12 facility at the Salem High School site.
This is a once in a generation opportunity for Salem and we hope that you will be an active participant in the process! Please consider joining one of these meetings!
Enjoy the weekend,
This Week's RockStar is...
Her creativity and unwavering "can-do" attitude ensure that every challenge is met with innovative solutions and a positive spirit. Ms. Andrade is an invaluable part of the Salem Prep school community, making a lasting difference every day.
Free Workshop: Navigating the New IEP Process, Wednesday, Nov. 20
Join us for a workshop presented in partnership with Exceptional Lives, focusing on the new IEP process and enhancing communication in the IEP process. This session will take place Wednesday, Nov. 20 at Collins Middle School, Room 130 (enter via the Jackson St. main entrance) from 6-7:30 p.m. Light refreshments will be available.
6-6:30 p.m.: The New IEP: A Brief Overview for Families: Gain an understanding of the updated IEP process, including new procedures and requirements.
6:30-7:30 p.m.: 'We’re on the Same Team': How to Work with the School to Get the Best Results for Your Child: During this session, attendees will:
- Learn how effective family engagement can lead to improved student outcomes and experiences.
- Gain practical communication strategies to build trust and foster meaningful engagement with their child’s school.
- Access valuable resources to navigate the Special Education process and advocate effectively for their child’s needs.
For more information please contact the SPS Special Education Department at (978) 740-1247 or specialed@salemk12.org.
Please join the entire Salem Public Schools Family Engagement Team Tuesday, Nov. 26 (5-7 p.m.) at the Mayor Jean A. Levesque Community Life Center as they break down barriers surrounding student report cards. Family Engagement Facilitators will instruct how to access report cards on Aspen, how to decode them and answer any further questions.
Tuesday, Nov. 26 (5-7 p.m.)
Mayor Jean A. Levesque Community Life Center
401 Bridge Street
Salem, Mass. 01970
Did you know that November is National Gratitude Month? Well, we sure did and the November edition of our Nursing News is ready to show how incorporating a regular practice of gratitude can positively affect your health. We’ve also got some helpful suggestions on how to cope during the busy holiday season and a family-friendly recipe to make with the kids. Our school nurses are grateful for our wonderful students, families, and colleagues and wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving.
A message from our school nurses:
The season for respiratory illnesses like colds, flu, COVID-19, and RSV is upon us. The single best way to protect yourself and your family from serious illness is to get vaccinated. Information about COVID-19 and flu vaccines and resources to find vaccination locations are available at the Mass.gov website. Residents who cannot get to a vaccination location can schedule an appointment for in-home COVID-19 and flu vaccination by visiting the In-Home Vaccination Program website or calling 833-983-0485.
We are so grateful for the effectiveness of these vaccines that keep our community safe and well.
Last Chance: Mayor Seeks SHS Students to Serve on Salem Youth Commission
Mayor Dominick Pangallo is pleased to announce that the City of Salem seeks 14-19-year-old students to serve on the Salem Youth Commission (SYC). High school-age youth who reside in Salem are invited to apply for appointment to serve on the Commission by November 22, 2024 (12 p.m.). The SYC encourages youth involvement in the community, enhances leadership skills, and empowers youth to voice their concerns and ideas related to City programs and initiatives.
Please contact Sarah Roy, Director of the Salem Children’s Alliance for the City of Salem, at sroy@salem.com for more information.
On Friday Nov. 8, Bentley Academy Innovation School hosted another exciting student-led taste test event, featuring the Sanotskyi family recipe for ‘deruny,’ a traditional Ukrainian potato pancake.
This recipe was submitted by BAIS kindergarten student, Askold Sanotskyi. Askold, along with his father, Markiiam, and grandmother, spent an enjoyable Thursday afternoon in the BAIS kitchen, practicing the recipe with the support of the kitchen staff.
Markiiam attended lunch Friday to hand out samples of deruny to Askold’s classmates. The event was an opportunity for students to try something new and once again celebrate the culinary traditions of Askold’s family. Students overwhelmingly enjoyed the recipe and voted if they loved it (58 percent), liked it (34 percent) or tried it (8 percent).
We invite all students to submit their family recipes to recipes@salemk12.org for a chance to hold a taste test at your school and showcase your family’s cultural heritage. Monthly taste tests featuring student recipes will be held throughout the district all year.
Submission Guidelines:
- Discuss with your family and ensure everyone is comfortable sharing the recipe.
- Recipes should reflect your family’s identity and cultural heritage.
- Submissions can be a main dish or a side dish.
- Include detailed steps and precise ingredient amounts.
- Add 1-2 sentences about the significance of the recipe to your family.
- Remember to include the student’s name, grade level, and email.
Collins Middle School Seeks Mentors for Students
SHS Colorguard Parent/Student Orientation Slated for Wednesday, Nov. 20
Virtual Backpack
Welcome to the Virtual Backpack. This is a space where we will place items that in the past may have been a flyer in your student's backpack from friends and partners to SPS.
- Massachusetts Partnership for Youth Offers Parenting Resources
- Salem Brush Fire Updates and Resources
- Registration Open for Automotive, Property Maintenance January-May Coursework
- Attention SHS Seniors: College Affordability Resources
- Calling All Artists: 'Your Presence is Powerful' Art Contest
- Covid-19 Tests Available at Main Offices, Nurses Offices
- Grades 10-12 Artists: MSBA Announces Building a Logo Contest
Download the ParentSquare App
ParentSquare is the communication platform for Salem Public Schools. Families receive communication from the district, school, and their student's classroom all in one space. Families can communicate 1-to-1 with teachers, register for parent-teacher conferences, and more.
If you are not receiving messages from ParentSquare or if you are having trouble, contact your school's front office. You can visit www.parentsquare.com for more information.