Tiger Tracks
September 2024

September Edition
Admin Announcements
Drill Safety
At Ringgold Primary School, the safety and well-being of our students is our top priority. To ensure that we are well-prepared for various emergency situations, we conduct several types of safety drills throughout the school year. So far this year we have practiced a fire drill, and our next scheduled drill to practice is the intruder drill. We believe it is important for you to be informed about these drills so you can support our efforts and discuss them with your children if needed. Below are the types of drills we conduct:
1. Fire Drills
2. Intruder Drills
3. Severe Weather Drills
We understand that discussions about safety drills can sometimes be unsettling for children. We strive to approach these drills with sensitivity and reassurance, focusing on the importance of being prepared rather than on fear. Our goal is to create a safe and supportive environment where students feel confident and secure.
If you have any questions or concerns about these drills, or if you would like more information on how to discuss them with your child, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We appreciate your support in reinforcing the importance of these safety practices at home.
Thank you for your continued partnership in ensuring the safety of our school community.
Upcoming Events
RPS Penny Drive
Fundraiser for the CIS Duck Derby!
Cold Ice and Critters
In house Field Trip
RPS Spirit Night
Orientation & FAST Night
Make plans to come to Orientation & FAST night.
Meet in your child's classroom to learn about our FAST meetings and your child's day to day!
We will start promptly at 6:00pm as there will be a lot of information to talk about.
We hope to see you there!
Booster Fun Run!!
The Booster Fun Run Event will be held on September 18th. Each grade level will have a certain time to fun during the day. Make sure you have registered your child and created a log in so you can start fundraising for this event. Prizes will be handed out during the coming weeks.
We need volunteers to help on this day as well. If you are interested, click the link to sign up!
Grandparents Day
Preschool, PreK, Kindergarten
Times for AM grades
Teachers will send home a RSVP form.
Please return by September 12th.
First & Second grade
Title 1 Parent Engagement
Thank you to all that came to the Volunteer Orientation in August. If you missed it, the information is posted on our website under the Title 1 tab. Be sure to check it out!
The Parent Resource Room is available for you to visit during school hours, Monday-Friday. Stop in to help with preparing materials for teachers or grab some resources on several different parenting topics. Room 804 welcomes you to come visit!
Parents are invited to attend the Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Meeting on September 24th at 1:00pm. This required Title 1 meeting will be held together with RES in the RES Family Resource Room (203).
We look forward to seeing you!
Volunteer Opportunities:
Sign up to help at the Booster Fun Run HERE!
Book Fair
Cold Ice and Critters
Tracy Wilson, Parent Involvement twilson.rps@catoosa.k12.ga.us
Music Notes
Join us for the First Grade Christmas Concert on December 9th at 6:00pm.
This is a public concert and will be held at Rockbridge Church in Ringgold.
Library Lessons
Mark your calendar for the Book Fair!
More information will be posted on Dojo and sent home soon.
Gym Chat
Make sure to wear the appropriate shows on P.E. days!
Coach Mc.
Let's Talk Lunch
You can apply for free or reduced lunch by using this link: www.lunchapplication.com
Make sure to put money on your child's meal account. You can use this link:https://www.k12paymentcenter.com/ or send in a check to your child's teacher.
Notes from the Nurse
The Vision Hearing screening will be held October 8-9th. All of 1st grade will be screened. Kindergarten and 2nd grade screened upon request. If you would like to help volunteer to help, email twilson.rps@catoosa.k12.ga.us
If you have further questions, email Nurse Lunn at mlunn.rps@catoosa.k12.ga.us
Counselor Corner
Character Education Trait
- Character Education Trait for September is RESPONSIBILITY- taking care of one’s self and others; to carry out a duty or task carefully and thoroughly.
Introduction to the School Counselor
- Welcome to RPS! I am excited about this school year and the opportunities it offers in working
with your child. As a school counselor, I am an educator trained in school counseling, just as
other educators are trained in math, science, or language arts. My job at RPS is to develop and
implement a comprehensive school counseling program designed to meet the needs of every
student. School counselors work to help all students develop personal/social skills, academic
skills, and career skills that will aid them throughout their educational career and in life. I am
here to help and support you and your family. You may refer your child when you see a need. I
am always glad to talk with you and discuss the counseling program further or any areas of
Connect with Us!
Whitney Hood, Principal
Michele Cribb, Assistant Principal