Board Report
December 4, 2024
All League Football Selections:
Max Bottorff - 1st team Offensive Specialist
Max Bottorff - 1st team Defensive Specialist
Kannon Crossland - 2nd Team Offensive Specialist
Nathan Palmer - Honorable Mention Offense
Caden Behrnes - Honorable Mention Defense
HS Dance Team - II Rating at the Holton Spirit and Dance Competition and the team received the KSHSAA Spirit of Integrity Award.
NEK League High School Updates
December Meeting Update:
NEK held their December Meeting on December 4, 2024. Here are some updates and changes.
1) Due to Parent/Teacher conferences being held ACCHS there was concern about getting workers and other conflicts with conferences being held in the building on the same day as hosting the NEK Wrestling Tournament. Lots of discussion was held about changing the date or location of the NEKL Wrestling Meet on February 13th. The League voted to move the Boys League Meet to Riverside for this year and next year ACCHS will hold the boys league meet. The Girls meet will remain at ACCHS this year and then be held at Riverside for next year.
2) The League moved to increase the officials pay for varsity and JV volleyball matches by $5.00. So instead of $40 per match for varsity it will be $45 and instead of $35 for JV it will be $40 per match for the 2025 season.
3) It was decided as a league that the last scheduled games of this season will be moved to account for the new post season and team records needing to be submitted by February 22nd. For us that meant moving the game with Maur Hill Mount Academy from February 25th to a new date. After looking at the calender with the AD from MHMA, the new date for this game will be Monday, February 10th beginning at 4:00pm.
4) With KSHSAA coming out with a rule change allowing the 2025-2026 Basketball season to move from 20 games to 23, we have picked up additional games with Jackson Heights, McLouth, and Riverside. With an already jam packed schedule as it is, we as a league realized this means potentially having to play three games a week some week, or playing Wednesday nights, or event Saturdays in order to get those three games in.
For the 2025-2026 season we will be playing Riverside on Saturday December 6th, McLouth on Monday, January 5th, and Jackson Heights on Monday, February 2nd.
5) The League proposal to KSHSAA asking for moving up the 2025-2026 Basketball season by three days to help allow for additional games or the addition of a NEK Pre-Season League Tournament in the 2026-2027 season was approved by the League with the support of the TVL and the Big East Leagues. This proposal will now be submitted to KSHSAA for consideration in the spring.
NEKL League Middle School Updates
The December meeting the NEKL Middle School League took place on December 4, 2024. Here are some changes and updates that were made.
1) League voted to separate out the Handbook and the Constitution from the High School in order to make making changes easier on both the High School and the Middle School.
2) The League voted to make JH Boys and Girls Wrestling as a League sanctioned activity.
3) There was a great deal of discussion about following the surrounding leagues and separating out the JH girls Wrestling season so that it follows the boys JH Basketball season. The JH boys Wrestling season would stay where it is. This would allow JH girls to be able to do both JH basketball and JH Wrestling. The TVL and Big East have already made this change and are having their JH Girls Wrestling in January and February. The League would like each AD to get input from their coaches and board about this idea. The plan is to vote on this at the February League Meeting.
4) There was lots of discussion about the JH Football season with some of the schools being able to play 11 man while other schools can only play 8 man. Three ADs are going to create three football scenario schedules and bring to the February meeting for a decision to be made.
Facilities and Equipment Upgrades - Short Term
1) Both new wrestling mats have been delivered. We have sold one of the old mats already and are looking at selling the other two old mats.
Facilities and Equipment Upgrades - Long Term
1) Football Stadium Bleachers - at two home football games (this year and last year) we had people fall through the bleachers and had to fix with temporary boards while the games were going on. The bleachers need to be replaced.
2) Track - Our track has been unusable for hosting track meets several years now and is only getting worse. With the track being used by community members, elementary students as well as JSH students for PE and other activities, and the track teams, there needs to be some concern about injuries taking place on the cracked and peeling track.
3) Baseball/Softball Upgrades:
- Curtain or drop down batting cages to go in the new addition multipurpose room
- Fix or purchase new netting for the outdoor batting cage
- Orange and Black Padding with Tiger Logo along the backstops of softball & baseball fields
- New sets of bases are needed for both fields
Gold Sponsors:
L & L Construction
Bottorff Construction
Thrivent - Pat and Jennifer Maxwell
Mill Iron V
HB Custom Printing
Martin Trash
Silver Sponsors:
Ag Risk Solutions
Exchange Bank
Martin Construction
Rubble Reprocessing
Advanced Hydraulic Supply
Bronze Sponsor:
Thrivent - Ben Hawk (New Sponsor added)
Black Level Sponsors:
Frontier Credit Union
Orange Level Sponsors:
Holton Livestock Exchange
Mueller's Locker Room
Kearney Construction
Foster Ford - Holton
Lewis Chevrolet - Atchison Auto Plaza
Pierce Heating and Cooling
GN Bank - Horton
Kex Rx - Atchison
5th Quarter Sponsors:
Mill Iron V