Head's Highlights
November 1, 2024
Where Learning Comes First
Principal's Post
Dear Head Community,
Happy November! I would like to start this month by saying I am thankful to be the principal of the best elementary school in Gwinnett. I am grateful for your support and the effort our students display each and every day. Tuesday is our second Digital Learning Day of the year. Students will complete digital assignments from home. I hope to see you all at Chick-fil-A from 5-7 PM on Thursday. The school receives part of the proceeds - don't forget to say you are from Head ES! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and don't forget to set your clocks back one hour on Sunday!
PTA News You Can Use
Many Thanks!
Thank you for your generous donations to our clinic supply and food drive this week! We received many much needed supplies for the clinic and were able to donate 585 food items to help support local families.
It's Yearbook time again! Go ahead and purchase this year's yearbook BEFORE October 31, and you'll get 10% off your purchase. You can create your custom pages at a later date, but just lock in a lower price while you can! Use this link to purchase https://www.treering.com/purchase?PassCode=1015986428003405
Also, any photos you take while you're at the school, in your student's class, or on a field trip, please send them to rdyearbook@gmail.com It's nice to include as much school fun as we can!
Available to Help? We Need You!
Use the link below to volunteer during the Holiday Shop. Thanks in advance for the assistance you provide to our PTA.
Picture Retakes/Make Up Day
This event will coincide with Family Learning Night.
Attention 4th and 5th Graders
This year, our classroom spelling bees will be held during the month of November prior to Thursday, Nov. 21st.
Here is the list of study words:
Classroom Bees will use words from the first two pages.
The Schoolwide Bee will have words from the remainer of the pages.
The top two students from each 4th and 5th grade class will compete in the Schoolwide Bee on Fri., Dec. 6th.
The All Pro Dad sign up will be sent out next week.
This month's meeting will be recorded.
Connecting With the Community
Brookwood Cheerleading's Cheerleader for a Day
When: Friday, December 13, 2024
Check in at 5:15 PM in the BHS Band Room (F hall; doors next to the tennis courts will be open)
Pick Up: 7:45 PM in the hallway outside of the maroon gym (after the start of the Varsity Boys game!)
What: The cheerleaders will learn a chant and dance from the BHS cheerleaders and perform between the Varsity basketball games.
They will have dinner and get a bow to wear for the performance!
Who: Students in grades K-8th. Wear a black Bronco spirit shirt or just plain black with black shorts/leggings.
How: Fill out this form (link below). Bring a copy of insurance and $25.00 (cash/check to BCBC) the day of.
Contact: Emma.Towey@gcpsk12.org with any questions!
Bronco Youth Wrestling Club 2nd -8th grade
BHS Feeder Program
Registration is open. Practice begins Nov 5th.
For more information scan QR code or visit www.brookwoodwrestling.com
Book it for the bus! The GCPS Book Mobile 5K and Fun Run will be held on Saturday, November 2, at the GCPS Instructional Support Center, located at 437 Old Peachtree Road, NW, in Suwanee.
This Book Mobile 5K and Fun Run will raise funds to purchase new books for the Book Mobile program, putting books in students’ hands. A family-friendly atmosphere before and after the race features door prizes, snacks, music, and more!
Learn more and find a link to register here: https://bit.ly/3XjEvhw
Looking AHEAD
Upcoming Events
11/3 - Daylight Savings Time Ends
11/5 - Digital Learning Day/Election Day
11/6 - Boy Scouts Round Up at 6:30 in the Head Cafeteria
11/7 - Chick-fil-A Night 5:00-7:00 PM
11/11 - Wear Red, White & Blue
11/13 - All Pro Dads at 7:15 AM
11/14 - Picture Retake Day
11/14 - School Council at 6:00 PM
11/16 - Holiday Shop 10:00-3:00 in the Gym